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UI Designers

UX Designers

Product Designers
Primary Focus
UI Designers
Visual design & interactions

UX Designers
User's experience & functionality

Product Designer
Entire product & user journey
Core Principle

UI Designers

Beauty & functionality

UX Designers

Usability & accessibility

Product Designer

Feasibility, viability, desirability

Research Focus
UI Designers
Aesthetics feedback

UX Designers
User needs, pain points

Product Designer
Market needs, competitor analysis
Design process
UI Designers
Designing an appealing and visually
pleasing interface

UX Designers
Designing a seamless user experience

Product Designers
Designing a complete product that
satisfies business goals and user needs
Examples of work
UI Designers
Creating a visually pleasing and intuitive
interface design for a mobile app

UX Designers
Conducting user research to understand
user needs and pain points, creating user
personas, designing user flows and
wireframes, conducting usability testing

Product Designers
Creating a complete product that fulfills
business objectives and user needs, such
as a website or a mobile app.
User empathy
UI Designers

Typically has less involvement in user

empathy compared to UX designers

UX Designers

Focuses heavily on understanding user

needs, behaviors, and pain points, and
using this understanding to inform design

Product Designers

Balances understanding user needs with

business objectives, and ensures the
product meets both
Design thinking
UI Designers
Applies design thinking principles to
create visually appealing interfaces

UX Designers
Applies design thinking principles to
create user-centered designs

Product Designers
Applies design thinking principles to
create user-centered designs that align
with business objectives
Problem solving
UI Designers
Focuses on solving visual design
problems and making the interface
visually appealing

UX Designers
Focuses on solving user problems and
making the user experience seamless and

Product Designers
Focuses on solving both user problems
and business problems, and ensuring the
product meets the needs of both
Stakeholder Interaction
UI Designers
Mostly with creative teams

UX Designers
Often with end-users

Product Designer
High interaction with business & tech
Champion For
UI Designers
Design consistency

UX Designers
User needs

Product Designer
Business growth & user satisfaction
UI Designers
Maintaining brand consistency

UX Designers
Addressing diverse user needs

Product Designer
Aligning user needs with business goals
Continuous Challenge
UI Designers
Staying updated with design trends

UX Designers
Balancing user needs with business

Product Designer
Juggling between user needs, business,
and technology
Frequent Frustration
UI Designers
Restricted creative freedom due to
brand guidelines

UX Designers
Limitations due to tech constraints

Product Designer
Balancing stakeholder expectations,
timeline constraints
Primary Concern
UI Designers
"Does it look good & intuitive?"

UX Designers
"Is it user-friendly & effective?"

Product Designer
"Does it meet business and user

UI Designers

Pixels, visual alignments

UX Designers

Time on task, error rates

Product Designer

Conversion rates, user retention

Outcome Measurement
UI Designers
Visual consistency, branding alignment,

UX Designers
User satisfaction, ease of use, reduced
user errors, successful task

Product Designers
Overall product success, user adoption,
market fit, business goals achievement.
Inspiration Sources
UI Designers
Dribbble, Behance

UX Designers
User stories, case studies

Product Designer
Market success stories, user feedback
Continuous Learning
UI Designers
Design trends, animations

UX Designers
New research methodologies

Product Designer
Industry trends, growth strategies
Career path
UI Designers

May have a background in graphic design

or visual arts

UX Designers

May have a background in psychology,

human-computer interaction, or
information architecture

Product Designers

May have a background in design,

business, or engineering
Soft Skills

UI Designers

Creativity, attention to detail

UX Designers

Empathy, active listening

Product Designer

Leadership, decision-making,

End Goal
UI Designers
"Makes things look good"

UX Designers
"Makes things user-friendly"

Product Designer
"Drives product vision and success"

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