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1. It can be said that shutting - in a well promptly is one of the most important duties of
a Driller. Any delay may make the well potentially more difficult to kill. From the list
of practices shown below, tick the most likely to lead to an increase in the size of the
influx. (Select six answers)

a. Regular briefing for the crew on their duties

b. Switching off the flow meter alarms
c. Drilling a further 15 feet before making a flow check on a drilling break
d. Running regular pit drills for drill crew.
e. Not holding down Master Air Valve on remote control panel while operating a BOP
stack function
f. Testing inside BOP during BOP pressure test.
g. Excluding the draw-works from the SCR assignment.
h. Keeping air pressure on choke control console at 10 psi.
i. Calling tool pusher to derrick-floor prior to shutting in the well.
j. Maintaining stab-in valves.

2. Indicate the practice that will increase the Bottom Hole pressure when a well is being

a. Increasing pump rate whilst maintaining drill pipe pressure constant.

b. Maintaining the drill pipe constant whilst increasing the pump speed to kill rate.
c. Maintaining constant circulating casing pressure while bringing gas bubble to
d. Maintaining constant drill pipe pressure while kill fluid is filling the drill string.

3. To find ICP on a land rig or a jack-up rig, if slow rate circulating pressure is not
known and a kick has been taken:

a. Circulate at desired strokes per minute to circulate out the kick, but hold 200 psi back
pressure on drill pipe side with the choke.
b. Add 400 psi to casing pressure and bring pump up to kill rate while using the choke
to keep the casing pressure + 400 psi constant.
c. Bring pump speed up to kill rate while keeping casing pressure constant. This
circulating pressure equals the ICP.
d. Add 1000 psi to shut in drill pipe pressure and circulate out the kick.

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-1


4. The most important reason for knowing the location of the influx in annulus is:

a. Because the most critical time during a kill operation is when the gas bubble is
approaching the shoe and we want to make sure no extra pressure is being held.
b. Because we want to make sure the constant drill pipe method is being followed.
c. Because the drill pipe pressure has to be adjusted according to the bubble position.
d. Because the casing pressure has to be adjusted according to the bubble position.

5. Which of the following kill method will minimize the risk of losses at the shoe in a
vertical well with a long open hole section?

a. Volumetric method
b. Wait and Weight method
c. Driller’s method
d. Bull heading

6. While circulating kill mud at FCP, pump pressure dropped by 150 psi, which of the
following is correct:

a. Continue circulating and observe pressure.

b. Continue pumping and the pressure continues to decrease assume there is a wash
out in the string.
c. Stop circulating, check pump and surface line for a leak. If no leak is found at surface
continue circulating at FCP and if pressure has stabilized assume a bit nozzle has
blown out.

7. The Driller’s method is going to be used to kill a well. Which procedure is correct to
follow on the second circulation?

a. Displace the drill string with kill fluid density while maintaining constant casing
pressure, then displace the annulus to kill fluid density maintaining constant drill pipe
b. Displace the drill string and annulus to kill fluid density while maintaining constant
casing pressure.
c. Displace the drill string and annulus to kill fluid density while maintaining the initial
circulating pressure.

8. The Driller’s method was used to kill a well. Kill pump rate was 30 SPM giving 2.8
bbl./minute. Standpipe pressure reading was 900 psi. Then the pump started to
leak and the choke operator maintained the drill pipe on 900 psi? How was the
bottom hole pressure affected by this?

a. Increased. b. Decreased. c. Remained constant.

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-2

9. How will the MAASP value behave while bringing the kick from casing shoe up to
below the BOP?

a. The MAASP value will stay unchanged

b. The MAASP value will increase
c. The MASSP value will decrease.

10. Which option is correct with respect to SICP after a kick?

a. Is used to determine the required pump rate.

b. Is used to determine the required kill fluid density
c. Is used to establish the value of the initial circulating pressure at required pump rate.

