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Florence’s Fibers, Firearms, and Fantastics

items of her own make. Florence can have any magic

mysterious storefront opens in the town
while a party of adventurers passes through. item you want to give your players, and you can adjust
It’s not just for them though, for quite a pricing to fit your economy, although some example
while afterwards, the local populace will wares and prices are included in the items section.
have a trendy new fashion, a couple odd
magic items, and perhaps even some new
The Store
weapons. Besides the quality of being able to travel the
Introduction multiverse, the store is unique in a few other ways.
The Building
Florence was originally a merchant in her home world, The building looks like a traditional enough storefront
which had advanced to the level of magical revolvers from the outside while it’s open, although it would look
and clockwork constructs becoming common. While rather quaint for a modern setting, and very colorful in a
she was there, a multiversal traveler passed through her medieval one. The building is two stories tall and alters
store, and fell in love with it so much that she gave the its construction to blend in with whatever storefronts it
power of multiversial travel to Florence, who now squeezes in between when it teleports between
travels the multiverse to peddle her wares. universes. It has a small window on the top floor and
Florence two large windows on the ground floor.
Florence is a young drow, although she won’t reveal her Depending on the setting, the store may look
exact age, although from her general attitude, people somewhat odd when closed, as a large brass gate drops
will probably soon realize that it’s not terribly old. down on the inside of the entrance door, and attempts
Florence tends to welcome customers into the store to break the windows reveal that they are unbreakable.
with an excited wave, telling them to look around. For The entrance door isn’t locked, but the gate is, and can
more important customers, she may greet them at the only be opened from the inside. Despite looking like
door and quickly assess how she can help them. brass, it cannot be melted or otherwise destroyed - it
will only open when Florence opens the store.
Florence’s Wares The layout of the store consists of the reception and
checkout area right by where visitors enter, with the
The store is home to three sections: the Fibers section, three sections extending outward from it to form a
the Firearms section, and the Fantastics section. nicely divided store. The brass gates dividing closed
Descriptions of the sections follow, and any section that sections from the central store are similar to the one at
Florence doesn’t want customers of this universe to the entrance of the store - they will be opened by the
have access to is closed off with unbreakable brass automated staff of the store only if Florence commands
gates. it (not while under durress).
Fibers Section The Staff
The Fibers section contains clothing in the best Besides Florence, the store is run by constructs of her
steampunk fashions - top hats, gun holsters, high boots, own creation. These brass clockwork creatures
tool belts, and so on. However, it also includes magical resemble humanoids and wear no clothes besides
clothes, some examples of which can be found in the bowties. They are programmed to help customers find
Items section of this document. items they seek that Florence has allowed to be bought,
and otherwise assist customers with navigating the
Firearms Section store. They speak any language that they would
The Firearms section contains revolvers. Some of them reasonably be expected to know for the world, however,
are regular, non-magical firearms, but most of them they will get Florence for any complicated question.
have some kind of enchantment. There is also a
shooting range for customers to try out any gun before
they buy it, although Florence limits them to six bullets
per gun due to the price of making bullets. The wares
can be found in the items section.
Fantastics Section
The Fantastics Section contains miscellaneous magic
items that Florence has made. Some are traditional
items of varying rarities and prices, some are custom

2 PART 1 | Introduction
Items A creature attempting to find hidden objects on your
person can notice the compartments with a successful
Fibers DC 25 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Objects inside
Courtier’s Courting Corset/Coat the compartments are concealed as if by a Nondetection
Wonderous Item, Rare
Suggested Price: 1000 gp
While wearing this item as the outer layer of an outfit,
the user gains +5 to Charisma (Deception), Charisma Time Period: Medieval - Steampunk
(Persuasion), and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
Additionally, no matter what layer of an outfit this item Tumbler’s Top Hat
is worn as, it grants the user +1 to their unarmored
Armor Class. Wonderous Item, Uncommon

Suggested Price: 500 gp.

This elegant top hat helps you keep your balance. While
you are wearing it, you have advantage on saving throws
Time Period: Medieval - Steampunk to avoid being knocked prone and a +5 bonus to your
Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
Elegant Evening Wear Suggested Price: 200 gp
Wonderous Item, Uncommon
Time Period: Steampunk
While wearing this item without armor, you cannot be
surprised. Additonally, you gain advantage on initative Florence’s Non-Unique Fabric Wares
rolls. Finally, you gain a +2 bonus to your Armor Class. Ware Price
+1 Studded Leather 245 gp
Suggested Price: 250 gp +1 Leather 210 gp

Time Period: Any

+2 Studded Leather 445 gp
+2 Leather 410 gp
+1 upgrade to any non-magical armor^ 200 gp
Factory Worker’s Jacket +2 upgrade to any non-magical armor^ 400 gp
Wonderous Item, Rare Carpet of Flying, 3 ft. × 5 ft. 500 gp

