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Vocabulary for standard 6 –Starter Unit (Part 5) - 1

Emotions/ Feelings
Happy - 快乐
Curious - 好奇
Sad - 伤心
Grateful - 感激
Angry - 生气
Hopeful - 有希望
Frustrated - 沮丧
In love - 爱
Excited - 兴奋
Tired - 疲倦
Nervous - 紧张
Lonely - 孤独
Fearful - 害怕
Hopeless - 绝望
Disgusted - 厌恶
Guilty - 内疚
Surprised - 惊讶
Ashamed - 感到羞耻
Embarrassed - 尴尬
Pleased - 高兴
Envious - 嫉妒
Proud - 骄傲
Jealous - 妒忌
Regretful - 后悔
Confused - 困惑
Relaxed - 放松
Content - 满足
Worried - 担心
Amused - 好笑
Disappointed- 失望
Bored - 无聊

Activity: (Vocabulary)

(1) Guess type of emotions/ felling from the hints.

(a) I felt incredibly _____________ when I received the news that I had been accepted into my
dream university.

(b) (b) I couldn't help feeling _____________ when I heard that my best friend was moving to
another country.

(c) My teacher was extremely ___________when he found out that students in class made
noise on the last schooling day.

(d) I had been trying to solve the mathematics questions for hours and was feeling extremely

(e) My sister was so _____________about her upcoming family trip that she could barely sleep
at night.
(f) The idea of speaking in front of a large audience made me feel incredibly ____________.

(g) I felt __________ when I heard the sound of whispering my name and saw the dark shadow
in front my room access yesterday midnight.

(h) The smell of the rotten food in the trash can made me feel ______________ and sick.

(i) I was completely _______________when my father showed up at my doorstep with a my

favourite car.

(j) I felt _____________ when I tripped and fell in front of a large group of people.

(k) The success of my friend made me feel ______________ and I wished I had worked harder
to achieve the same level of success.

(l) The attention that my little sister was getting from our parents made me feel ___________
and left out.

(m) I felt ____________ when I read the complex instructions for assembling the Lego Iron man.

(n) I was ____________ with my life and felt grateful for all the good things that I had.

(o) The funny video of the Mr Bean playing with a toy Terry Bear made me feel
____________and I couldn't stop laughing.

(p) The lecture on the history of economics was so _____________ that I almost fell asleep in
the middle of it.

(q) She was always __________about the world around her and loved to learn new things.

(r) I am so ___________for all the support you have given me during this difficult time.

(s) Despite the challenges we face, I remain __________ that we can build a better future.

(t) I am completely ____________with my collection and can't imagine my life without them.

(u) She felt ___________after leaving his family for further study abroad.

(v) He had lost all hope of finding a solution to the problem and felt completely __________.

(w) I felt ___________ when I broke my mom's favorite vase by accident.

(x) I felt ____________when my teacher scored me in front the class because of my ignorance
in class, and I didn't want to do it again.

(y) My parents were so __________ when I got an all A on my UASA tests.

(z) My parents feel so ________when I got all F on my UASA tests.

Write a short composition ( 30 to 50 words)

You have order some reference books from vendors online. Unfortunately, you have received wrong
quantity and brand. Write an email to express your feeling and then advise them to recheck the
order and make appropriate actions.


Write a short composition (50 to 80 words)

Write an email to your friend, and share with him/her how you overcome you negative emotion/
feelings. (For those good learner- please mention the benefits that you gained from controlling your
negative emotion. ).



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