11. After pulling out 20 stands, well was shut – in due to self-flow. It was observed SICP
& SIDPP both were same to 200 psi. Which one of the following actions should be

a. Increase the drilling fluid density to overcome 200 psi SIDP and circulate out the kick
using the wait and weight method.
b. Strip the string back to bottom using stripping and volumetric method, then circulate
the influx out using driller’s method.
c. Circulate the kick out using the driller’s method holding drill pipe pressure constant at
initial circulating pressure.

12. Well killing is going on with W & W method. The recorded information are:

SIDP - 500 psi,

SICP - 650 psi,
String capacity: 1200 strokes
KRP @ 30 SPM: 350 psi
MW used before kick: 10.7 ppg

700 strokes into the kill the drill pipe pressure starts to fluctuate & then drop
gradually and the supervisor gradually closes the choke to hold drill pipe as per step
down schedule. The pump man informs the driller that one of the valves on pump is
leaking & mud is splashing.

What will be the effect of this situation on BHP?

a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Stays the same.
Rotary Drilling 2019 2-3

13. While circulating out a kick, the choke line between the hydraulic side outlet valve
and the choke manifold breaks. What action should be taken?

a. Stop the pumps and close the SBR.

b. Stop the pump and close in on the choke.
c. Stop the pump, and then close the hydraulic valve on the BOP side outlet.
d. Stop the pumps and re-route through the kill line.
e. Continue whilst holding the correct drill pipe pressure utilizing manual valve on the
BOP side outlet.

14. The Driller’s method can be implemented by maintaining either constant drill pipe
pressure or constant casing pressure at different stages of the two circulations.
State which pressure (drill pipe or casing) should be held constant in each case

a. During the first cycle ----------------------

b. While pumping kill mud from surface to bit ---------------------------

c. While changing the pump speed for any reason -----------------------------

15. When using the Driller’s method, what will happen to the casing pressure when
pumping kill mud to the bit (No influx in the annulus)?

a. It will increase
b. It will remain constant
c. It will decrease
d. It is impossible to say

16. Driller’s method is going to be used to kill a well. Which procedure is correct to
follow on the first circulation?

a. Displace the annulus to original drilling fluid density maintaining the ICP.
b. Displace the annulus to original drilling fluid density following a pre-calculated drill
pipe pressure schedule.
c. Displace the annulus to original drilling fluid density maintaining constant casing

17. During well killing by W & W method, what would happen to BHP when the first
increment of heavy mud is displaced into drill collar annulus?

a. Increases b. Decreases c. stays the same

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-4

18. During the first circulation of Driller’s method, the choke operator maintains casing
pressure constant. What will happen to BHP?

a. Increases b. Remains the same c. Decreases

19. When a gas kick is being circulated out of the well through a choke line, what will
happen to pit level of active tank at surface?

a. Increases b. Remains the same c. Decreases

20. While making a connection, the driller closed the well in due to an abnormally long
flow back time. The stabilized surface pressure was equal at 200 psi on the drill pipe
and annulus. You suspect the situation is the result of a ballooning formation. How
will you verify it is ballooning?

a. Open the BOP and drill ahead but watch the pit volume closely.
b. Circulate bottoms up at a reduced rate through the remote choke.
c. Open the BOP and observe the flow line for a decrease in flow.
d. Continue drilling and monitor for decreasing trend in flow back time.

21. The bit is 700 ft off bottom at the time of tripping and it was confirmed from trip sheet
that an influx had been swabbed into the well. It was decided to strip back to bottom.
When bit was strip back to bottom, it was possible to read SIDP & SICP. How this
pressure would behave?

a. SICP will be greater than SIDP

b. SICP will be less than SIDP
c. SICP & SIDP would be equal
d. SIDP will be zero but SICP will be higher than the value recorded before
commencing stripping.

22. Which statement is correct when comparing Driller’s method with W& W method?

a. The Driller’s method gives a lower choke pressure than Wait and Weight method.
b. The Wait and Weight removes the influx from the well quicker than the Driller’s
c. The Driller’s method removes the influx from the well quicker than the Wait and
Weight method.
d. The Driller’s method kill the well quicker than the Wait and Weight method.

