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Brand Management (MKT4203)

Submitted To:
Barnali Nandi
Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Submitted By:
Jubair Ahmad Ananta
Section: B
Batch: 2020
Department of Marketing
Bangladesh University of Professionals
Netflix as a Brand and it’s Brand Management............................................................................................1
Netflix’s Customer Based Brand Equity and Brand Positioning....................................................................2
Netflix’s Brand Resonance and Brand Value Chain......................................................................................4
Netflix’s Brand Elements to build Brand Equity...........................................................................................6
Netflix’s Marketing Program to build Brand Equity......................................................................................7
Netflix’s Secondary Brand Associations to build Brand Equity.....................................................................9
Netflix’s Brand Equity Measurement and Management System................................................................10
Netflix’s Capturing Market Performance...................................................................................................12

Netflix as a Brand and it’s Brand Management

Netflix is a well-established and highly recognizable brand in the global entertainment industry.
It is known for its streaming service, offering a vast library of TV shows, movies, and original
content to subscribers around the world. Netflix's brand is characterized by several key elements:
1. Simplicity and Accessibility: Netflix is synonymous with ease of access. It provides a
user-friendly platform that allows subscribers to stream content on various devices,
making it accessible and convenient.

2. Quality Content: Netflix is known for producing and acquiring high-quality content,
including critically acclaimed original series and films. The brand is associated with a
diverse range of content that caters to different tastes and demographics.

3. Innovation: Netflix has a reputation for being at the forefront of technological and
entertainment industry innovations. It was one of the first platforms to popularize online
streaming, and it continues to introduce new features and content delivery methods.

4. Personalization: The brand is built on its recommendation algorithm, which tailors

content suggestions to individual users. This personalization enhances the subscriber
experience and fosters brand loyalty.

5. Global Reach: Netflix is available in over 190 countries, making it a truly global brand.
This global presence contributes to its brand equity and allows it to connect with a wide
and diverse audience.
Netflix's brand management has been a critical factor in its success. Key components of Netflix's
brand management strategy include:
1. Content Investment: Netflix invests heavily in creating and acquiring content. Its
commitment to producing high-quality original content has not only set it apart from
competitors but has also shaped its brand identity as an innovative and content-rich

2. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Netflix uses data extensively to inform its content

strategy and personalized recommendations. This data-driven approach helps the brand
better understand its customers and tailor its offerings accordingly.

3. Global Expansion: Netflix's aggressive expansion into international markets is a core

aspect of its brand management. It adapts its content library and marketing efforts to cater
to diverse regions, languages, and cultures.

4. Customer-Centric Approach: Netflix places a strong emphasis on understanding and

meeting customer needs. The recommendation algorithm, user profiles, and personalized
interfaces are all designed to enhance the customer experience and build brand loyalty.

5. Marketing and Promotion: Netflix's marketing efforts focus on building anticipation

and excitement around its content. It leverages social media, partnerships, advertising
campaigns, and industry events to create brand awareness and engagement.

6. Original Content Strategy: Netflix's strategy of producing original content that

resonates with global audiences has been a crucial component of its brand management.
This approach has allowed Netflix to differentiate itself and create a strong brand

7. Inclusivity and Diversity: Netflix has been proactive in promoting inclusivity and
diversity in its content, casting, and storytelling. This aligns with its brand values and
resonates with a broader range of viewers.

8. Community Building: Netflix actively fosters a sense of community among its

subscribers through user-generated content, social media interactions, and events. This
community building enhances brand loyalty and encourages word-of-mouth marketing.

