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Research title:

"Zap Your Waste: Turning Rotten Bananas and Fermented Coconut Water into a Surprising Source of
Renewable Energy"


Albino, Dindo Cababan, Maricar Coming, Jeamuel B. Deguzman, Mark Bradley Raagas, Kara Mae Veency
Al, Torrejas

Division: Tagum, Davao Del Norte

School: University of Southeastern Philippines

Proposed Start and End Date: March – April 2023

A. Problem being Addressed

Mosquitoes are not only annoying pests but can also transmit various diseases, including malaria,
dengue fever, Zika virus, and West Nile virus. Therefore, creating a candle that repels mosquitoes can
offer a solution to minimize their presence and reduce the risk of mosquito-borne illnesses. The primary
objective of a mosquito repellent candle is to emit substances that mosquitoes find unpleasant,
deterring them from approaching the area. By incorporating specific ingredients or repellent agents into
the candle's composition, it can create an environment that is inhospitable to mosquitoes, thus reducing
the likelihood of bites.


1. Effectiveness: The primary goal is to create a mosquito repellent candle that effectively repels
mosquitoes and prevents their bites. The candle should emit substances or ingredients that mosquitoes
find unpleasant, deterring them from the area where the candle is burning.

2. Pleasant aroma: While the primary focus is on repelling mosquitoes, it is desirable to incorporate a
pleasant scent into the candle. The goal is to create a mosquito repellent candle that emits an aroma
that individuals find appealing, enhancing the overall experience while also serving the purpose of
repelling mosquitoes.

3. Convenience and ease of use: The goal is to design a mosquito repellent candle that is easy to use and
convenient for individuals. It should be portable, allowing users to place it in desired locations easily.
Lighting and extinguishing the candle should require minimal effort and be hassle-free.

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