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-5


23. Well killing is going on by Driller’s method at 30 SPM and FCP of 200 psi has been
reached, what effect would an increase in pump strokes from 30 to 35 SPM have on
BHP if the D/P pressure was held constant at the FCP value for 30 SPM?

a. An increase of 73 psi to the bottom hole pressure.

b. A decrease of 73 psi from the bottom hole pressure
c. Bottom hole pressure will remain constant.
d. About 300 psi would be added to bottom hole pressure.

24. At which point is Final circulating pressure (FCP) is reached, while displacing the
well with the kill fluid during second circulation of the Driller’s Method?

a. After kill mud reaches the bit.

b. When kill mud reaches the casing shoe.
c. Once the influx is circulated out of the hole
d. When the kill mud is pumped down the drill string.

25. What happens to the casing pressure when the Driller’s method is used and drill
string is being filled with kill fluid?

a. Increase and then decrease.

b. Constant
c. Increases
d. Decreases

26. A well kicks during pulling out and the well is shut in. Following are the recorded
TVD of the well : 11000ft
Total string volume: 1867 Strokes
Total annulus volume: 11295 Strokes
OH x DC capacity: 0.02914 bbl/ft
BHA Length: 700 Ft
Pump output: 0.0923 bbl/stroke
Pit gain: 7 bbl
Density of the drilling fluid in the well when the kick was taken: 11.5 ppg
SIDP: 640 psi
SICP: 640 psi
Bit is at 450 ft from bottom

What kill fluid density is required to bring the well back into primary control?

Answer: --------------------ppg

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-6


27. After getting a kick , the well is shut in and the following data are valid?
Surface to Bit Strokes=1,110 Stks, Bit to Shoe Strokes=1,414 Stks
Bit to Surface Strokes = 3450 Stks
SIDPP = 400 psi
SICP = 600 psi
Current mud weight = 10 ppg
MAASP = 1,200 psi
Which well control method will result the lowest surface circulating casing pressure
if the kill was carried out keeping BHP constant?

a. Driller’s method.
b. Wait and Weight method
c. Concurrent method
d. Volumetric method
e. No difference between using driller’s method and wait and weight method

28. Based upon same information as above which well control method will result in the
lowest casing shoe pressure in this case?
a. Driller’s method.
b. Wait and Weight method
c. Concurrent method
d. Volumetric method
e. No difference between using driller’s method and wait and weight method

29. After starting a well kill, the remote choke becomes stuck in open position. What
action is required?

a. Decrease the pump rate to allow time to open the normal choke
b. Increase the pump rate to increase the annular friction losses.
c. Without stopping the pump, change over to the manual choke.
d. Stop the pump and close the valve upstream of the choke.

30. In Wait and Weight method the casing pressure should be kept constant during
second circulation.

True or False

31. In the Wait and Weight method, annulus pressure is lower than the Driller’s method.

True or False

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-7


32. In the Wait and Weight method there are less calculations compared to the Driller’s

True or False

33. During well killing by W &W method, Bottom hole pressure increases as kill fluid
moves down the drill string.

True or False

34. In Wait and Weight method the drill pipe pressure should read zero, after pumping
surface to bit strokes when the pump is stopped and the well is shut.

True or False

35. During well killing by W & W method, the pressure on the casing shoe will always
decrease as kill fluid is pumped down the drill string.

True or False

36. During well killing by W & W method, the pressure on the casing shoe decreases as
kill fluid moves up inside the casing.

True or False

37. If the drill string volume is less than the bit to shoe volume, the Wait & Weight is the
preferred method if MAASP is critical.

