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G. Pluvinage
Laboratoire de Fiabilite Mecanique
Universite de Metz-ENIM
METZ , France .


The notch effect in fracture is characterised by the fact that the critical gross stress of a
notched structure is less that the critical net stress which acts on the remaining ligament
area under the notch tip. The notch effect in fracture is sensitive to structure geometry,
scale effects and loading mode. This cannot be explained by the hot spot approach (i.e.
the value of the maximum stress) but can be by the volumetric approach . In this
approach we assume that the fracture process needs a physical volume in which acts an
average weighted stress. Two parameters are needed to describe the fracture criterion;
the effective distance which corresponds to the diameter of the fracture proce ss volume
assuming a cylindrical shape, and the effective stress. A procedure to determine the
effective distance from the value of the minimum of the relative stress gradient is
proposed and checked. The influence of notch radius on fracture toughness is described
in terms of the energy J parameter. The existence of a critical notch radius below which
the fracture toughness remains constant is verified.
The notch effect in fatigue is characterised by the fact that the notched specimen
Wohler curve is below the smooth specimen curve. For high cycle fatigue, the concept
of effect ive stress range is able to represent the notch influence . For low cycle fatigue ,
the description is done in terms of effective strain energy density.

1. Introduction

Structures exhibit inevitable geometric discontinuities which are generally called

notches. Such notches can be described by several geometric parameters; the notch
length "a" , the notch angle 'If , and the notch radius p.
The presence of a notch in a structure is more dangerou s than a simple reduction of
the net cross section . This effect is generally called the " fracture notch effect ''. This
can easily be seen on a critical global stress versus non dimensional defect size diagram.
This diagram is generally called the Feddersen's diagram (Figure I). Load transmission
through the remaining ligament of the specimen, without the stress concentration, leads
to a critical nominal stress equal to the material's ultimate strength. This leads to the
global critical stress, linearly decreasing with the flaw size a; according to:
G. Pluvinage and M. Gjonaj (eds.}, Notch Effects in Fatigue and Fracture, 1-22.
@ 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers . Printed in the Neth erlands.

Og = Rm. Il-alW) (1)

where Rm is the ultimate stress, "a" is the flaw size, and W is a specimen dimension.


O't: Cri ti ca I gross stress

/ 0': = RlIL. (1~W) smooth
1\.' C. .~
0' glafW.1 = OOIlS t n0 t ch
--....,.,,;;:;~====~~~~0'~g~1a"lllofW_= Crack

o 0.5 0.75 1
Figure J. Schematic representation of the notch effect in fracture on the Feddersen diagram.,

A crack, with a notch radius and a notch angle equal to zero, is the most dangerous
notch. In the case of brittle fracture, linear fracture mechanics shows that the product of
the critical global stress by the square root of the relative notch depth is equal to a
o g ValW = const

The harmfulness of a simple notch is less than that of a crack, and to take this into
account relationship (2) is modified
c ~
o glalw) = const

where ~ is a constant (0.5· ~. I ).

Quantitatively, the notch effect can be defined for any value of a/W as the value of
AA ' interval. You can notice that the notch effect doesn't exist for very small and very
large defects. It varies with the "a/W" value .
Notch effects in fatigue are characterised by the fact that the Wohler curve for a
notched components is below the Wohler curve for a smooth component, as shown in
Figure 2.

The notch effect in fatigue can be quantified by the fatigue strength reduction factor

k, INJ=-S~I/
~on IN J (4)
where /).0, and /).0n are respectively the stress ranges for smooth and notched specimens,
leading to the same number of cycles to failure.




IOq-- - -- --+---"-''----:----;F:'''_::::-:-7---+:--------l

fI smooth

• notched

I d-or-......................'"-Jr...............................--.;-...................................,-:-..........................
10 10 10 10 10 7

Figure 2. Wohler 's curves for smooth and notched specimens (Construction steel E 360).

