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Lesson Plan in Math 10

Quarter/Domain: First Quarter Week & Day Number: Week 6-Day 1

Class Schedule: MWF 11:00 AM - 12:00 NN Date: March 20, 2023


A. Content Standards

The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sequences,

polynomials and polynomial equations.

B. Performance Standards

The learner is able formulate and solve problems involving sequences,

polynomials and polynomial equations in different equations in different

disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.

C. Learning Competencies

The learner performs division of polynomials using long division and synthetic


D. Daily Objectives

Within the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. distinguish the differences between the processes of long division and

synthetic division,

b. demonstrate the process of solving real-world problems using long

division and synthetic division, and

c. cooperate actively in the class by performing the activities.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Division of Polynomials

References: Mathematics – Grade 10 Learner’s Module, 1st Edition 2015, page

Virtual Math Lab: College Algebra,


Materials: Laptop, Projector, White Board, Illustration Board, Marker, and

Power Point presentation

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities (5 minutes)

o Prayer

o Checking of Attendance

o Class Routine/Classroom Management

o Review/Motivation

Recall Me: Students will choose a pair. The teacher will present a

question using Kahoot, and each pair will answer each questions on 1/8

illustration board. They are given 30 seconds to answer each item.

1. If 1 − 16𝑥 2 is a polynomial, what is 𝑥 4 + 15?

Answer: Not Polynomial

2. In 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = 1 + 𝑥 + 2𝑥 3 , 2 is leading coefficient and 2𝑥 3 is called?

Answer: Leading Term

3. If 𝑓(𝑥 ) = 𝑥 + 22𝑥 2 + 16 is a quadratic equation, what is 𝑓(𝑥 ) =

𝑥 4 + 2𝑥 3 + 3?

Answer: Quartic Function

4. What is the standard form of 𝑓(𝑥) = (𝑥 + 3)(𝑥 − 4) ?

Answer: 𝒇(𝒙) = 𝒙𝟐 − 𝒙 − 𝟏𝟐

5. It is a function of the form P(x) = an x n + an−1 x n−1 + an−2 x n−2 +

⋯ + a1 x + a0 , an ≠ 0

Answer: Polynomial function

B. Activity (10 minutes)

To develop active participation in the class and build critical thinking skills

among students, the teacher will conduct the following activity:

Open Me! Answer Me!

Utilizing the same pair, they must choose one mystery box, each mystery box

on the screen contains a term set 1/set 2/set 3. The pair must answer the set of

questions in the box they chose. Students are allowed to use calculators on

their cellphone, but the teacher will ask them to open only the calculator app.

Set 1:

Divide the following and write an equivalent equation by following the given

Example: 19 ÷ 5 = 3 + 5 ↔ 19 = 3(5) + 4

1.) 29 ÷ 5 = ↔

2.) 34 ÷ 7 = ↔

Set 2:

Supply the missing components to complete the process.

1.) 145 ÷ 11 = + 11 ↔ 145 = ( )+2

2.) 219 ÷ 15 = 14 + ↔ 145 = (15) +

Set 3:

Identify the name of each term.

1.) 122 ÷ 7 = 17 + 7
↔ 19 = 17 (7 ) + 3
C. Analysis (5 minutes)

To develop the critical thinking skills of the students, the teacher will ask the oral

questions about the activity.

Did you enjoy the activity?

Is the activity hard for you?

How did you come up with those answers?

What can you say about the terms and procedure?

D. Abstraction (10 minutes)

The teacher will let the student define first or give ideas on every term. Then the

teacher will provide supplemental information and discuss further.

Dividing Polynomials

Parts of the Division

 Dividend – it is the number you are dividing up.

 Divisor – it is the number you are dividing by.

 Quotient – it is the answer.

 Remainder – it is any extra that is left over after you divide evenly.

Long Division – is an algorithm for dividing polynomial by another

polynomial of the same or a lower degree. Also, it consists of the divisor,

quotient, dividend, and remainder.

Example 1: Divide 𝑃(𝑥 ) = (2𝑥 4 + 7𝑥 3 + 10𝑥 2 + 8) 𝑏𝑦 (2𝑥 2 + 𝑥 − 1)

Step 1: Set up the long division.