True or False

38. Only the Wait & Weight method maintains constant bottom hole pressure

True or False

39. Well killing is going on at 30 SPM by Driller’s Method. While killing the pump rate
is increased from 30 to 40 SPM holding casing pressure constant by adjusting
the choke. How will this change in pump speed affect the casing shoe pressure if
the influx is above the casing shoe? (Assume Annular friction pressure losses are

a. Casing shoe pressure will increase

b. Casing shoe pressure will decrease
c. Casing shoe pressure will remain constant

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-8


40. What would happen to “Pressure on the casing shoe” while the gas influx is below
the casing shoe?

a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Stay the same

41. How will the MAASP value behave when a gas kick is circulated up through the
annulus using the Driller’s method?

a. It will not change at all

b. When the gas enters the casing the MAASP value will decrease
c. When the gas enters the casing the MAASP value will increase
d. When the gas kick approaches the casing shoe the MAASP value will increase.

42. As gas is being circulated up the hole during a killing operation what is its effect on
the pressures at various locations?
Stays Initially increases, then
LOCATIONS Increases Decreases the decreases and then remains
same constant

Gas Bubble

Surface casing

Casing Shoe

Bottom Hole

At any point below

Gas Bubble

At any point above

Gas Bubble

43. During the second circulation of the Driller’s method the pump is shut down when
kill mud weight has been circulated to the bit. What should the casing pressure

a. The difference in hydrostatic pressure between KMW and OMW plus SICP.
b. Original SICP
c. Original SIDP
d. The difference in hydrostatic pressure between KMW and OMW minus SICP.
Rotary Drilling 2019 2-9

44. Why bottom hole pressure is maintained constant during a well kill?

a. To allow a high overbalance on the kicking formation

b. To keep circulating pressure constant as kill fluid is pumped to the bit.
c. To prevent a further influx or formation breakdown during the kill process.
d. To prevent the influx from expanding as it is circulated up the hole.

45. While drilling, the well started to flow and was closed in. The closed in pressure
indicated that the influx was gas. There was a long open hole section and the leak
off test had a low value. Which of the following methods should be used in order to
minimize the pressure that the well below the last casing will be subjected to?

a. Drillers method
b. Wait and weight method
c. Volumetric method

46. Which one of the below mentioned actions would not reduce the pressure on a weak
zone in a well with a long open hole section?

a. Using a slow pump rate of 30 SPM instead of 60 SPM to kill the well.
b. Minimise the amount of influx taken into the annulus
c. Using the Driller’s method to circulate out the influx and kill the well.
d. Using the Wait and Weight to circulate out the influx and kill the well

47. When a salt water kick is encountered, what will happen to casing pressure while
circulating out a kick keeping BHP constant?

a. Casing pressure will remain constant.

b. Casing pressure will increase as influx travel up the well bore.
c. Casing pressure will behave in same manner as the gas kick.
d. Casing pressure will change only when annular size changes.

48. Shortly after starting the first circulation of Driller’s method the drill pipe becomes
plugged and it was not possible to circulate or read the drill pipe pressure. There are
indications that the gas kick is migrating.
Which well control procedure should you apply?

a. Driller’s method
b. Wait and weight method
c. Volumetric method
d. Reverse circulation

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-10


49. Indicate the one situation when volumetric method is impossible?

a. No drill string in the well

b. Closed in pressure increasing due to gas migration
c. Wash out in the string is confirmed
d. No gas migration takes place

50. A well is being killed by Driller’s method. During the second circulation as kill mud
is pumped down the drill string, the casing pressure is kept constant at 400 psi with
a pump SPM 30. Exactly half way through displacing the drill string with kill mud,
the operator on the choke observes a sudden increase in casing pressure. He
immediately request the driller to shut down the pump & the valve upstream of
the choke is also closed. What is the minimum pressure required on the drill pipe
pressure gauge to maintain BHP?

a. 0 psi
b. 200 psi
c. 400 psi
d. Impossible to calculate

51. What will happen to bottom hole pressure when first circulation of Driller’s method is
started to kill the well without taking the surface line volume into consideration?

a. This will cause an underbalance

b. This will cause an overbalance
c. Bottom hole pressure will be unaffected and remain in balance
d. There will be an initial overbalance followed by a balanced condition.