The fatigue strength reduction factor varies with the number of cycle to failure as
can be seen from Figure 3. For low cycle fatigue the number is higher and near unity,
but for high cycle fatigue, the number goes asymptotically to the k, value. The fatigue
stress concentration factor is also a function of the notch radius. In the literature,
numerous empirical formulae exist for the determination of the fatigue strength
reduction factor (at endurance limit only), from the elastic stress concentration factor.
In fracture and fatigue, the majority of theoretical approaches use the assumption
that the notch effect results in a local maximal stress. This method is known as the "Hot
spot" approach. Several facts invalidate this assumption;
- The notch effect depends on the loading mode and specimen geometry for the
same maximum stress or stress range value.
- The position of maximum stress is not always at the notch tip and not always
connected with the point of fracture or fatigue initiation.

Fatigue strength reduction factor


2.5 !J

!J !J ( E 360 STEEL)

Elastic maximum localstress


Number of cycles

Figure 3. Variation of the fatigue strength factor with the number of cycles of fatigue life.

The hot spot approach cannot be applied to a fracture emanating from a crack in an
elastic case. Under these conditions, the crack leads to a stress singularity. Currently
there is a trend to make the assumption that fracture or fatigue, emanating from notches,
needs a process volume. This assumption leads to the "volumetric approach", which is
able to explain the above mentioned problems.

2. Stress distribution at a notch tip and the concept of notch stress intensity factor

Computation of the stress distribution has been made on the well-known Charpy
specimen for three particular types; Charpy V, Charpy U, and Schnadt specimens:

TABLE I : Geometric parameters of the notch of three Charpy specimens.

Specimen type notch radius p notch angle 'I' notch depth a
Charpy V 0.25mm 45° 2 mm
Charpy U I mm 00 5 mm
Schnadt 0.025 mm 45 0 2 mm

Assuming that the material is strain hardening and obeys to the following stress-
strain law:
(J = Ke (5)

where K is the strain hardening coefficient and n the strain hardening exponent (K =
737 MPa ; n =0.12).

Stress CJ (MPa)
700 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,
.. P=1500N ,



300 "-r--~

k a ,=
200 ,,
o 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
Distance (nun)

Figure 4. The stress distributions (for the stress normal to notch plane a,,) at the notch tip for the three types
of specimens (Charpy V, Charpy U and Schnadt) .

The stress distributions (for the stress normal to notch plane Oyy) at the notch tip for
the three types of specimens (Charpy V,U and Schnadt) are presented in Figure 4. We
observe that the maximum stress is highest for the Schnadt specimen which has the
highest acuity, and lowest for the U specimen, which has the greatest notch radius. The
position of this maximum stress moves far away from the notch tip when the notch
acuity decreases.
In this figure, we have reported the value of the elastoplastic stress concentration
factor k, , defined by the ratio of the maximum stress to the net stress for three loads:


We can notice that the elastoplastic stress concentration is higher when the notch radius
is smaller.
The stress distribution at the notch tip can be presented in another form. In a
logarithmic graph, we have plotted normal stress to the notch plane Oyy , versus "r" .

CC material
P = 13,1 KN


J ~--......_ _--~:"-_":""_---4---_--+-""'---.l
· 1.20 -0.90 -0.60 -0.30 0.00 0,30 0.60 0.90

Figure 5. Stress distribution at notch tip of a Charpy V specimen presented on a logarithmicgraph.

An example of such a diagram is given in Figure 5 for the Charpy V specimen

subjected to three points bending. This figure can be divided into four zones:
• zone I, very near the notch tip. The non-dimensional stress is practically
constant. Its value is k o Og and equal to where ko is the elastoplastic
stress concentration,
• zone II intermediate between zone I and III, just after the maximum stress
• zone III where this non-dimensional stress is a power function of the non-
dimensional distance,
o YY == C' [2:.1"0(\jf)
ON B] (7)

where C' is a constant, and a ('If) another constant, which is a function of the notch
• -zone IV far from the notch tip. In this region, the stress distribution has no
influence on fracture or fatigue process.

