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Skeletal System

Skull o Lateral border

o Inferior angle
● Frontal
o Superior angle
● Occipital
o Supraspinous fossa
● Temporal
o Scapular spine
● Parietal
o Infraspinous fossa
● Sphenoid
o Medial border
● Cribriform plate
o Subscapular fossa
● Crista Galli
● Foramen magnum Humerus
● External Occipital Protuberance o Head
● Jugular foramen o Anatomical neck
o Surgical neck
Vertebral column
o Greater tubercle
● Spinous process o Lesser tubercle
● Transverse foramen o Intertubercular groove
● Transverse process o Deltoid tuberosity
● Atlas o Lateral supracondylar
● Vertebral body ridge
● Sacrum o Medial supracondylar
o Ala ridge
o Sacral promontory o Radial fossa
o Sacral foramina o Coronoid fossa
o Transverse line o Medial epicondyle
o Median sacral crest o Lateral epicondyle
o Sacral hiatus o Capitulum
● Coccyx o Trochlea
o Olecranon fossa
Ribcage/ Clavicle Elbow and Forearm
● Jugular notch o Radial notch of ulna
● Sternum o Radial head
o Manubrium o Radial neck
o Body o Radial tuberosity
o Xiphoid process o Radial styloid process
● Clavicle o Ulnar styloid process
o Sternal end o Ulnar head
o Acromial end o Ulnar tuberosity
● Scapula o Radial notch of ulna
o Acromion process o Coronoid process
o Coracoid process o Trochlear notch
o Glenoid cavity o Olecranon process
Hands ● Medial epicondyle
o Carpal bones (ALL) ● Lateral condyle
o Metacarpals ● Medial condyle
o Phalanges ● Patellar groove
● Shaft of femur
● Intertrochanteric line
● Obturator foramen
● Symphysis pubis
● ASIS ● Tibia
● PSIS o Intercondylar eminence
● Ilium o Lateral condyle
● Pubis o Medial condyle
● Ischium o Tibial tuberosity
● Acetabulum o Medial malleolus
● Ischial ramus
● Fibula
● Iliac crest
o Fibular head
● Ischial tuberosity
o Lateral malleolus
Femur Foot

● Head ● Calcaneus
● Fovea capitis ● Talus
● Greater trochanter ● Cuboid
● Neck ● Cuneiform (lateral, medial,
● Intertrochanteric crest intermediate)
● Pectineal line ● Metatarsal
● Linea aspera ● Phalanges
● Lateral epicondyle

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