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Sarah Medina

September 18, 2021

The Advantages of a Computer System as a


As a student a computer system is very important for us and our learning. Some of these
advantages are conducting research, completing homework, storing data, making presentations,
and communicating with classmates and teachers outside of school.

Conducting research

Computers store a lot of information. Researching things on the internet gives us evidence for
information. It is also more reliable. A computer system is much more accurate and can give us
an answer faster than humans.

Completing homework

If you want to complete your assignments for school, a computer is also very useful. For
example, if you want to search up something for your homework you can use the computer to
give you access to countless sources of information. Also, you can submit neat and organized
homework by using word processor or presentation programs.

Storing Data

If you are a very forgetful or disorganized student a computer system is also very beneficial. If
you need to save any information, you can save it in your computer. This will make it easier to
access. This also helps with keeping your data secure and making sure nobody can find it.
Computers have a lot of storage capacity, so you can fit a lot of data into it.

Making presentations

Presentations are especially important for school. Without a computer a student would not be
able to make a presentation. Presentations make your work neater and more eye-catching. They
Sarah Medina
September 18, 2021

also help you to remember what you are going to say. You can add, draw, and edit things on your
presentation with a computer.

Communicating with classmates and teachers

Sometimes you are not able to see your classmates or teachers at school, so a computer supports
us with communicating to them online. An example of this is quarantine, when students had to
use teams to communicate with each other. Using a computer to talk to other people is highly
effective because no matter how far you are from them, you can still send a message.

To conclude, computers play a key role in many people’s lives, especially students. They help us
with a lot such as conducting research, completing homework, storing data, making
presentations, and communicating with classmates and teachers.

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