In region III the stress normal to the notch plane Oyy can be presented by a
relationship of the following form :

° YY = - -a
12no (8)

where Kp is the so-called "Notch Stress Intensity Factor (NSIF)"[l]. Region III can be
considered as a region of pseudo-singularity of stress.
Table 2 shows the differences between the stress intensity factor which characterises
the stress distribution at a crack tip, the notch stress intensity factor for a notch of
infinite acuity, and a simple notch.

TABLE 2. Different types of stress intensity factors.

Notch type crack Notch with Simple notch
infmite acuity
Notch geometry
Notch angle IJI IJI-O v- 0 v- 0
Notch radius p p-O p-O poO
Stress distribution singularity singularity Pseudo-
Stress distribution Stress intensity Notch stress Notch stress
parameter factor K, intensity factor intensity factor
K* KIl
* ex
Formula K)= lim nrtr K 1 = lim 21t
r --> 0
0, Kp= Oyy .l2rtrl
r --> 0

3. Local stress criterion for fracture emanating from notch

It is assumed that the fracture process needs a physical volume [2] [3]. This assumption
is supported by the fact that fracture resistance is affected by loading mode, structure
geometry, and the scale effect. The value of the "hot spot stress" (the maximum stress
value) is unable to explain the influence of these parameters on the fracture resistance.
We have to take into account the stress value and the stress gradient in the
neighbourhood of any point in the fracture process volume. This volume is assumed to
be quasi-cylindrical by analogy with the notch plastic zone, which has a similar shape.
The diameter of this cylinder is called the effective distance. In order to take into
account the neighbouring effect on the stress state in the fracture process volume, the
stress in any point inside the process zone is weighted in order to take into account the
distance from the notch tip and the relative stress gradient. The fracture stress can be
estimated by some average value of the weighted stresses

Log a

high pseudo-
stressed singularity
zone zone

log a

log r

Fracture process zone

Figure 6. Schematic presentation of a local stress criterion for fractureemanating fromnotches.

This leads to a local stress fracture criterion with two parameters : the effective
distance Xef and the effective stress a cr • A graphical representation of this local stress
fracture criterion is shown in Figure 6 where the stress normal to the notch plane is
plotted versus the distance, and the effective stress and distance are also shown. A
graphical procedure for the determination of Xef has been proposed [2]. It has been
observed that the effective distance is connected to the minimum of the relative stress
gradient Xdefined by:
1 OOyy
Oyy dr (9)
It can be easily shown that this distance corresponds to the beginning of the pseudo
stress singularity.
Charpy V notch specimens made from Cr Mo V steel (Yield stress 771 MPa) were
tested statically in bending at one selected temperature in the lower shelf region. The
tensile stress distribution at the notch has been calculated using FEM . A 2D model
under plane strain conditions was used for the elastic -plastic analysis.
The effective distance X er has been determined using normal stress distributions
below the notch root plotted on logarithmic scales. The relati ve stress gradient (equation
9) has been plotted on the same graph in order to obtain the effective distance exactly.
For a fracture load equal to 13.1 KN, the effective distance has been found to be equal
to Xer = 0,380 mm [4].

log o
, yy
..... 1t9""
Fe material
.~.~.:::.~~.::~.~.:~.~ .=.~.~<,_." , Pc = 13,1 KN "
\ r~ . . . .,....J\,,/,'J\rv\1 hll'l
\ V~..",
\ 'I~I
2,5 II
" -, 'I
'-, I
-, I

2 • 1
\,1 I
1,5 log X ef I
+-_ _ ~ __ ~_---<>-----::"""" _ _-+_ _-4-_ _ ~ _ _-1---1_-+-10
-1,1 -1 -0,4 -0,1 0,1 0,4 0,0

Figure 7. Stress distribu tion at the notch root together with relative stress gradient

versus distance from notch tip, for fine carbides erMoV rotor steel. Definition of the
effective distance as the distance of minimum relative stress gradient
The effective stress is defined as the average of the weighted stress inside the
fracture process zone:


where the weighted stress is given by :

0 ij = Oij .(I-xxl (II)

For this material the mean value of the effective stress is 1223 MPa which can be
compared to the average maximum local stress at fracture, 0max ' of 131O MPa.

