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Jaliyah Julia B. Bacleon 11 Humss 2 am

Learning a life lesson about something I've struggled with for years, it’s loving
myself and knowing my worth. It's something I’m really glad that I have learned
the hard way because I know that I am not the person who I am today if I didn’t
learn that by dealing with myself. I learned a lot of things that I have been taught
in my life by a number of people such as my family, teachers, or even my own
friends. However, learning something about life because you went through it is
something very special for me. You didn’t just learn it because you were taught or
because you heard it, you learned it by experience. You gained with what you
went through. And I think that’s really the purpose of having problems, for us to
learn. I admit I struggled a lot with having to accept who I am. I have experience
comparing my life to other people and comparing how I look to other girls out
there, I feel overwhelmed and my insecurities that lead to comparing myself
made me feel less beautiful, it made me less confident for who I am and it led me
down to self-destruction too, I was looking at where I lacked, not noticing what I
could do because My insecurities always gets the better of me, I tend to forget
the good aspects of myself because of my insecurities and the society. Learning
how to love myself also made me realize that nothing in life will come easy. Life
can feel shaky at times and we will have to cry, laugh, and to be silent, and it's
important for me to know that it will not make me less of a person when I'm
having a hard time that I need to know that I can also smile, love, laugh and feel
that genuine happiness.

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