In summary, Netflix's brand is built on simplicity, accessibility, innovation, quality content, and
global reach. Its brand management strategy revolves around content investment, data-driven
decision-making, global expansion, customer-centricity, marketing and promotion, original
content, inclusivity, and community building. These elements have collectively contributed to
Netflix's strong brand equity and its position as a leading streaming service worldwide.
Netflix’s Customer Based Brand Equity and Brand Positioning

Netflix, a global streaming service, has built a strong customer-based brand equity and brand
positioning over the years. This can be attributed to several key factors:
1. Content Library: Netflix has invested heavily in creating a vast and diverse content library,
including original programming. This wide range of content caters to a broad audience, allowing
customers to find content that suits their preferences. This extensive library has contributed to
building a loyal customer base.
2. Original Content: Netflix is known for producing high-quality original content, including
popular series like "Stranger Things," "The Crown," and "House of Cards." This unique content
has helped differentiate Netflix from its competitors and has attracted subscribers who
specifically seek out Netflix originals.
3. Personalization: Netflix uses sophisticated algorithms and user data to recommend content to
its subscribers, creating a personalized viewing experience. This level of personalization
enhances the customer experience, making subscribers feel that Netflix understands their
preferences and provides tailored content.
4. User-Friendly Interface: Netflix's user interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate. This
simplicity makes it easy for customers to find and access content, contributing to a positive user
5. Continuous Innovation: Netflix is continuously innovating and adapting to changing market
trends. It was one of the first streaming services to offer offline downloads, and it is constantly
improving its technology and features to meet customer demands.
6. Global Presence: Netflix is available in over 190 countries, making it a global brand. This
global presence has allowed Netflix to reach a wide and diverse audience, enhancing its brand
recognition and equity on a global scale.
Brand Positioning:
Netflix's brand positioning can be summarized as follows:
 Quality Content Provider: Netflix positions itself as a provider of high-quality content,
both through its original programming and its extensive library of licensed content.

 Convenience and Accessibility: Netflix positions itself as a convenient and accessible

platform for streaming entertainment. It is available on a wide range of devices and can
be accessed from virtually anywhere with an internet connection.

 Personalization and Recommendation: The company emphasizes its ability to

recommend content tailored to individual user preferences, enhancing the customer
 Innovation: Netflix positions itself as an innovative company that adapts to changing
technology and market trends, staying at the forefront of the streaming industry.

 Global Reach: Netflix positions itself as a global brand, catering to audiences around the
world with a wide variety of content.

Overall, Netflix's strong customer-based brand equity and brand positioning have been built on
its content, personalization, innovation, and accessibility, making it one of the leading streaming
services globally.

Netflix’s Brand Resonance and Brand Value Chain

Netflix's brand resonance and brand value chain play crucial roles in its success as a global
streaming service. Let's delve into both of these concepts:

Brand Resonance:
Brand resonance is a measure of the depth and intensity of the relationship between a brand and
its customers. For Netflix, this concept is about creating a strong emotional connection and
loyalty among its subscribers. Several factors contribute to Netflix's brand resonance:
1. Content Quality: Netflix produces high-quality original content and secures popular
licensed content, creating a sense of trust and reliability among subscribers. When
customers consistently find content they enjoy, they develop a strong bond with the

2. Personalization: Netflix's recommendation algorithm ensures that subscribers have a

personalized and relevant content experience. This personal touch makes subscribers feel
understood and valued, which fosters brand loyalty.

3. Continuous Engagement: Frequent content updates, including new series and movies,
keep subscribers engaged. Binge-watching culture is also encouraged, which strengthens
the connection between users and the brand.

4. Community and Social Interaction: Netflix fosters a sense of community among

subscribers through features like user ratings and reviews. It encourages social
interactions and discussions about its content, enhancing brand resonance.

5. Global Reach: Netflix's availability in many countries allows it to connect with a diverse
global audience. This worldwide presence contributes to its brand resonance on a global
6. Brand Image and Values: Netflix is known for its commitment to diversity and
inclusion, social responsibility, and innovation. These values resonate with many of its
customers who share similar beliefs and principles.

Brand Value Chain:

The brand value chain is a framework that identifies the key activities and processes that create
and deliver value to customers. In the case of Netflix, the brand value chain can be summarized
as follows:
1. Marketing and Promotion: Netflix invests in marketing to acquire new subscribers and
promote its content. The platform creates anticipation and excitement around its original
programming, driving interest and demand.

