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Nama : Daffa Mahardian Khadafi

NIM : 225090501111035
Program Studi : S1 Statistika
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Dosen Pengampu : Amanda Vira Maharani S.Pd., M.Li
Topic : Over-reliance on Online Targeted Advertising Using Internet User’s
Personal Data Should be Regretted

Rely Internet Sufficiently and Wisely

The era developed quickly. In addition to collecting information, the Internet is now a
means of transaction. Online shopping is being used more and more by people. Online
transactions have a higher crime rate than shopping locally. Personal data very important to
consumers, we cannot guarantee online merchants in the event of consumer data theft
(Ersada, p.16, 2020). Online shopping is often said to be better than buying in person. But, I
agree with Ersada’s opinion and we must use the internet insightfully and carefully.

Personal data stored on digital platforms is now highly vulnerable to emergence, with
many people relying on digital platforms in the era of the new normal. In recent years, it is
estimated that over hundreds of millions of personal data have been exposed worldwide
(Dwiki, p.6, 2022). Data leak on the Tokopedia e-commerce platform where the leaked
personal data full names, account names, emails, online stores, dates of birth, cellphone
numbers, registration dates, and a number of encrypted data with an estimated data on the
amount leaked of 91 million user data and 7 million merchants (Susanto, p.1141,2022). Sure,
online shopping makes life easier for people, but it doesn't work if we're not careful. We need
to manage our data and be able to find the right information through the internet. By using the
Internet wisely, we can minimize the leakage of personal information. We can do by starting
small, like buying things that are already available at the grocery store. Not only does it
protect your personal data, it also helps the economy for people who are still not proficient to
their devices.

Even if we are cautious, there must be something beyond our control. Approximately
279 million population data in Indonesia were sold and offered on online forums called Raid
Forums, including card numbers, NIK, mobile phone numbers, emails, addresses, and salaries
(Susanto, p.1141, 2022). This statement does not mean that we do not need the Internet. Don't
over-reliance on the internet. The Internet will be useful in the hands of wise people.
Indonesia has no regulation regarding the Protection of Personal Data and/or Digital Assets
(Susanto, p.1147, 2022). One way to use the Internet wisely is to be aware of missed
information, fake news, and manipulation.

The conclusion that can be represented from the arguments above is that we should
not over-reliance on the Internet, but rather use it wisely. Use the internet insightfully.
Dwiki, D. K. P. (2022) Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Konsumen terhadap Penyalahgunaan Data
Pribadi dalam Menggunakan Jasa Beli Online, Skripsi, Program Sarjana Universitas
Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta.

Ersada, E. B. (2020) Analisis Keamanan, Kemudahan, dan Kepercayaan terhadap Keputudan

Pembelian melalui Aplikasi Belanja Online Shopee pada Mahasiswa UNPAB,
Skripsi, Program Sarjana Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi, Medan.

Susanto, D. (2022) ‘Urgensi Pengaturan Data Digital/Elektronik Pribadi’, Bureaucracy

Journal: Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance, 2(3), p1140-

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