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Question 1: notebook/coffee

Please write your answer in the box

Question 2: buildings/people

Please write your answer in the box

Question 3: kitchen appliance/woman

Please write your answer in the box

Question 4: because/meals

Please write your answer in the box

Question 5: luggage/near

Please write your answer in the box

From: Thomas Edison
To: McMackind
Subject: Upcoming conference
Sent: September, 19th
Good morning McMackind,
I’m about to attend a business conference in Ha Noi the next couple of weeks. However, I’ve never
been there before so it will be difficult for me to travel around or to try new food. So as a resident
there, would you mind giving me some recommendations.
Thomas Edison

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are McMackind. In your email, make ONE suggestion about
transportation and give TWO pieces of information about nearby restaurants and hotels in Ha Noi.

Please write your answer in the box

From: Lai Ngoc Ngan, Manager, Stamps Distributor

To: Kelvin Clain

Subject: Feedback

Sent: 6th, June

Hi Elvis,

Good morning Sir and thank you for having been a loyal customer of our Online Retailer Store. We’ve
always tried to improve our service to better benefit our customers. Therefore, I would like to ask if
there are some suggestions you can make to help us improve. Besides, your latest order of our stamps is
in process. However, it has come to my attention that your address has changed, please confirm this
information to that I can continue fulfilling your order.

Best regards,

Lai Ngoc Ngan


Stamps Distributor

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are Kelvin Clain, a loyal customer of Stamps distributor, give
ONE piece of information about the order and make TWO suggestions.
Question 8:

What are advantages and disadvantages of having a teacher who is strict on classroom rules.

Nowdays, numerous people believe that all schools should have strict teachers in the classroom. There
are advantages and disadvantages to this statement. Although strict teachers will train a lot of excellent
students, this w ill create a not good learning environment for other student.

Please write your answer in the box

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