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Throughout my college journey, I have frequently evaluated my performance and reflected on

how I arrived at this point in my life. Reaching your dreams is not easy, you will face a lot of
challenges that will make you weak, and think of giving up. But despite being weak, you will
also learn how to be strong by thinking about all of your sacrifices and overcoming many
hardships to achieve your goals. Sometimes will make you break down, and kneel begging the
Lord to help you overcome it, but despite those storms, I remain committed and told myself, that
someday I will inspire others and make my family proud. Your commitment is the key. I
remember during my first-year journey, as I answer journal entries and wrote my answer on a
long columnar pad, I remember my struggles but willingness to learn, and every time I finish the
whole problem, and you will balance it, it feels like you can see the rainbow after the rain. Many
of my classmates gave up, but here I am, still fighting for my dreams and still committed and
willing to learn. And then COVID-19 came, which has had a large impact on us, new learning set
up and for me, this is the biggest disaster that ruined my willingness because of destruction.
Accountancy student is like the pre-engagement phase in which there are acceptance and
rejections happens. And when the engagement happens it is where you try your best to meet the
quota grades that are required in the Accountancy program. But in my overall journey, what is
important in life is not always depend on things that come easily of which you have not achieved
your goal. It's okay to fail sometime as long as you learn something about it. Learnings are
always the most beautiful thing that you can get in every experience. Do not stop, stay
committed and be strong, remember God is always there.

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