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Good morning, my name is Yulisa

Fernanda Valdés Ortega, I am a student, of

the Software Analysis and Development
course, Course number: 2721396.
Professor Jaime Miguel López
Development of the Audio 1 activity. I am
a passionate person, with aspirations, to
acquire experience with the technologist. I
want to be able to have stability in my life.
and put into practice what has been learned.
during this time of study ,Thank you very
much... Excuse me for the delay in
Evidence... Have a happy day. Thank you
Good morning, my name is Yulisa
Fernanda Valdés Ortega, I am a
student, of the Software Analysis and
Development course, Course number:
2721396. Professor Jaime Miguel
López Development of the Audio 2
activity. My opinion about the
academic process has been exciting, I
am happy to have the possibility to
study this technologist in Software
Analysis and Development and I want
to enjoy this academic experience that
SENA gives me. To improve myself
professionally and fulfill my dream.

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