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Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Assignment/Home Work#1, Fall 2023

Course Code CSE 2213 Course Title: Computer Architecture

Due Date: 23/7/2023 Full Marks: 10

ID: Name:

16 bits ALU in MIPS

In this assignment, you will implement a 16 bit ALU in MIPS with the following inputs
and outputs.

Wire Name Direction Bit Width

Input A Input 16
Input B Input 16
Select Input 3
Result Output 16
Zero Flag Overflow Output 1
Zero Flag Output 1

Fig 1: 16 Bit ALU Block Diagram

The eight functions that you will implement are: add, subtract, OR, AND, shift left logical, shift
right logical, and set less than. The ALU will perform the desired function on two 16-bit inputs
(X and Y, where x0 is the lowest order bit for x, y0 is the lowest order bit for y, etc...) and output
the result on the 16-bit Result bus. The function will be determined by the value of a control
signal (Select), as listed below.

Select Operation Result

000 OR X|Y
001 AND X&Y
010 ADD X+Y
011 SUB X-Y
100 SLL X<<4 (logically, don't sign
101 SRL X>>4 (logically, don't sign
111 SLT If(X>Y) result=1

Else result=0

Use some test cases to test your outputs.

 Design and Implementation‐ 5 Marks
 Viva‐ 3 Marks
 Evaluation(Test Cases)‐2 Marks

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