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Northern Samar Colleges

Catarman Northern Samar

Library department


Submitted by:
Lornalyn B. Lagrimas
Submitted to:
Mrs. Mindanilla Paredez
I. Introduction

Northern Samar Colleges is

celebrating the 72th founding Anniversary
@NSC campus tbia live and zoom the
theme " NSC towards mental health and
wellness amidst the pandemic' they gave to
the student glimpse of mental health
awareness to help the other students who
not know what there doing around the
pandemic, and thank to the teacher and
SSG officers to conduct the webinar.
II. Narrative events
Part 1
On Monday I was at home because I
don't have duty, my duty will be on TTh in
the library department I don't know what
going on to school but all I know we have to
join to webinar on afternoon,we need to
join because that's are attendance and we
need to know the topic , I prepare myself
for that
In afternoon start the webinar exactly
1pm we need to join in zoom live, the zoom
live was an limit but there live in fb to
@NSC education group I want the fb live
and the theme" toward mental health and
wellness amidst the pandemic" I watch until
end of the live I took a picture every topic .

Part 2.
Morning @ 7:30 I was arrive @ Northern
Samar Colleges i great manong guard to say
good morning an he tell me that were my
QR code ,and vaccine card and I give to
manong guard after that I so SSG officers
and teacher are so busy because of
founding Anniversary in our school, there
need to prepare for the webinar and the
other event.
In the afternoon I arrive to school in
Northern Samar Colleges (NSC) I was there
because guilty on the library that time we
have a internships that was our guilty, the
first event that I saw is there live at zoom
and fb live because we have a webinar that
was our attendance to, we need a
screenshot and send it to our gc and we
need to watch the live and it's all about
mental health and wellness .

Part 3.
Wenesday and Thursday is the same
The theme"Series of the webinar about
Mental Health Awareness" . On Thursday I
was duty in NSC for are internships sir
Gregg told us that we're an half day,
teacher going to church and do motorcade
, and the Friday is holiday we don't have
event all nsc officers and teacher are rest ,
because of the event that there conduct is

III. Knowledge
I learn about the webinar is how to care
your self , supportive communication skills
and other more.
Care for yourself is you gave a time and give
what your self happy, happeness is a choice
to become happy and what will you happy.
And the other knowledge I learn to webinar
mental health is state of well-being in which
an individual relative he or her are own
abilities. Penalties and the bullying to
student and many more, Thanks to the
webinar because give us an idea and give
knowledge , thank you to conduct the
webinar teachers and SSG officers the 72th
founding Anniversary is successful .

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