2. Content Creation and Acquisition: A significant portion of Netflix's budget is allocated

to creating original content and securing licenses for existing content. This investment
ensures a diverse and compelling content library.

3. Technology and Innovation: Netflix constantly invests in technology and innovation to

enhance its streaming platform, ensuring high-quality streaming, personalization, and an
easy-to-navigate interface.

4. User Experience: Providing an exceptional user experience is vital. Netflix's intuitive

interface, personalization features, and seamless streaming contribute to customer

5. Subscriber Retention: Retaining existing subscribers is as important as acquiring new

ones. By consistently providing fresh and engaging content, Netflix keeps subscribers
loyal and encourages them to renew their subscriptions.

6. Global Expansion: Netflix's expansion into international markets is a significant aspect

of its value chain. By being available in numerous countries, it taps into a larger customer
base and maximizes its brand's global reach.

7. Community and Social Interaction: Features that encourage social interactions and
discussions about content enhance the value chain by fostering brand loyalty and word-
of-mouth promotion.

Both brand resonance and the brand value chain are interconnected, with each reinforcing the
other. Netflix's ability to maintain a strong brand resonance is partly due to its effective
management of the brand value chain, from content creation to user experience and global

Netflix’s Brand Elements to build Brand Equity

Brand elements are key components that help build brand equity by creating awareness,
recognition, and loyalty among consumers. For Netflix, several brand elements contribute to its
brand equity:
1. Brand Name: Netflix's name is simple, memorable, and reflective of its core service -
streaming the internet (Net) and a wide array of content (Flix). The name itself has
become synonymous with online streaming, which has helped build brand recognition
and awareness.

2. Logo and Icon: Netflix's distinctive red and black logo is instantly recognizable. The
letter "N" in the Netflix logo, which resembles a film reel, is an iconic representation of
the brand and its focus on content. The brand's use of the iconic "N" on app icons and
social media profiles reinforces its identity.

3. Tagline: "See what's next" is Netflix's tagline, which encapsulates its innovative and
forward-thinking approach to entertainment. This tagline communicates the idea that
Netflix offers fresh and exciting content, building anticipation and interest among

4. Sound Logo: Netflix has a distinctive sound logo, commonly referred to as the "Netflix
Bong." This sound plays when users open the app or website, creating a unique and
memorable audio identity that reinforces the brand.

5. Color Scheme: The combination of red and black is consistent across Netflix's branding,
creating a strong visual identity. These colors are often associated with excitement (red)
and sophistication (black).

6. Content Library: The extensive and diverse content library itself is a critical brand
element. Netflix's focus on original content and its ability to secure popular licensed
content has become a defining feature of the brand.

7. User Interface and User Experience: The user-friendly interface and personalized user
experience, including content recommendations, contribute to the overall brand equity. A
seamless and enjoyable experience keeps customers engaged and loyal.

8. Iconic Original Series and Movies: Hit original series and movies, such as "Stranger
Things," "The Witcher," and "Bird Box," are themselves brand elements. These titles
create anticipation, generate buzz, and drive subscriptions.

9. Global Reach: Netflix's availability in many countries is a brand element that

emphasizes its global presence. The platform's adaptability to various cultures and
languages contributes to its brand equity.
10. Social Media Presence: Netflix maintains an active and engaging presence on social
media platforms, interacting with subscribers and promoting its content. This presence
reinforces brand loyalty and word-of-mouth marketing.

11. User Profiles: Netflix allows multiple user profiles within a single account, allowing for
personalization and customization. This feature enhances the user experience and creates
a sense of belonging to the brand.

12. Recommendation Algorithm: The recommendation algorithm that suggests content

based on user preferences is a unique brand element. It showcases Netflix's commitment
to personalization and enhancing the user experience.

These brand elements, when managed effectively, have allowed Netflix to build strong brand
equity. They create a consistent and positive brand image, foster customer loyalty, and reinforce
Netflix's position as a leading global streaming service.

