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Name: Amponsah Silas

Class: RGN 18

Course: Sign Language

Index Number: NMTCSNRGN210095

Q1. Importance of sign language to you as Health professional.


1. Improves communication: Sign language enables healthcare workers to communicate effectively with
patients who are deaf or hard of hearing. This helps to ensure that patients receive the appropriate care
and treatment.

2. Builds trust: When healthcare workers use sign language to communicate with patients, it helps to
build trust and establish a rapport with them. This can lead to better patient outcomes and improved

3. Promotes inclusivity: By using sign language, healthcare workers can create a more inclusive
environment for patients who are deaf or hard of hearing. This helps to promote equality and ensures
that all patients receive the same level of care.

4. Reduces errors: When healthcare workers are able to communicate effectively with patients, it
reduces the risk of miscommunication and errors. This can help to prevent medical errors and improve
patient safety.

In conclusion, sign language is an important tool for healthcare workers as it enables them to provide
better care and treatment to patients who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Q2. With explanation, write some misconceptions about deaf people


1. Deaf people are unable to communicate: This is a common misconception that deaf people cannot
communicate with others. However, this is not true as deaf people use sign language, written language,
and other forms of communication to interact with others.

2. All deaf people read lips: While some deaf people may read lips, it is not a skill that all deaf people
possess. Additionally, lip reading is not always accurate and can be difficult in noisy environments.

3. Deaf people are isolated and lonely: This is not true as deaf people have their own communities and
social networks. They also have access to technology that enables them to communicate with others,
such as video conferencing and text messaging.
4. Deaf people are unable to participate in activities: Many deaf people are involved in various activities
such as sports, music, and art. They can also participate in activities that do not require hearing, such as
hiking or gardening.

5. Deaf people are unable to drive: This is a common misconception that deaf people cannot drive.
However, many deaf people are able to obtain driver's licenses and drive safely on the roads. They rely
on visual cues and other senses to navigate the roads.

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