52. The drill pipes are being stripped into the well with annular preventer closed.
Well Data:
Drill pipe capacity - 0.01778 bbls
Drill pipe steel displacement - 0.0082 bbls/ft
Length of each stand - 90 ft

a) How much mud is to be bled off after stripping one stand?

Ans. ----------------- bbls

b) How much mud is to be filled in pipe after stripping each stand?

Ans. ----------------bbls

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-11


53. During well killing operation, minor losses were observed. Which one of the
following action should be taken?

a. Increase pump speed & remote the influx

b. Decrease pump speed maintaining casing pressure constant
c. Continue killing operation with same pump speed
d. Mix and pump a weighted LCM
e. Reduce kill fluid viscosity
f. Stop circulation and close the well, let office people to come to take further

54. During well kill operation the drill string was displaced with kill mud at constant
pump rate. There is a sudden loss in Drill pipe pressure but no change in casing
pressure. The choke was closed to compensate the reduction in pressure. What
would be the effect on BHP?

a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Stay the same

55. While killing a well when would be the casing shoe pressure maximum?
(Select two answers)

a. Just after the well is shut – in & surface pressure have stabilized
b. When the gas reaches surface
c. When the gas top reaches the shoe
d. Stays the same throughout the kill operation.

56. The wait and weight method is going to be used to kill a well. Kill fluid is ready to be
pumped but it takes 10 bbl to fill the surface line. Which one of the action is correct

a. Convert 10 bbl into equivalent pump strokes and then add this stroke to the total
strokes to be pumped.
b. Convert 10 bbl into equivalent pump strokes and then subtract this stroke to the total
strokes to be pumped.
c. Reset the stroke counter to zero when kill fluid reaches the drill pipe.
d. Ignore the surface line volumes. It will not affect the drill pipe schedule.

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-12


57. Why monitoring of pit volume is required during a well kill operation?
(Select two Answers)

a. To maintain bottom hole pressure

b. To check for any mud loss.
c. To adjust drill pipe pressure
d. To follow the gas expansion
e. To maintain constant pump SPM

58. Before starting killing by Wait & Weight method, ICP was calculated to be 1100psi.
After bringing the pump to kill rate keeping casing pressure constant, the Drill Pipe
Pressure was found to be 1300 psi. What action should be taken?

a. Bring down Drill Pipe Pressure to 1100 psi.

b. Stop operation and change pump.
c. Re-calculate final circulating pressure and prepare graph based on actual Drill
Pipe Pressure Gauge reading.

59. A well is killed using the driller’s method.

Original shut in drill pipe pressure - 550 psi

Original shut in casing pressure - 950 psi
After the first circulation, the well is shut in and pressure allowed to stabilize. The
pressures then read:
Shut in drill pipe pressure - 550 psi
Shut in casing pressure - 700 psi
What is the current status of the well?

a. There is a trapped pressure on the annulus side that can be bleed off once pumps
are started.
b. Kill weight mud is causing a U-tube effect between the drill string and the annulus.
c. The kill weight mud has been pumped but was not sufficient to kill the well.
d. There is still a kick in the well, providing less hydrostatic on the annulus side of the

60. How many strokes are required for the second circulation of the Drillers method?

a. Drill string volume plus annulus volume.

b. Pit volume plus drill string volume plus annulus volume.
c. Annulus volume.
d. Drill string volume.

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-13


61. Which statement is true when using Driller’s method to kill the well?

a. By adjusting the choke, hold casing pressure constant when kill fluid is pumped from
bit to surface.
b. By adjusting the choke, hold drill pipe pressure constant when kill fluid is pumped
from surface to bit.
c. By adjusting the choke, hold drill pipe pressure constant while the pump is brought to
kill speed.
d. By adjusting the choke, hold casing pressure constant when kill fluid is pumped to

62. Indicate the practice that will increase bottom hole pressure when a well is being

a. Increasing pump rate while maintaining drill pipe pressure constant.

b. Maintain constant circulating casing pressure while bringing gas bubble to surface.
c. Maintain the drill pipe pressure constant while increasing the pump to kill rate.
d. Maintain constant drill pipe pressure while kill fluid is filling the drill string.
e. Maintain the casing pressure constant while increasing the pump speed to kill rate.

