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Paying zakat is one of the rituals that is not only related to physical movements such as prayer

and fasting.Zakat is a ritual related to gestures, honesty and wealth. Therefore, only those who
truly believe in Allah can do this. Therefore, those who pay zakat will receive mercy from Allah

‫َو اْلُم ْؤ ِم ُنوَن َو اْلُم ْؤ ِم َناُت َبْع ُض ُه ْم َأْو ِلَي اُء َبْع ٍض ۚ َيْأُم ُروَن ِباْلَم ْع ُروِف َو َيْن َه ْو َن َع ِن اْلُم نَكِر َو ُيِق يُم وَن الَّص اَل َة َو ُيْؤُتوَن الَّزَك اَة َو ُيِط يُع وَن‬
Allah’s ‫َٰل‬
‫َهَّللا َوَرُس وَلُه ۚ ُأو ِئَك َس َي ْرَحُم ُه ُم ُهَّللا ۗ ِإَّن َهَّللا َع ِزيٌز َحِكيٌم‬

“And those who believe, male and female, some of them (are) helping others. They command
(do) the ma’ruf, prevent those who are evil, establish prayers, pay zakat, and they obey Allah
and His Messenger. They will be given mercy by Allah. ” (At-Taubah: 71).

Paying zakat is in the nature of those who enter heaven that those who pay zakat receive a very great

The Nature reward from Allah.

As Muslims, we reward someone by allowing Allah to enter heaven.

of the ‫ِإَّن اْلُم َّتِق يَن ِفي َجَّناٍت َو ُع ُيوٍن () آِخ ِذ يَن َم ا آَتاُه ْم َرُّبُه ْم ۚ ِإَّنُه ْم َك اُنوا َق ْب َل َٰذ ِلَك ُم ْحِس ِنيَن () َك اُنوا َق ِلياًل ِّم َن الَّلْي ِل َم ا َيْه َجُع وَن () َو ِباَأْلْس َحاِر ُه ْم‬
‫َيْس َت ْغ ِف ُروَن () َو ِفي َأْم َو اِلِه ْم َحٌّق ِّللَّس اِئِل َو اْلَم ْحُروِم‬

Heaven- “Surely those who are righteous are in gardens (jannah) and in the springs, taking what is given to them
by their Rabb. Indeed, they were in the world before that people who did good. They sleep very little at

dwellers night, and at the end of the night they ask forgiveness (of Allah). And in their property there is a right for
the poor who ask and the poor who do not receive a share. ” (Adz-Dzariyat: 15-19).

Zakat enriches Zakat's wealth means that those who pay Zakat will not suffer any

Fertilize Allah will give him more wealth.

‫َيْم َحُق ُهَّللا الِّرَبا َو ُيْر ِبي الَّص َد َق اِت‬

Zakat “Allah destroys usury and fertilizes alms.” (Al-Baqarah: 276)

Paying Zakat can be the cause of opening the doors of sustenance.

In other words, paying Zakat will not reduce one’s assets
Opening the
‫ َم ا َنَق َص ْت َص َد ِم ْن َم اٍل‬: ‫قاَل رُس وُل هَّللا َص ىَّل ُهللا َع َلْي ِه َوَس َّلَم‬
Doors of
Sustenance The Messenger of Allah (Prophet Muhammad) sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam said, “Alms (or Zakat) will not reduce wealth.”

Zakat is able to erase sins and mistakes.
From Mu’adz bin Jabal, the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said:
‫ َو الَّص َد َقُة ُتْط ِف ُئ اْلَخِط يَئَة َك َم ا ُيْط ِف ُئ اْلَم اُء الَّناَر‬: ‫َق اَل رُس وُل هَّللا َص ىَّل ُهللا َع َلْي ِه َوَس َّلَم‬
Sins and The Messenger of Allah (Prophet Muhammad) sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,

“Almsgiving can extinguish mistakes as water can extinguish fire.”

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