4. Notch radius effect on fracture toughness

For non-linear behaviour, two energy based fracture criteria can be used; the critical
non-linear energy release rate of Liebowitz [5] (equation 12), and the energy parameter
J of Turner [6] (equation 13)

G _.!.. dUo l
B da (12)
J =ll . _0_1
B.b (13)

with b = W-a and U nl the non-linear work done for fracture.

Assuming that J Ie = G7c we have:

-aLnU ol
TJ= (14)
It is necessary to determine the variation of II as a function of depth and notch root
radius :

As did Turner [6], we assumed that the fracture toughness is proportional to the work
done for fracture per unit of the ligament area. The factor ll, which is the coefficient of
proportionality between these two parameters, is generally calculated from cracked
specimens (a, p = 0) and used in any experiment for different notch radii. The variation
of the fracture toughness J Ie • for different notch radii results only in this case from the
changes of the work done for fracture and the II value.
It is asserted that the existence of a finite acuity at the root notch causes a fictitious
increase in the value of toughness because additional energy is used for plastic
deformation in order to increase the stress concentration at the notch root to an
equivalent level at the crack tip. Also there is a critical radius above which this effect
appears to be questionable.
For this, a numerical calculation was carried out for two types of behaviour; linear
elastic and elasto-plastic . We used Charpy V specimens with various values of radii
between 0 and 2 mm. In the following, we will call the fracture toughness given from
notched specimen" apparent fracture toughness" , JIe'APP'
At fracture we have J = JIe•
JIe is defined only for cracked specimens. For elastic behaviour the factor II is equal
to the elastic factor:

J Ie = 11e] . - -
B.b (16)

and the work done, V el ' is elastic. For elasto-plastic behaviour:


11 el ( alW)

~ . . T.p=2++..-I· :::I: : ::
0 rnm
p=l rnm
p = 0) .. . !" .
• p=o rnm .. ·~W···

Figure 8. Values of the factor T)" ' versus notch radius. for notches and cracks (elastic behaviour) for the
Charpy U specimen.

In order to determine the influence of the notch radius on 11 el' a numerical study was
carried out under plane strain conditions. In Figure 8, we plot the variation of the factor
11 el' versus the relative notch depth, with a constant value of radius. For cracks , we
notice a good agreement with literature results, especially the value of 11 = 2 given by
Rice et al [7] for deeper cracks. We notice that the factor 11 el increases only slightly with
increasing notch radius The difference between the coefficient 11 eI given for notches and
that for cracks does not exceed 10% of the latter, and this value is very near the value 2
for the deep crack solution.
The variation of the factor 11 as a function of notch root radius shows an absolute
minimum with the abscissa ranging between 1 and 1.15 mm (Figure 9). The difference

between the factor 11 for cracks and notches for the Charpy U specimen can reach 36 %
of the latter one, which is important and justifies the present approach.
Two materials have been studied ; an XC 38 steel (French standard) and a Cr-Mo- V
cast steel. The chemical composition of these two materials is listed in Table 3 and the
Mechanical properties in Table 4

TABLE 3. Chemical composition of the two studied steels.

Weigth % C Si Mn Cr Mo Ni Cu
Steel XC 0.24 0.14 0.53
Cast Steel 0.09 0.37 1.18 0.12 0,03 0.29 0.29

2,5 ,..----,.....-----.,.----"!""----.....,


1,5 . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . H e • • • • • • • • • ••• • • •• •• • • ••• •



° Notch rad i us (mrn)

Figure 9. Variation of the coefficient 11 with the notch radius (computed) for a Charpy V specimen . The
experiments used Ll-notched specimens. Different notches were introduced using a wire-cut . EDM (Electrical
Discharge machine) . with different diameter wires.

TABLE 4 : Mechanical properties of the two studied steels.