63. When bringing the pump upto a kill speed of 30 SPM the casing pressure is held
constant. However on reaching 30 SPM it is observed that the drill pipe pressure
gauge is 100 psi above the calculated initial circulating pressure. It was decided to
decrease the circulating drill pipe pressure to the calculated ICP by adjusting the
choke. What will happen to BHP?

a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Stay the same

64. A well is shut on a swabbed kick while pulling out of the hole. Both SIDPP and SICP
are reading 275 psi with 20 stands off bottom. Which of the following would be the
best course of action to be taken in order to bring the well back under primary well

a. Raise the mud density to overcome 275 psi SIDPP & circulate using W&W method
b. Strip back to bottom and then circulate the influx out using Driller’s Method
c. Circulate out the influx at SCR using Driller’s Method while keeping D/P Pressure

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-14


65. A well is drilled to 5000 ft TVD, due to coring program it is decided to pull out of hole
pumping 20 bbls of slug.
Well Data:
Mud in use : 10.8 ppg
Slug weight : 15.5 ppg
Drill string capacity : 0.0178 bbl/ft
Annular capacity : 0.0506 bbl/ft
i. Calculate drop of mud level in drill string

a. 489 ft
b. 172 ft
c. 1124 ft

ii. Calculate the increase in mud volume in trip tank after disconnecting

a. 8.70 bbls
b. 89.00 bbls
c. 13.93 bbls

iii. What is the effect on BHP due to level drop in drill pipe by slug effect?

a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Remain constant

iv. After pumping Slug; the pump is shut down and the well is shut in. What
pressure will you see on the casing pressure gauge if there is
no level drop in drill string?

a. 275 psi
b. 0 psi
c. 631 psi
d. 905 psi

v. Which one of the option is correctly stating the moment when the hydrostatic
bottom hole pressure start to increase?

a. When the beginning of the slug pill enters the annulus through the bit.
b. When the beginning of the slug pill enters the drill string.
c. When the end of the slug pill is displaced by the original drilling fluid in the drill string.
d. When the end of the slug pill has gone through the bit and is displaced in the
annulus by the original drilling fluid.
Rotary Drilling 2019 2-15

66. A Kick was encountered in a horizontal well while drilling a depth of 9,700 ft (MD).
Calculate the kill mud weight required to kill the well with following well data?

Mud in use = 10.4 ppg TVD kick off point = 1,100 ft
TVD end of build = 4, 300 ft MD end of build = 7,400 ft
MD casing shoe = 7,100 ft TVD at the time of kick = 5,100 ft
Stabilized SIDPP = 500 psi Stabilized SICP = 600 psi

a. 12.3 ppg
b. 12.63 ppg
c. 11.69 ppg
d. 12.2 ppg

67. In a well while lowering casing, 15 joints of 43 ft each were lowered without filling
mud. If the casing shoe fails, what will be the reduction in BHP with following data

Casing Capacity : 0.147 bbl/ft

Annular Capacity : 0.121 bbl/ft
Mud in use : 12 ppg
Well Depth : 8, 500 ft

a. 221 psi
b. 182 psi
c. 403 psi

68. State True/False

a. A larger pit gain result in higher SICP and higher SIDPP--------------

b. A larger pit gain will require a higher kill fluid density to kill the well-------
c. A larger pit gain result in higher SICP and higher well head pressures during the kill
operation --------
d. A larger pit gain will result in higher SICP and SIDPP, this will give a higher well
pressure and the result will be a higher kill fluid density ------.

69. What happens to the casing pressure when the Drillers method is used and the drill
string is being filled with kill fluid?

a. It increases and then decreases.

b. Constant.
c. Increases.
d. Decreases.

