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Imię i nazwisko: _________________________ Klasa: ____ Wynik: ____ / 42

1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Które z Changes in Education – Good effort but could do
podanych odpowiedzi A–C są właściwe i zgodne z better!
treścią nagrań?
1 ____
In the past, students sat in rows of desks all facing the
Text 1
front of the room. The layout reflected the fact that
1 The boy’s comment about people thinking British
classes generally involved the students listening to the
schools should be more like Korean ones refers to
teacher. Nowadays, you are more likely to see desks
A the positive effect it would have on students’
grouped together with four or six students sitting
around them facing each other. Students can discuss
B the greater range of subjects studied by students in
ideas and solve problems together in a relaxed way.
C the higher educational standards in Korea. 2 ____
Less obvious, but just as important is a change in
Text 2 attitudes. Whereas in the past a student might have
2 What do the students do last? been dismissed as ‘lazy’, teachers now realise that
A Listen to the instructions for the exam. there could well be a reason why they are having
B Write something on the answer paper. difficulties, such as dyslexia or problems at home.
C Take the question paper out and look at it. Teachers are now trained to understand their
students and know how to give each one individual
Text 3 attention, rather than focusing on the group as a
3 Which is true about schools in England? whole all the time.
A All schools follow the same rules of behaviour. 3 ____
B All schools have to inform parents and students of Another change can be seen in the choice of set books
their rules. for literature classes. There are more books by
C Physical punishment is only allowed if it is modern-day writers from a variety of different
reasonable. backgrounds. The novel Girl, Woman, Other, which
won the Booker Prize in 2019, is by a woman of mixed
4 Detention cannot take place English-Nigerian background and features characters
A without a teacher supervising the students. whose lives students will understand much better
B after the school day has finished. than those of people from 200 years ago.
C without parents’ permission. 4 ____
Technology has also made a big difference. Students
5 The speaker’s intention when talking about isolation can research information online in ICT classrooms or
is to even on their own mobile phones. Homework tasks
A explain why it has to be used on some occasions. can be sent to the teacher by email and parents are
B sympathise with teachers who have to supervise it. kept informed of grades and absences in e-registers.
C compare the effectiveness of isolation and Tests can also be done online and automatically
detention as a punishment. marked, saving a huge amount of time for teachers.
____ / 10
5 ____
2 Przeczytaj tekst. Które nagłówki A–G pasują do Foreign exchange schemes give students a chance to
części tekstu 1–5? Dwa nagłówki zostały podane practice their language skills abroad and can help
dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu. students in their future careers. However, a survey
A A missed opportunity found that only 30% of state school secondary
B Preparing for the future students in the UK had the chance to go on one,
C Improving different skills compared to 77% of independent school students,
D Working in groups and Brexit will only make the situation worse.
E Making it relevant ____ / 10
F Better for everyone
G A better understanding

Repetytorium z języka angielskiego dla liceów i techników

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Imię i nazwisko: _________________________ Klasa: ____ Wynik: ____ / 42

3 Uzupełnij zdania. Wykorzystaj w odpowiedniej My blog

formie wyrazy podane w nawiasach. Nie zmieniaj New entry – title: No more art.
kolejności podanych wyrazów, ale dodaj wszystkie
niezbędne elementy tak, aby otrzymać logiczne i Hi Everyone,
gramatycznie poprawne zdania. W każdą lukę I’d like to tell you about the recent changes at my
możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów, wliczając school.
w to wyrazy już podane. ________________________________________________
1 The headteacher at our school _________________
(not / let / we) wear jewellery or make-up. ________________________________________________
2 I don’t mind exams but I’m not _________________
(keen / do) homework. ________________________________________________

3 In the last lesson our teacher __________________ ________________________________________________

(ask / we / find) the information online. ________________________________________________
4 The library ____________________ (be / first) floor, ________________________________________________
next to the teachers’ room.
5 _________________ (you / allow) use a calculator in
maths tests in your school?
____ / 10 ________________________________________________
4 W twojej szkole ograniczono liczbę lekcji
przedmiotów artystycznych, takich jak plastyka,
muzyka, czy zajęcia teatralne, tak aby uczniowie ________________________________________________
mogli skupić się na przedmiotach akademickich. ________________________________________________
Na swoim blogu:
• przedstaw zaistniałą sytuację i podaj ________________________________________________
argumenty za wprowadzonymi zmianami, ________________________________________________
• porównaj plan zajęć w tym oraz w ubiegłym ________________________________________________
• wyraź i uzasadnij swoją opinię na temat
wprowadzonych zmian,
• zachęć swoich czytelników do podzielenia się ________________________________________________
opinią na twoim blogu. ________________________________________________
Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów.
Długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 100 do 150 słów, nie ________________________________________________
licząc zdania, które jest podane.
____ / 12

Repetytorium z języka angielskiego dla liceów i techników

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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