Netflix’s Marketing Program to Build Brand Equity

Netflix has implemented a comprehensive marketing program to build and sustain its brand
equity. This program is characterized by a combination of innovative strategies that have
contributed to its remarkable success. Here are some key aspects of Netflix's marketing program:
1. Content Promotion and Originals: Netflix heavily promotes its original content
through teaser trailers, posters, and social media campaigns. They generate buzz around
new releases and create anticipation among subscribers, which encourages people to sign
up for or maintain their subscriptions.

2. Content Personalization: Netflix uses its recommendation algorithm to tailor content

suggestions to individual users. This personalization creates a unique experience for each
subscriber, increasing engagement and satisfaction, which, in turn, builds brand loyalty.

3. Social Media Engagement: Netflix is active on various social media platforms,

including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. It uses these channels to engage with its
audience, share content updates, respond to customer inquiries, and run interactive
campaigns. This social media presence humanizes the brand and fosters a sense of
community among subscribers.

4. Email Marketing: Netflix leverages email marketing to inform subscribers about

upcoming releases, personalized recommendations, and other relevant information. This
keeps subscribers engaged and informed about the platform's offerings.

5. Partnerships and Collaborations: Netflix partners with various influencers, celebrities,

and content creators to promote its shows and movies. These partnerships expand its
reach and credibility, tapping into different fan bases and demographics.
6. Advertising Campaigns: Netflix runs advertising campaigns both online and offline. It
uses platforms like YouTube, billboards, and even traditional TV advertising to create
brand awareness and attract new subscribers.

7. Event Marketing: Netflix participates in major industry events like film festivals and
conventions to showcase its original content and interact with fans. This increases the
visibility of its brand and enhances its association with quality entertainment.

8. Cultural Relevance: Netflix stays culturally relevant by producing content that reflects
current social and political issues. This approach helps the brand resonate with a wide
range of viewers and positions it as a contemporary, forward-thinking entertainment

9. Global Expansion: As part of its marketing program, Netflix invests in global

expansion. Entering new markets and creating content tailored to different regions and
languages allows the brand to cater to diverse audiences worldwide.

10. Participatory Marketing: Netflix encourages user-generated content, such as reviews,

ratings, and discussions about its shows and movies on its platform. This participatory
marketing not only engages subscribers but also helps build a community around the

11. Customer Support and Service Quality: Netflix's customer support and high-quality
streaming experience contribute to positive word-of-mouth marketing, which, in turn,
builds brand equity. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend the service to

12. Awards and Critical Acclaim: Netflix's marketing program includes campaigns to
highlight its award-winning content. The recognition from prestigious awards, such as the
Emmys and Oscars, reinforces its brand's reputation for quality and originality.

Netflix's marketing program is dynamic and continually evolving, adapting to changing market
dynamics and consumer preferences. By focusing on content promotion, personalization,
engagement, and global expansion, Netflix has successfully built and maintained a strong brand
equity in the highly competitive streaming industry.

Netflix’s Secondary Brand Associations to build Brand Equity

Secondary brand associations refer to the connections a brand has with other entities, which can
help enhance or influence the brand's image and equity. Netflix has leveraged several secondary
brand associations to build and strengthen its brand equity. Here are some of the notable ones:
1. Content Creators and Celebrities: Netflix has established partnerships and
collaborations with prominent content creators, actors, directors, and producers. These
associations lend credibility to the brand and attract viewers interested in the work of
these individuals. For example, partnerships with notable directors like Martin Scorsese
and popular actors like Ryan Reynolds have created excitement and anticipation around
Netflix originals.

2. Film Festivals and Awards: Netflix has been actively participating in prestigious film
festivals, such as Cannes and Sundance. Winning awards at these festivals and receiving
nominations at major industry awards, including the Oscars and Emmys, contribute to
Netflix's image as a source of quality and critically acclaimed content. These accolades
strengthen the brand's reputation and attract viewers who appreciate award-winning

3. Influencers and Online Communities: Netflix collaborates with social media

influencers and content creators who have a strong online presence and a substantial
following. These partnerships help the brand tap into influencers' dedicated fan bases,
which can lead to increased brand awareness and positive associations among younger

4. Brands Featured in Content: Netflix features various real-world brands and products in
its original content. These placements serve as a form of product placement and can
create positive associations between the featured brands and the content they are
associated with, as well as with Netflix itself.