Yield stress Ultimate A% KCV +20°C
(MPa) strength (MPa) DaJ / cm'
XC 38 Steel 304 430 30
Cast steel 375 478 31.7 8

For the XC 38 steel, a static load was applied and for the cast steel, the classical
Charpy impact test was used. The apparent fracture toughness versus notch radius is
plotted versus notch radius in Figure 10. We notice that for a critical notch radius TIc .the
apparent fracture toughness is constant and equal to lie' But, for radii beyond Pc J Ic,App
increases linearly with p. This kind of variation has been seen by several authors. The
critical radius is higher than lmm. for the cast steel, and 0.85 mm. for XC38 steel. This
result is of practical interest because its allows the use of notched specimens instead of
precracked specimens, which are time consuming and costly.

Fracture Toughness (MJ/m2)

2 ,0 r---""!"---~----:-------:-----;,.------,

Cast steel

P (mm)
Figure 10. Apparent fracture toughness l,eA"versus the notch radius p.

5. Notch effect in high cycle fatigue

The notch effect in high cycle fatigue can be explained by the assumption that the
fatigue phenomenon at the notch tip also needs a process volume as does fracture . This
assumption is the basis of the volumetric approach. This volume is assumed to be
cylindrical. The fatigue process volume is defined by the diameter called the "effective
distance" . The limit of the fatigue process zone is the "highly stressed" region which
can be defined on the stress range distribution at the notch tip with a particular
procedure. Figure 11 presents the distribution of the stress range normal to the weld
plane at the toe of a T welded joint made from E 36 Steel. Mechanical properties of this
material are listed in Table 5.

600 "....---------,----------r-----------,
II III IV fiB (N/mm)

.. ..
t ~ + • .343
): • 't: + • 397
400 i----------:l.----'+-~--><._:!_'~....,...--_+_-I---__+ a. 447
o 1!'::l •• +.... 0497
<l x eo ++
• e
.. aOo"'xx··.-++ X 546

.~ ... -.••
• ( • A_A 0 0 0 0
• 5B6
... ' •• &a..
... 647
100 l--+~;:=~~=~-~~+-----+---.:.::~~-----_1

O.f-...::::::::;::::=+=:::;::::i~_~- _+--- ....j


Figure II. Stress distribution at the welded toe tip of a T symmetric joint (E 36 steel) .

TABLE 5: Mechanical properties of base material.

Steel Young 's Yield Ultimate n' K'
modulus stress strength (MPa)
(GPa) (MPa)
E 36 206 390 550 0,57 1255

The stress range distribution has been computed with the cyclic material behaviour.
This distribution is plotted on a logarithmic graph. The stress distribution can be divided
in four zones and is similar to the distribution at a notch tip, as a consequence of the
geometry of the weld toe.
• Zone I where the stress range increases to its maximum value situated a
little distance behind the notch tip.
• Zone II where the stress range is decreasing from its maximum value until
the limit of zone III
• Zone III the stress range decreases as a power function of the distance, and
is the pseudo singularity stress region

C 6K p
60 I)·· =U- = - -U
x 121txl (18)

• Zone IV range where the stress tends to asymptotically reach the value of
the net stress range.

The "high stressed" region is considered as the upper limit of zone III. This
assumption has been checked by the trial and error method for different materials,
different notch geometry, and loading modes [8]. We notice that this procedure is
similar to the procedure for the determination of the brittle fracture process zone. Many
similarities have been seen in the two damage processes, particularly the fracture path,
and the influence of the hydrostatic stress.
To accurately detect this limit, we consider that it corresponds to the value at the
minimum relative stress gradient.
We can demonstrate that this distance is the beginning of zone III where the stress
distribution exhibits an inflexion point which leads to the following conditions for the
second derivative

/).(J < 0 for x < X, /).(J > 0 for x ~ X, (19)

If we consider the stress distribution in zone III

/).(J =.£..
« '
/).0' = Ca. .
«+1 '
/).0" = Ca.. (a.
X X X (20)

