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Virtual Assistant (2023/07/12 13:06:50): Hello, I'm DVLA's virtual assistant.

I can help with frequently asked questions.

If you're here during opening hours and I'm unable to help, one of our advisors can
step in.

To restart our conversation at any point by typing 'Restart'.

Virtual Assistant (2023/07/12 13:06:50): In a few short words, how can I help?

You (2023/07/12 13:07:34): I am going to buy a car but car owner do not have log
book. should i purchase that car?

You (2023/07/12 13:08:27): Restart?

Virtual Assistant (2023/07/12 13:11:04): Please confirm if you are a new keeper by
clicking one of the following options:

You (2023/07/12 13:13:03): I am a new keeper

Virtual Assistant (2023/07/12 13:15:04): In a few short words, how can I help?

Virtual Assistant (2023/07/12 13:15:08): The green new keeper slip is given to the
new keeper of a vehicle by the seller.

Virtual Assistant (2023/07/12 13:15:08): The purpose of the new keeper slip is to
allow a new keeper to tax their new vehicle whilst the change of keeper is being

Virtual Assistant (2023/07/12 13:15:08): The slip can be used by a new keeper, to
tax their vehicle online, over the phone or at the Post Office®.

Virtual Assistant (2023/07/12 13:15:08): Has this answered your enquiry? Please
click one of the following options:

You (2023/07/12 13:24:52): No

Virtual Assistant (2023/07/12 13:24:56): I'll need to transfer you through to an

advisor, please outline the nature of your enquiry.

Virtual Assistant (2023/07/12 13:24:56): I can pass this information on for them to
assist you.

You (2023/07/12 13:24:58): please assign any advisor

You (2023/07/12 13:26:16): i have bought a car without logbook. is it legal?

Virtual Assistant (2023/07/12 13:29:08): Chat Summary:

Virtual Assistant (2023/07/12 13:29:09): Enquiry: please assign any advisor

Virtual Assistant (2023/07/12 13:29:11): Thank you, you have been added to a queue.
Please note: this screen will not update whilst you are waiting in the queue and
you will not receive any further messages until you have connected to an advisor.

You (2023/07/12 13:29:39): ok sure

Agent (2023/07/12 13:31:15): Good afternoon, you are speaking to Karen.

Can you confirm the vehicle registration number, make. model and colour please?

You (2023/07/12 13:31:47): Registration No: NG10HDY

You (2023/07/12 13:32:05): Make: Citroen

You (2023/07/12 13:32:16): Colour: Bronze

Agent (2023/07/12 13:33:14): If you purchase this vehicle without a V5C log book
then you will not be able to tax the vehicle until you receive the full V5C log
book in your name, which currently takes up to 6 weeks to process from the time
that we receive the application.

However, the seller can request a duplicate which they will receive within 5
working days in order to sell the vehicle and notify the DVLA that they no longer
have the vehicle.

You (2023/07/12 13:35:43): He came with me to a post office and we just filled v62
form on my name to get a logbook. He paid VED and V62 fee on my behalf to confirm I
own that vehicle. Is it okay?

Agent (2023/07/12 13:36:30): The V62 will not process if he does not have the V5C/2
Green New Keeper Slip to go with the V62.

Agent (2023/07/12 13:37:03): If he has paid the tax then this is not valid for you
to drive the vehicle as you have to tax in your name as tax is not transferable
anymore between keepers.

You (2023/07/12 13:38:09): V62 will not process? But he sent me the picture of
application with post office receipt. If you allow me to upload a picture, i can
send this to you to have a look?

Agent (2023/07/12 13:38:37): Did he complete the V62 with your name and address?

You (2023/07/12 13:38:42): Yes

You (2023/07/12 13:39:32): Yes. He completed that form with my name and address

Agent (2023/07/12 13:39:35): He had the Green New Keeper slip so he was able to tax
it in your name so that is fine.

Agent (2023/07/12 13:39:54): You will receive the V5C log book in your name within
6 weeks.

You (2023/07/12 13:40:53): I am not sure whether he had green new keeper slip or
not. he just sent me a picture of blue v62 filled form on my name with post office

You (2023/07/12 13:41:15): is there any way to track this v62 application through
post office reference number?

Agent (2023/07/12 13:41:42): I can see that this was taxed at the Post Office on
the 120th July 2023 with a V62 and the Green New Keeper slip.

You (2023/07/12 13:42:41): Great. So the car is on my name then? i can pay him now

Agent (2023/07/12 13:43:14): It will not be in your name until the V62 has
processed which will take up to 6 weeks.
You (2023/07/12 13:43:57): yea. but should i pay him now or wait for 6 weeks?

Agent (2023/07/12 13:44:00): The V62 only shows that you are the registered keeper
of a vehicle this does not prove ownership.

Agent (2023/07/12 13:44:33): I cannot get involved in that as the the log book is
not proof of ownership, this is your bill of sale for the vehicle.

Agent (2023/07/12 13:45:01): You will need to speak to the seller of the vehicle
regarding that.

You (2023/07/12 13:46:59): then what is the proof of ownership of car?

Agent (2023/07/12 13:47:14): That is the bill of sale you receive when you purchase
the vehicle.

You (2023/07/12 13:47:51): and who have the bill of sale ? its a private owner.

Agent (2023/07/12 13:48:14): It would be for the seller whether this is private or
not to supply this.

You (2023/07/12 13:49:26): ok. can you please confirm one thing only? you checked
this vehicle has taxed on 12 july. is it on my name? fahad raza?

Agent (2023/07/12 13:50:08): As I have explained above I can only see that the tax
was paid at the Post Office on the 10th July 2023 with a V62 and Green New Keeper
Slip that is all I can confirm.

You (2023/07/12 13:50:39): Sure. Thanks

Agent (2023/07/12 13:50:47): You're welcome. Thank you for your enquiry and have a
lovely day. Goodbye.
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