5. Partnerships with Other Brands: Netflix often partners with other brands to cross-
promote products or experiences. For example, it may collaborate with brands for
limited-edition merchandise or experiences related to popular shows or movies. These
partnerships create additional touchpoints for brand interaction and can enhance brand

6. Comic Books and Literature: Netflix's adaptation of comic books and novels into
original series and films has strengthened its brand equity by attracting fans of these
source materials. By faithfully adapting and promoting these works, Netflix gains the
loyalty and goodwill of existing fans.

7. Soundtracks and Music: The music and soundtracks used in Netflix's original content
have led to associations with the music industry. Soundtracks and original songs often
receive recognition, contributing to the brand's overall appeal.

8. Nonprofit and Social Causes: Netflix's involvement in supporting nonprofit

organizations and championing social causes, particularly through its content and
documentaries, has created positive associations with social responsibility and awareness.
This can resonate with viewers who are socially conscious.

9. Partnerships with Educational Institutions: Netflix has partnered with educational

institutions and programs to create learning resources and curriculum materials based on
its content. This establishes associations with education and can be appealing to
educators and students.

These secondary brand associations are strategic choices made by Netflix to extend its reach,
connect with diverse audiences, and strengthen its brand equity by leveraging the credibility,
popularity, and values associated with these entities.

Netflix’s Brand Equity Measurement and Management System

Netflix, like many successful brands, uses a combination of brand equity measurement and
management strategies to assess and enhance its brand equity. Here's an overview of how Netflix
measures and manages its brand equity:

Brand Equity Measurement:

1. Brand Tracking Studies: Netflix conducts regular brand tracking studies to assess
consumer perceptions, preferences, and loyalty. These studies measure key brand metrics
like brand awareness, brand associations, brand loyalty, and brand quality. The data
collected helps Netflix understand how its brand is perceived in the market.

2. Surveys and Customer Feedback: Netflix actively seeks customer feedback through
surveys, focus groups, and user reviews. Analyzing this feedback allows the company to
gauge customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and monitor changes in
brand perception over time.

3. Net Promoter Score (NPS): Netflix uses NPS surveys to measure customer loyalty and
advocacy. By asking customers how likely they are to recommend Netflix to others, the
company can gauge the strength of its brand and customer satisfaction.

4. Content Performance Metrics: Netflix closely monitors the performance of its content,
tracking metrics like viewership, engagement, and audience retention. The success of its
original content is a significant indicator of brand strength and customer engagement.

5. Social Media Analytics: Netflix keeps a close eye on social media platforms to track
brand mentions, sentiment analysis, and customer engagement. Social media data
provides real-time insights into how the brand is perceived by the online community.

Brand Equity Management:

1. Content Strategy: A substantial part of Netflix's brand management involves its content
strategy. The company invests heavily in creating and acquiring high-quality content to
reinforce its image as a leading entertainment provider. This content includes original
series, movies, and documentaries.

2. Personalization: Netflix uses sophisticated algorithms to offer personalized content

recommendations to its users. This personalization enhances the user experience,
strengthens brand loyalty, and encourages continued subscription.

3. Global Expansion: Netflix's brand management includes an aggressive strategy for

global expansion. Adapting content to cater to diverse markets and languages is essential
for extending its brand reach.

4. Marketing and Promotion: Netflix runs extensive marketing campaigns to build

anticipation around new releases and original content. These campaigns use social media,
partnerships, influencer marketing, and traditional advertising to create brand awareness
and excitement.

5. User Interface and Experience: The user-friendly interface and seamless streaming
experience contribute to positive brand associations. Netflix continually improves its
technology and user interface to enhance the customer experience.