The divisor (what you are diving

by) goes on the outside of the 2𝑥 2 + 𝑥 − 1√2𝑥 4 + 7𝑥 3 + 10𝑥 2 + 0𝑥 + 8

box. The dividend (what you are

dividing into) goes on the inside of

the box.
Step 2: Divide 1st term of dividend

by first term of divisor to get first

term of the quotient. The quotient

(answer) is written above the 2𝑥 2 + 𝑥 − 1√2𝑥 4 + 7𝑥 3 + 10𝑥 2 + 0𝑥 + 8
division box. Make sure that you

line up the firs term of the quotient

with the term of divided that has

the same degree.

Step 3: Take the term found in

step 2 and multiply it times the 2𝑥 2 + 𝑥 − 1√2𝑥 4 + 7𝑥 3 + 10𝑥 2 + 0𝑥 + 8
2𝑥 4
divisor. Make sure that you line up

all terms of this ste with the term 𝑥2

of the divided that has the same 2𝑥 2 + 𝑥 − 1√2𝑥 4 + 7𝑥 3 + 10𝑥 2 + 0𝑥 + 8
2𝑥 4 + 𝑥 3
2𝑥 2 + 𝑥 − 1√2𝑥 4 + 7𝑥 3 + 10𝑥 2 + 0𝑥 + 8
2𝑥 4 + 𝑥 3 − 𝑥 2

Step 4: Subtract this from the line

above. Make sure that you 2𝑥 2 + 𝑥 − 1√2𝑥 4 + 7𝑥 3 + 10𝑥 2 + 0𝑥 + 8
2𝑥 4 + 𝑥 3 − 𝑥2
subtract EVERY term found in 6𝑥 3 + 11𝑥 2 + 0𝑥
step 3, not just the first one.

Step 5: Repeat until done. You

𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 + 4
keep going until the degree of the 2𝑥 2 + 𝑥 − 1 √2𝑥 4 + 7𝑥 3 + 10𝑥 2 + 0𝑥 + 8
2𝑥 4 + 𝑥 3 − 𝑥2
“new” dividend is less than the 6𝑥 3 + 11𝑥 2 + 0𝑥
6𝑥 3 + 3𝑥 2 − 3𝑥
degree of the divisor. 8𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 + 8
8𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 − 4
−𝑥 + 12
Step 6: Write out the answer.

Your answer is the quotient that

−𝑥 + 12
𝑃(𝑥) = 𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 + 4
you ended up with on the top of 2𝑥 2 + 𝑥 − 1

the division box. If you have a

remainder, write it over the divisor

in your final answer.

Synthetic Division – it is a shorter procedure when a polynomial is to be

divided by a binomial of the form (x - r). In this method, we only write the

coefficient during the process of solving.

Example 2: Use the synthetic division to divide 𝑃 (𝑥 ) = (3𝑥 3 + 4𝑥 2 + 8) 𝑏𝑦 (𝑥 +


Step 1: Arrange the coefficients of P(x) in

descending powers of x, placing 0s for

3 4 0 8
missing terms. The leading coefficient of
P(x) becomes the first entry of the third


Step 2: Place the value of r in the upper

left corner. In this example, x - r = x + 2 = x -2 3 4 0 8

– (-2), so r = -2. 3

Step 3: The first number in the second row

(-6) is the product of r (-2) and the number

-2 3 4 0 8
in the third row (3) of the preceding -6
3 -2
column. The second number in the third

row (-2) is the sum of the two numbers (4

and -6) above it.

Step 4: Repeat the procedure described in

Step 3 until the last number in the Third -2 3 4 0 8

-6 4 -8
row is obtained. 3 -2 4 0

Step 5: Write the quotient Q(x). Note that

the degree of Q(x) is one less than the

𝑄(𝑥 ) = 3𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 + 4, 𝑅=0
degree of P(x). the entries in the third row

give the coefficients of Q(x) and the

remainder R.

E. Application (7 minutes)

The teacher will demonstrate the application of long division and synthetic

division to a real-world problem in Item 1. For Item 2, the teacher will call

student to apply long division and another student to use synthetic division.

1. Your friend Anna wants to reconstruct her backyard, but she can’t proceed to

the planning stage because she doesn’t know the width of her backyard. She

only knows the area, which is 𝑥 4 − 5𝑥 3 + 8𝑥 2 + 15𝑥 − 2 meter squared, and the

length, which is (𝑥 − 3) meters. How can you help Anna in order for her to

proceed in the planning stage?