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-16


70. You are circulating kill mud to the bit with W & W method. The drill string is tapered.
Drill pipe length is 8000 ft with:

0-5000 ft is 6 5/8 inch drill pipe

5000-8000 ft is 5 inch drill pipe
Total strokes to bit = 2500 strokes ICP = 900 psi FCP = 500 psi

If the pressure step-down schedule is made based on 16 psi per 100 strokes
pumped, what will be effect on BHP after pumping kill mud down to the top of
5 inch drill pipe?

a. Bottom hole pressure will be too high

b. Bottom hole pressure will be lower than needed
c. bottom hole pressure will be correct

71. The kill rate is 40 spm and the circulating drill pipe pressure reads 700 psi. The
circulating casing pressure reads 1050 psi. At this stage the drilling supervisor
decided to decrease the pump rate to 30 spm while maintaining 1050 psi on the
casing pressure gauge. How would the bottom hole pressure be effected by
this practice; (neglect the dynamic pressure loss in the annulus)

a. Increase.
b. Decrease.
c. Stay unchanged.

72. A gas kick has been taken using oil based drilling fluid. The gas dissolves more
rapidly in oil base drilling fluid then in water base drilling fluid. How the casing
pressure will react once the bulk of the kick has passed the critical (bubble) point
when circulating the kick up the annulus.

a. Casing pressure will increase slower than in an equivalent situation with water base
b. Casing pressure will increase faster than in an equivalent situation with water base
c. Casing pressure will increase at the same rate as in an equivalent situation with
water base mud.

73. While circulating out kicks, mud pump fails. What should be first action to take?

a. Change over to another pump

b. Divert the well
c. Shut the well
d. Repair the pump as early as possible and use the same pump
Rotary Drilling 2019 2-17

74. What is the correct procedure to be followed in second cycle of driller’s method?

a. Displace drill string and annulus by kill fluid maintaining casing

pressure constant.
b. Displace drill string and annulus by kill fluid maintaining ICP constant.
c. Displace drill string to kill fluid density maintaining casing pressure constant then
displace the annulus to kill fluid density maintaining constant drill pipe pressure.

75. Kill mud is returning at the end of a kill operation on a surface stack rig. The well is
shut down but drill pipe and casing show 100 psi on the gauges. How would you
determine if the extra pressure is trapped” pressure?

a. Bleed off 50 psi at the choke then monitor pressure to see if it is static or builds back
up to 100 psi.
b. Bleed off 100 psi, open up the well and check for flow
c. Start circulating surface to bit strokes then shut down and recheck the pressure.
d. Increase mud weight by equivalent of 100 psi and circulate around the well.

76. A well kill operation is in progress. You are coming to the end of your shift, what
instruction would you give to your crew?

a. Instruct them to write down the key points of their hand over and hand over to the
new crew.
b. Instruct them to write down the key points of their handover and give to you. You will
pass them to the new driller.
c. Instruct them to write down the key points of their handover and to discuss each
point with their replacement.
d. Think about what you will tell your replacement at the end of shift.

77. How is lost circulation during well control operation usually detected?
(Select three answers)

a. Monitoring the flow line with the flow meter.

b. Monitoring the drilling fluid density.
c. Monitoring the trip tank level.
d. Monitoring the pump speed indicator.
e. Monitoring the drilling fluid volume in the drilling fluid tank.
f. Monitoring the annulus and drill pipe pressure against predicted values.
g. An unexpected requirement to close the choke to maintain the drill pipe pressure.

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-18


78. How can you tell the difference between a kick and a ballooning formation?

a. A ballooning formation will always result in a pit gain but not for a kick.
b. Cannot tell the difference between the two until you pump bottoms up.
c. If you bleed off some shut in pressure then shut the well back in, the pressure will
build back up with a kick, but not with ballooning.
d. There will be shut in pressure for a kick, no pressure for ballooning.

Rotary Drilling 2019 2-19

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