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W07 Application Activity Template: Peer Evaluation and Self-

Name: Click or tap here to enter your name.

Peer Evaluation
For this application activity, you are going to evaluate your peers’ participation in your
group. Think about each member of your group. Did everyone show up at the meeting?
Did they participate equally? Did everyone contribute ideas and thoughts? Now, take a
moment and think how each member of your group is also reflecting on your participation.
Do you feel like you did your best in your group?

In order to evaluate your peers for this assignment, imagine your group would receive 100
points for completing it. Based on your perception of the group work process and the load
each person carried, how would you divide up the points? Would you divide it equally or
were there members of the group that deserve more or less?

Step 1
Fill out the chart below listing the names of your group members and what portion of the
points you would give to each person. Remember that you have 100 points to divide
between all of your group members. Include yourself in the chart.

Group Member Amount of Points Reason

Step 2 Self-Assessment
Use complete sentences to answer the following self -assessment questions regarding your
own participation in the group.

1. Give at least one example of how you were actively involved in your live group
meeting and assignment completion.
Click here to write your response

2. Would you do anything differently the next time you are working on an assignment
in a group? Why or why not?
Click here to write your response

Step 3 Group Work Reflection

Answer the following questions to reflect on your experience with the live group meeting
and group project.

Each answer should use complete sentences and be at least 2-3 sentences in length.

1. What was your perception of group work before this assignment?

Click here to write your response

2. Did your perception change during the process? Why or why not?
Click here to write your response

3. Share at least one challenge your group faced and how you overcame that challenge.
Click here to write your response

4. Did your group use effective communication before and during your live meeting?
Why or why not?
Click here to write your response

5. What did you learn from this experience and how will it benefit you as you continue
your education?
Click here to write your response
Step 4
Save this document with your name in the filename, and follow the instructions in your
course to submit it for grading and feedback.

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