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Activity 1

GROUP 4(Vic, Cindy, Darlene)

FACT –1. Covid is caused by a virus

2.Covid is a communicable type of disease

IDEA - the cases of influenza-like symptoms diseases suddenly increase

CONCEPT – Covid virus can live in object surfaces like doorknobs, table, etc

ASSUMPTION – You can have a false positive antigen result, if you drink Gin hours prior to your test

HYPOTHESIS - Null – adequate sleep, proper diet, and vitamins supplements has no effect to covid
infection recovery

Alternative - adequate sleep, proper diet, and vitamins supplements has effect to
covid infection recovery

PHENOMENON – No. of nurses in hospitals infected by covid-19 increases significantly despite

following the infection protocol

THEORY – Henderson 14 fundamental needs – gaining independence in meeting 14 fundamental

needs. In relate to covid-19 infected patients these 14 fundamental needs are clearly affected and
nursing care as well as medical management are necessary to help patients attain their needs.

Theoretical framework

1.) Lewin’s theory of change in nursing

This theory is a method that explain how a given intervention or protocol is to an
institution(hospital) expected to lead to a specific development result, As related to
the covid-19 pandemic. 3 stages:
a. Unfreezing – change/application of health protocol related to covid-19
b. Change process – information dissemination, trainings,
c. Refreezing – strict implementation, organizational change
2.) Faye Abdellah: 21 nursing problems

the patients needs can also be viewed as a problems, the 21 nursing problems falls
into 3 categories: physical, social, and emotional, as we all know patient infected by
covid not only affected physically but social and emotional as well, prolonged
quarantine days and separation anxiety from loveones are also major concerns.

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