While wearing this item, the user gains +1 to their Cloak of Elvenkind 200 gp

Armor Class and resistance to fire damage. Cloak of Many Fashions

Cloak of the Bat
50 gp
400 gp

Suggested Price: 250 gp

Cloak of the Manta Ray 200 gp
Common Glamerweave 50 gp
Time Period: Steampunk Hat of Disguise 200 gp
Illusionist’s Bracers 500 gp
Robe of Scintillating Colors 500 gp
Grifter’s Glimmering Gloves
Robe of Stars 500 gp
Wonderous Item, Legendary Robe of Summer 400 gp

While wearing these beautiful gloves, you are Robe of Useful Items 200 gp

considered to be under the effects of a Gilbness spell. Shiftweave

Uncommon Glamerweave
50 gp
200 gp
Suggested Price: 1250 gp.
Wings of Flying 400 gp

Time Period: Any

^ Flavor note: as Florence does not work with metal
armors, when enchanting metal-based armors, she
Tricky-Thigh High Boots
actually enchants the padding worn beneath the armor.
Wonderous Item, Very Rare

These boots are not only stylish, but they are imbued
with magic and have secret compartments in them.
Each boot has one secret compartment which can be
used to store one light weapon or an object of
comparable size (as decided by the DM). Both objects
stored can be retrieved with one object interaction
PART 2 | Items 3
Firearms opportunity attacks. When you take damage during this
Enchanted Bullet time, you must make a Constituion Saving Throw with a
DC equal to 10 or half of the damage taken, whichever
Ammunition, Rarity Varies is higher. On a failure, both effects end, and you fall
Florence can enchant a bullet with a spell that takes unless you have some means to stay aloft.
effect when the bullet impacts something (rather that be Suggested Price: 500 gp.
its target or a nearby wall, floor, or ceiling). When the
spell takes effect, it is cast at the level of the spell slot Time Period: Any
that Florence used to enchant the bullet, and otherwise
treats the bullet as both its caster and the center
location for any Area-of-Effect spells. Pin of Disguise
For worlds that have not yet developed access to Wonderous Item, Rare
bullets, Florence offers options to enchant arrows and
crossbow bolts in her Weapons section, which is open This pin allows one to change their appearance. It has
even when the Firearms section is not. four charges. While the pin is in your person, you can
The price of this enchantment depends on the level of expend a charge to change your appearance to any
spell slot requested. The below table offers suggested other appearance of the same size category and basic
prices, although feel free to tweak them to your game. number of limbs. This appearance change can include
your clothes and physical appearance. The change lasts
Enchanted Bullet Pricing for ten hours or until you use the pin in this way again.
Spell Slot Level Price If a creature attempts to touch you in a way that
1 100 gp would reveal the illusion, you can expend one of the
2 200 gp pin’s charges to harden the area around where the
3 300 gp creature touches, making the illusion appear solid. A
4 400 gp creature attempting to see through the illusion must
5 500 gp suceed on a DC 28 Intelligence (Investigation) check to
6 600 gp do so.
7 750 gp The pin regains 1d4 expended charges at dawn.
Suggested Price: 500 gp.
8 900 gp
9 1,000 gp

The price of the bullet represents the materials Time Period: Any
Florence uses, including gold (customers who stick
around may see Florence melting some of their
payment), the time it takes her, and, for higher levels, Peculiar Pocketwatch
the opportunity cost of using her limited magical supply Wonderous Item, Uncommon
for the day on this customer.
Florence’s Non-Unique Weapon Wares While wearing this item, you always know exactly what
time it is. Additionally, you can use an action to open the
Ware Price back of the pocketwatch, which reveals a set of small
+1 Revolver 500 gp lenses that can be used as a magnifying glass. Finally,
+2 Revolver 700 gp you can hide 1 gold piece or an item of similar size, as
+1 upgrade to any non-magical weapon 200 gp determined by the DM, inside the pocketwatch. Spotting
+2 upgrade to any non-magical weapon 400 gp the lines around the hidden compartment requires a
Dagger of Blindsight 500 gp creature to inspect the pocketwatch and succeed on a
Seeker Dart (x5) 500 gp DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Suggested Price: 200 gp.
White Wraith’s Wings
Time Period: Steampunk - Modern.
Wonderous Item, Rare

This harness attaches to armor on your back and

consists of lines that run to your arms. These lines have
hooks on the ends that, while you are wearing the
harness, you can deploy as an action or bonus action, to
gain a flying speed of 60 feet. This flying speed lasts for
a number of rounds equal to your proficency bonus,
during which your movement does not provoke
PART 2 | Items
Florence’s Non-Unique Fantastic Wares
Ware Price
Alchemy Jug 200 gp
Arcane Cannon 1000 gp
Bracer of Flying Daggers 500 gp
Bracers of Archery^ 400 gp
Bracers of Defense 500 gp
Candle of the Deep 50 gp
Clockwork Amulet 50 gp
Dispelling Stone 1000 gp
Earring of Message 50 gp
Horn of Blasting 500 gp
Ring of Evasion 500 gp
Rope of Climbing 500 gp
Rope of Entanglement 500 gp
Staff of Fire 1000 gp
Thermal Cube 50 gp
Rope of Entanglement 500 gp

^ If your world relies more on guns than bows, you

can treat these as giving proficiency with two types of
Author: Julian O’Connor
Images: Midjourney

PART 2 | Items 5

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