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Name: Hannah Jane T. Flores & Grade and Section: 11 - St.

Dathonie Jheo Lumagbas Date: November 22, 2023


Title of Speech Viewed: The skill of self-confidence

Name of Speaker: Dr. Ivan Joseph
Date of Presentation and Link: Date: January 14, 2012
The link:
Language Form: Formal Language
Duration of Interaction: 13 minutes and 20 seconds
Relationship of Speaker: Formal
Role and Responsibility of the Speaker: The speaker must talk formally and politely.
Message: The ability to have self-confidence is crucial not just in sports
but also in everyday life, as it has the power to completely
change our perspective towards life and personalities.
Type of Speech Delivered Used: Impromptu or memorized
Type of Speech According to Informative
Purpose Used:
Did the speaker use a Yes. Clearly, a microphone was required for each stage or
microphone? Why or why not? spokesperson so that the public could hear them loud and
Did the speaker maintain eye Yes, the speaker made eye contact with his audience
contact? Why or why not? from time to time. Because maintaining eye contact
with your audience promotes connection and
engagement while also demonstrating confidence and
honesty. It improves communication, fosters trust, and
assists you in gauging their reactions, making your
message more powerful and remembered.
Did the speaker use the volume The speaker controls the loudness of his voice expertly,
of his/ her voice well? Why or ensuring that it successfully resonates with the listener.
why not? A clear and audible voice is critical for maintaining
engagement and connection, allowing the message to
affect the listeners. The speaker improves the whole
communicating experience by prioritizing a hearable
voice, building a greater connection and
comprehension with the listener.
Did the speaker use pauses To keep the audience engaged, engaging speeches
well? Why or why not? demand a constant flow of fascinating themes. The
speaker intentionally minimizes pauses, ensuring a
smooth transition between interesting topics and
keeping listeners engaged. This dynamic method keeps
the audience's attention and allows the message to be
more successfully communicated.
Did the speaker pronounce Correctly pronouncing words is essential for
words correctly? Why or why developing confidence in public speaking.
not? Mispronunciation anxiety can lead to self-doubt and
impede effective communication. Overcoming this
problem requires regular practice of pronunciation,
sometimes with the use of language resources or peer
input. Arguing confidently improves the entire effect of
your speech, reinforcing the connection with your
Did the speaker avoid No, the speaker kept his movements in front of the
distracting movements? Why or why not? crowd under control. Distracting movements in public
why not? speaking can reduce the message's efficacy by
diverting the audience's attention away from the topic.
Such movements may cause discomfort or confusion,
impairing the speaker's ability to communicate
coherently. Maintaining a controlled and concentrated
manner assists the audience to better absorb the
material and improves the presentation's overall effect.

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