6. Community Building: Netflix fosters a sense of community among subscribers through

social features, such as user reviews, ratings, and discussion forums. This community-
building approach strengthens brand loyalty.

7. Inclusivity and Diversity: Netflix actively promotes inclusivity and diversity in its
content, casting, and storytelling. This aligns with its brand values and resonates with a
broad range of viewers.

8. Customer Support and Service Quality: Maintaining high-quality customer service and
technical support is crucial to brand management. Satisfied customers are more likely to
recommend the service to others.

9. Innovation: Netflix emphasizes innovation by adopting new technologies and features.

Staying at the forefront of the streaming industry reinforces its brand image as a forward-
thinking entertainment provider.

In summary, Netflix's brand equity measurement involves the use of various research methods
and data sources to assess brand perception and customer satisfaction. The brand management
strategies focus on content, personalization, global expansion, marketing, user experience,
community building, inclusivity, customer support, and innovation. These elements collectively
contribute to building and maintaining Netflix's strong brand equity in the highly competitive
streaming industry.
Netflix’s Capturing Market Performance

Capturing market performance is a critical aspect of any company's growth and success, and
Netflix has employed several strategies to capture and maintain a strong position in the streaming
industry. Here are key elements of Netflix's approach to capturing market performance:
1. Content Investment: Netflix has been consistently investing in creating and acquiring a
vast library of content, including original series, films, documentaries, and licensed
content. This extensive content library is designed to appeal to a wide range of audiences,
from different genres and demographics, ensuring it captures a significant market share.

2. Original Content Production: One of Netflix's key strategies is the production of

original content. The company has invested heavily in producing high-quality series and
movies, attracting top talent in the industry. This approach differentiates Netflix from its
competitors and helps capture viewers who seek exclusive and unique content.

3. Global Expansion: Netflix has aggressively expanded its global presence, making its
service available in over 190 countries. This extensive international reach allows Netflix
to capture diverse markets and demographics, ensuring a broad subscriber base.

4. Localized Content: To capture specific regional markets, Netflix has invested in creating
and acquiring content tailored to local audiences. This strategy helps the company
compete effectively in regions with strong local content preferences and cultural

5. User Experience: Netflix prioritizes user experience, focusing on ease of use,

personalization, and seamless streaming. A user-friendly interface and personalized
content recommendations ensure that it captures and retains customers who value
convenience and an enjoyable viewing experience.

6. Content Licensing and Partnerships: Netflix forms licensing agreements with major
studios and networks, securing popular licensed content. Additionally, it enters
partnerships with various production companies, creating synergy and capturing content
from a wide range of sources.

7. Pricing Strategies: Netflix offers multiple subscription plans at different price points,
allowing customers to choose the level of service that suits their budget and preferences.
Flexible pricing strategies make Netflix accessible to a broader audience.

8. Offline Viewing: Netflix introduced the option for offline downloads, which has been
particularly appealing to viewers in areas with limited internet connectivity. This feature
helps capture viewers who might not have access to streaming services otherwise.
9. Marketing and Promotion: Netflix runs extensive marketing campaigns to create
anticipation and excitement around new releases and original content. Partnerships with
influencers, advertising, and social media promotion contribute to capturing market

10. Innovation: Netflix continually innovates, adopting new technologies and features to
enhance the viewing experience. This approach ensures that it captures the interest of
tech-savvy viewers and remains competitive in a rapidly evolving industry.

11. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Netflix relies on data analytics to make informed

content decisions and personalize the user experience. Data-driven insights help capture
the attention of subscribers by offering content recommendations based on user

12. Customer Retention: In addition to capturing new subscribers, Netflix places a strong
focus on retaining existing customers. The quality of content, personalized
recommendations, and user experience are key factors in retaining a loyal customer base.

Netflix's ability to capture market performance is rooted in its comprehensive content strategy,
global expansion, user-centric approach, and innovation. By continuously adapting to changing
consumer preferences and market dynamics, Netflix has remained a dominant player in the
streaming industry.

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