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In the survey conducted, majority of the respondents answered Strongly Agree

(Green), which is 35% of the samples who took the survey. While the remaining 0.9%
of the samples answered Strongly Disagree (Light Green). This shows that the
respondents spend most of their time on social media. This is supported with a
study by ambot oy atay kakapoy ba aning research intawon kalag kalag man unta pero
murag ako may ma deds ani

In the survey conducted, majority of the samples answered Neutral (Yellow), which
is 40% of the samples who took the survey. While the remaining 6.7% answered
Strongly Agree (Green). This shows that the respondents have neither a positive
response or a negative response on the updates about the latest beaty or workout
trends on the internet. This study is supported

In the survey conducted, majority of the respondents answered Agree (Red), which is
31.4% of the samples who took the survey. While the remaining 5.8% answered
Strongly Disagree (Light Green). This shows that the majority of the people agrees
that images in social media are an important source of information about fashion
and “being attractive”. This is supported by

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