If we consider the first derivative of the relative gradient

~ = /).0" _ (/).0') = /).0" _ X 2
dx /).0' /).0 /).0' (21)

in region III, the first derivative of the gradient is always positive (a. is positive)

~ = ~ > 0 for x > x.,

dx x
in region II
~< 0 for x < X ef
dx (23)

The minimum of the relative stress gradient occurs at a distance from the notch tip equal
to the effective distance, which corresponds precisely to the beginning of zone III.
The effective stress range is defined as the average weighted stress in the fatigue
process volume. In order to take into account the fact that the initiation point in fatigue
is localised at the notch tip, and the influence of loading mode, the stress distribution is
weighted by distance and relative stress gradient.
The "weighted" stress range, /).O jj * , is given by the product of the stress by the
weight function </>(x,X)

/).0ij = /).0ij ·</> lx.X} (24)

The choice of the weight function is base on the following considerations:

• <j>(x,x) = 1 for x = 0 ; the stress range acts completely for initiation,
• <j>(x,x) = 1 for x =xm ; for the maximum stress the stress gradient has no
The weight function is less than unity for x - xm ' and increases for xm - x - xef • This
influence is due to the relative stress gradient.



-- -I I -- - _. - - --

---.----- ------
I ~

IV -3
a 0.5


Figure 12. Example of stress distribution, relative stress gradient and weight function at the notch tip.

The following weight funct ion has been chosen for simplicity :

<j> (x,XI=(I -x.xl (25)

Following this definition the effecti ve stress range is given by :



Verification of this method has been made on several materials, geometry of specimens,
and loading mode s [ 8). A typical example is given by fatigue tests on symmetric T
welded joints made from E 36 steel as shown in Figure 13. On this figure , appl ied gross
stress range and effective stress range are plotted versus the number of cycles. This
method is valid because the curve ·ocf = f(N R) is superimposed on the fatigue reference
curve. This curve has been made using welded plate with a mach ined joint, loaded in
cyclic bend ing. In this case, the residual stresses and metallurgic al modification in the
welded joint are taken into account. We can notice that in spite of the large scatter of
fatigue data for welded jo ints, the method gives satisfactory results.

txo (MPa)

ReferenceCIIIW ;----
I in bending . . . ...... - -. ';-. ---. ..... I Effective stress renge

.... ....

-e -,

" "--

• ~
---- --.r--. .....
"'"r-. t--
I Gross stress renge I r-

lOG • T join1S
net stress renge
• Butt joints
SG erased in bending
• T joints
effectivestress renge B= 8mm
Number of cycles

Figure /3. Fatigue curve for welded T joints. Comparison of the gros s stress range and the effective stress
range fatigue curve with the fatigue reference curve.

6. Notch effects in low cycle fatigue

Although there is a large plastic relaxation at the notch tip, a fatigue notch effect still
exists in low cycle fatigue. The number of cycles to failure can be divided by one order
of magnitude . A typical problem is the low cycle fatigue crack initiation at the stress
concentration of a nozz le in a pressure vessel.
The notch effect in low cycle fatigue has received little attention in the literature.
The actual trend is to treat this proble m using an energy approach for low cycle fatigue.
Less traditionally, the fatigue resistance can be determined by a relation ship between
the numbe r of cycle to failure versus the strain energy density range ~W*.

( 28 )

where "A" and "a" are material constants.

The strain energy density, which represents the area of the hysteresis loop can be
computed from the stress and the plastic strain range ~Ep from the following

· (1
~Wp= ~I ) ~O.~Ep
1+ n' (29)

where n' is the cyclic strain hardening exponent. Using the cyclic stress-strain range
relationship, one obtains:

~E = .::£!)00"

p K' : (
where K' is a material constant, and we obtain the plastic strain energy density versus
the stress range ~o.
The total strain energy density is given by the sum of an elastic component, ~ W*. '
and a plastic component, ~w* p'
( l~ol--nr- I) (I+n')
~W;=(~) IK'I"ii'"
1 + n' (31)
A typical example of such a fatigue resistance curve is given for a 35 NCD16 steel
(French standard) with the following mechanical properties (Table 6 ):

TABLE 6 : Static and cyclic mechanical properties of steel 35 NCD 16.