𝐴 = 𝑥 4 − 5𝑥 3 + 8𝑥 2 + 15𝑥 − 2

(𝑥 − 3) 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠

As a friend of Anna, since the given are and length is in polynomial form,

I will suggest to her to use the long division or the synthetic division to

compute the width of her backyard.

Long Division Synthetic Division
𝑥 3 − 2𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 21
3 1 -5 8 15 -2
𝑥 − 3 √𝑥 4 − 5𝑥 3 + 8𝑥 2 + 15𝑥 − 2
𝑥 4 − 3𝑥 3 3 -6 6 63
−2𝑥 3 + 8𝑥 2
1 -2 2 21 61
−2𝑥 3 + 6𝑥 2
2𝑥 2 + 15𝑥
2𝑥 2 − 6𝑥 61
21𝑥 − 2 = 𝑥 3 − 2𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 21
21𝑥 − 63

Answer: The width of Anna’s backyard is 𝑥 3 − 2𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 21 𝑥−3. So by using

the division of a polynomial, Anna can now proceed to the planning.

2. Rose wants to buy an A4 sized bond paper for her research. If one ream of A4

bond paper costs (𝑥 − 2) pesos, how many reams can Rose buy for (6𝑥 4 −

7𝑥 3 + 4𝑥 2 + 8𝑥 − 24) pesos?

Student 1 Student 2

Long Division Synthetic Division

6𝑥 3 + 5𝑥 2 + 14𝑥 + 36
2 6 -7 4 8 -24
𝑥 − 2 √6𝑥 4 − 7𝑥 3 + 4𝑥 2 + 8𝑥 − 24
6𝑥 4 − 12𝑥 3 12 10 28 72
5𝑥 3 + 4𝑥 2 6 5 14 36 48
5𝑥 3 − 10𝑥 2
14𝑥 2 + 8𝑥
14𝑥 2 − 28𝑥
36𝑥 − 24
36𝑥 − 72 48
= 6𝑥 3 + 5𝑥 2 + 14𝑥 + 36
48 𝑥−2

= 6𝑥 3 + 5𝑥 2 + 14𝑥 + 36
IV. Assessment/Evaluation (8 minutes)

The teacher will present 5 problems, and the student will answer each item

individually. The students must show their complete solution on one whole sheet of

yellow paper.

1. Rose wants to compute the length of her rectangular garden in a quick

process. The area of the rectangular garden is 2𝑥 4 + 5𝑥 3 + 9𝑥 2 + 5𝑥 − 1

with the width of 𝑥 − 2, what division of a polynomial can you suggest to

Rose in order for her to quickly find the length?

2. Sheena wants to compute the quotient of (3𝑥 4 − 𝑥 3 + 𝑥 − 2) divided

by (2𝑥 2 + 𝑥 − 3), but she doesn’t know what polynomial division to use. If

you are a friend of Sheena, what polynomial division you want her to use?

And why?
3. If 𝑟 = 2𝑥 3 + 4𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 2 − 𝑥 − 6 and 𝑠 = 𝑥 − 2. What is 𝑠 using synthetic


4. The total cost of (3𝑎 − 2𝑏) units of cell phones is (6𝑎2 + 5𝑎𝑏 − 6𝑏2 ) pesos.

What expression represents the cost of one cell phone using synthetic


5. If a car covers (15𝑥 3 + 7𝑥 2 − 2) km in (𝑥 + 2) hours, what is the average

speed in km/hr. using the long division?

V. Assignment

To extend the learning of the students, the teacher will post 3 problems in the

Google Classroom to be answered by the students. The students will answer

problems and show a complete solution on one whole sheet of yellow paper. The

assignment will be due on Wednesday.

1. A tailor earns (12𝑦 2 + 𝑦 − 35) pesos for working (3𝑦 + 5) hours. How much

can he earn per hour? Used the long division and synthetic division.
2. Suppose the area of a rectangle is (6𝑥 2 − 7𝑥 + 14) square units. If its width

is (2𝑥 − 5) units, what expression represents its length using the synthetic

division? How about its perimeter.

3. Using the remainder theorem, find the remainder when 𝑃(𝑥 ) = 2𝑥 4 + 5𝑥 3 +

2𝑥 2 − 7𝑥 − 15 is divided by (2𝑥 − 3).

VI. Teacher’s Remarks

Prepared by: Carlo G. Valdez – BSED MATH-3A

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