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Vélez Rivera 1

Mirelys Z. Vélez Rivera

ENGL 1302-181

Dr. Cynthia Aradillas

16 October 2023

Week 8 Homework:

Question Answers: (OWL)

1. What five things do you need to finish on your draft?

a. I could try explaining content more into depth.

b. Revise in-text citations.

c. I am unsure if I did reach the word count, so if I didn’t, that would need fixing.

d. Evaluating my evidence

e. Revise that thesis flows with the evidence provided in the body paragraphs.

2. What five things do you need to change in your draft?

a. Maybe some of the sources. In the beginning, I had an idea and use for all of

them, but while writing I noticed some were too much or confusing with the


b. I still am not convinced with the title I gave the paper, so I would maybe change


c. Tighten and clean up the language. Maybe add more sophisticated wording.

d. Fix any grammar mistakes.

e. Maybe include more in-text citations.

Vélez Rivera 2

3. What five things are perfect in your draft, and you will not change them?

a. Works Cited, is properly organized in alphabetical order and MLA formatting.

b. MLA formatting throughout the paper.

c. Personally, I like the introduction, unless indicated otherwise, I wouldn’t change


d. Some body paragraphs. I believe some of them are great as they are, at least with

the topic.

e. In-text citation.

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