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Creative Writing


Jaliyah Julia B. Bacleon

Trixia Marie Adriano
11 Humss 2 am
The message in the poem is that people forget about
certain things in life, that our world is already being
affected by how careless humans are and then
people who work hard to earn money during
pandemics also forget that there is a virus out there
that they could be infected with. The Covid-19 virus
was like a messenger just like what happened to our
family who tested positive in Covid-19. The difference
is that, covid-19 became a messenger but some
people still didn't get the message of Covid-19 while
our family members learned their lesson and they
did get the message when they tested positive in
Covid-19. Since this virus is timely not just in our
country but worldwide, millions of people already die
and some are fighting against life and death because
of covid-19. We, people must stay safe, prioritize our
own health and have concern for the health of our
loved ones. In this time of pandemic i know earning
money to sustain our daily living is really hard. But,
we should prioritize our health, we should take
vitamins, eat healthy foods that can make our
immune system strong and we should stay away
from crowded people.

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