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Logic Gates

A logic gate is a device that acts as a

building block for digital circuits. They
perform basic logical functions that are
fundamental to digital circuits. Most
electronic devices we use today will have
some form of logic gates in them.
Logic Gates
Logic gates are an important concept if you
are studying electronics. These are important
digital devices that are mainly based on the
Boolean function. Logic gates are used to
carry out logical operations on single or
multiple binary inputs and give one binary
output. In simple terms, logic gates are the
electronic circuits in a digital system.
Boolean expressions
•Boolean expressions are the expressions
that evaluate a condition and result in a
Boolean value i.e true or false. Ex: (a>b
&& a>c) is a Boolean expression. It
evaluates the condition by comparing if
'a' is greater than 'b' and also if 'a' is
greater than 'c'.
What Are Truth Tables?
•Truth tables are a tabular representation
of all the possible input and output
combinations of each logic gate type.
Truth tables provide a quick summary of
all potential outputs any distinct gate
type can provide.

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