Young's modulus E (GPa) 203
Yield stress Re (MPa) 515
Cyclic strain hardening exponent n' 0,15
Cyclic strain hardening coefficient K' (MPa) 1219

Notch effects in low cycle fatigue can seen in Figure14 where the results of low
cycle fatigue tests on notched cylindrical specimens are presented. The geometry of the
specimen is given in Figure IS, where the notch radius was p = 0.4 mm.

b. W* (MJ/nf)

o smooth
3 • p = 0.4 nun


2 3

2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10
Number of cycles to failure
Figure 14. Strain energy density range for smooth and notched specimens Figure 15. Notched
versus the number of cycles to failure. specimen geometry

Constants "A" and "a " of relationship (28) for smooth and notched specimens have
been determined and listed in Table 7.

TABLE 7: Constan ts ' 'A" and "a"of re Iallons

" hiIP (28) for smoo th and notched specimens
smooth p=O.4mm
A 4385 2211
a - 0.29 - 0.31

The strain energy density range is plotted versus the distance from the notch tip on a
logarithmic graph . A typical example of such a curve is given in Figure 5. The strain
energy density distribution diagram can be divided into three zones;

• zone I where the strain energy density range is practicalIy

constant and equal to the maximum range value:

Ii Wmax*)2
( liWN*

k, is the stress concentration factor.


• zone III where the strain energy density range exhibits a power
dependence with the non dimensional distance (C, a' are
constants, a' > 1) and b is the ligament size:

I:lW* _a'
I:lWr/ = C (f) (33)

• zone II intermediate between zone I and zone III,

The stress distribution in zone III can be considered to be a .. pseudo strain energy
density singularity", This distribution can be considered only for a distance greater
than Xef defined in the figure with the following formula:

I:lKpw* for r· X
-...:...;'.;.;... ef
(2ml (34)

Xef is the effective distance. The effective strain energy density range is the
corresponding value of Xef on the strain energy density distribution ,
The notch effect can be measured by way of a new definition of the fatigue strength
reduction factor.

. I:lW*n

where I:lW*.s and I:lW*.n are the strain energy density ranges for smooth and notched
specimens, leading to the same number of cycles to failure.
We observe that the fatigue strength reduction factor is practically constant with the
number of cycles and equal to 1.42,

log (tJ.W*)

1000 •••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• I()l ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .,;. •••••••

:~~~~~~~~: ::::: ! :rrFrTr
· : : : : .:
· : : : : : :
100 •.;.•••••••••:••••••••:••••••5•••••5•••.;.•••:•••
· ·· ·· ·· · ·f: .. · ···· f·
: .. · · f: · .. · f: · .;:. .
f: ..
•••••••• : •••••••• : •••••• : ••••• : ••• 11)••• : •••
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11)•••••••
·..i ....···! ..·..!· ..· i·..:···! ..
........................ . -:-.... ·~·······:······5·····5···+···:···

........................ ..
· :
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• ••••••••••••• 11)••••••••• : •••••••• : •••••• : •••••: ••• 1(1I ••• : •••
ooo ..••• .. ··i····
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log rib 10
Figure /6. Strain energy density distribution at the notch tip on a logarithmic graph.(p = 0,4 mm).

7. Conclusion

Notch effects in fatigue and fracture can be interpreted by a "volumetric approach"

which is able to take into account loading mode, and geometric and scale effects. This
approach differs from the classical "hot spot" approach because it postulates the
existence of a fatigue or fracture process volume. The fracture effective stress is
interpreted as an average stress in this volume.
For high cycle fatigue, the effective stress range is an average value of a weighted
stress and distance at a relative stress gradient.
For low cycle fatigue, the same procedure can be used with the strain energy density

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