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Science Notebook Work-Grade 4

Air ,Water and Weather

Index Page

No Date Topic
1 Scientific Method
2 Plants-The Producers
3 Food-our basic needs
4 Teeth and digestive system
5 Air ,Water and Weather

Air ,Water and Weather

K-W-L Chart
Know Want to know learnt
• The sun and weather
• Land breeze and sea
• Evaporation and
• Purification of water
Pre -assessment

1. The Earth moves on its own axis is called____________.

2. The movement of Earth on its orbit is called ____________________.

3. The process by which water changes to water vapour when heated is called ____________.

Humidity The amount of water vapour in air.
Sea breeze A breeze blowing towards the land from the sea, especially
during the day time.
Land breeze A breeze blowing towards the sea from the land, especially
during the night time.
Sedimentation The process in which insoluble impurities present in a solution
settle down at the bottom.
Decantation After sedimentation, the process by which water is gently
poured out to another container.
Filtration The process of purifying water by passing it through a filter
Learning objectives:
• Define weather and explain about the wind blow.
• Explain the effects of sun on weather and seasons.
 During rotation the part of the Earth that faces the sun has day and the other part has night.

 During revolution, the part of the Earth facing the sun has longer and hotter days. So this part has
summer. The part of the Earth away from the sun has winter.

Land breeze and sea breeze

Learning objective:
 Identify two types of breeze.
 Analyse the causes of sea breeze and land breeze.
 Illustrate land breeze and sea breeze.
Diagrammatic representation of sea breeze and land breeze
Evaporation and Condensation
Learning objectives:
• Explain the forms of condensation and precipitation
• Investigate elements of the water cycle through relevant experiments.
Draw a mind map on forms of condensation and precipitation

Create a water cycle and label it using the vocabulary words

Purification of water
Learning objectives:
 Identify the classification of impurities.
 Identify and explain methods of removing impurities from water.
1. Sedimentation and Decantation
2. Filtration

3. Boiling: boiling water kills the germs in it.

4. Chlorination: in this process, chlorine is added to the water to kill germs.

Think and answer

1. Why morning and evening are cooler than noon time?
Ans: Mornings and evenings are cooler than noon time because sunrays are slanting in morning and
evenings. In noon time, the sun is overhead and sunrays fall directly on the earth.

Real life
1. The alarming rise in air pollution has caused changes in weather patterns. How can you
contribute to solve this problem?
Ans: Plant trees, minimize air pollution from cars, save energy, 3Rs method- reduce, recycle and reuse,
proper disposal of garbage, say no to plastic

Value based question.

List some actions that helps in water conservation.

ASSET based questions.

1. Answer the question based on the given figure. Arrow 1 represents_________

a. Land breeze
b. Sea breeze
c. Movement of water
d. Movement of soil

Home Assignment
Research on cloud seeding in the UAE

Class test
Rubric- Air, water and weather
I did it I tried I need to
Learning outcome

1 I can define weather and explain about the wind blow.

2 I can analyse the causes of sea breeze & Land breeze.
4 I can explain effects of sun on weather and seasons.
I can investigate elements of the water cycle through relevant
I can identify and explain methods of removing impurities
from water.

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