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The ayaymama (where the birds sing)

First scene:
(Rodrigo and Amelia are young, and they just started to fall in love. Sequences like, them
going through the forest, talking and dancing near the river. They have a great connection,
until, they realize Sofia is pregnant)

Second scene:
(Norma in their bed holding one baby, and then holding another baby, with Angie beside

Third scene:
Norma, Cora, Yuri and Pedro are in their house, Amelia is in the kitchen.
She is cleaning the kitchen while the kids are eating, Rodrigo is on the table looking at the
Angie: Mom we finished!
Pamela: We are going to the room right now.
Sofia: Sure, I will be there in a minute.

(Angie and Pamela leave the scene.Rodrigo is still worried, he is lost in his thoughts, he's
drinking a beer from a bottle. Sofia comes closer.)

Amelia: What's wrong? Is your job again? (No answer) Rodrigo?

Rodrigo: Mmm sorry, job?, everythings fine just thinking about the things we need to pay this
Sofia (Trying to convince him): Talking about money, I really need my pills again, I´m still
feeling bad, I almost didn't get out of bed today. (Laughs)
Rodrigo: I don´t know, wait a few days, let me see what I can do. Take the plates.

(Sofia smiles, leaves the dining table, Rodrigo stays at the table)

Forth Scene:

(Sofia comes out of the girls room, she wishes them a goodnight.)
(She sees Rodrigo, he's standing, he looks confused, Sofia approaches him)

Sofia: You have been acting weird all day, are you going to tell me what's wrong?
Rodrigo: What do you mean?
Sofia: You have been avoiding me and the kids, are you still drunk?
Rodrigo (he was definitely drunk): No, I'm not.
Sofia: Then, why are you acting like this?
Rodrigo: Acting like what, I´m normal, acting normal.
Sofia: Let's avoid this conversation, just tell me the truth, you are hiding something.
Rodrigo (He walks away): You are crazy, are you hearing what you are saying?
Sofia: Are you? What are you hiding? Huh?
Rodrigo (Walking towards her): You want to know what I am hiding?
Amelia: (Almost screaming): Yes, I want. To. Know.
(Pedro looks to the kid’s bedroom and drags her outside)
Pedro: I´m sick of you, and of, I´m sick of this. I hate giving you all my money.
Amelia: But, you chose this life, you chose us, your daughters, they don´t matter to you
Pedro: It's not that, I just can't keep living like this.

Amelia: What do you mean?

Pedro: I´m leaving you, I´m sorry. I´ll be back in the morning to pick up my stuff. Keep this.
(Pedro handed Amelia some money, Amelia kept the money in her hands. She was
Amelia (screaming): I don't want your money, I hate you, I can't believe you are doing this to
us, I can't believe youre doing this to me!
(Cora and Yuri go out of their room, they are looking at Pedro, he looks back, the frame
changes to the outside of the house, then once Rodrigo walks towards the door, he slams
the door.)

Fifth scene:
(Amelia gets worse after the fight, scenes of her coughing and sneezing on her bed.)

Sixth scene:
(Fast change to the girls sitting on the dining table, they are in silence playing with their
hands. The house is lonely, the ambience is also colder. Amelia enters the scene)
Amelia: Good morning girls, have you eaten breakfast already?
Cora: No mom, the pantry it's empty.
Yuri: We wanted to cook something, but there's no food.
Amelia: Don't worry I will fix that in a minute, why don´t you go outside, I will go, just wait a
(Amelia realizes there's nothing she can do to feed her children, she opens all the cabinets
and looks around the house while coughing, then she cries on the floor.)
Amelia (While crying): What am I gonna do, Oh Pedro, why did you leave me, I can't do this
on my own.

Seventh scene:
(The frame changes to Cora and Yuri playing on the river, then Amelia shows up, she plays
with her children even though she's feeling sick. They run and jump, scream and have fun.
The afternoon it's over and the sun it's going down. Cora and Yuri start to yawn)

Amelia: You are so sleepy! We need to go to bed, or you will be tired in the morning. Let's
(She grabs her daughter's hands and goes into the house.)

Ninth scene:
(Once they get into the house, they get to bed together.)
Amelia: C´mon girls, lest get into bed.
(Amelia kisses their daughters goodbye, and the she sits on the dining table alone, she cries
again, she coughs while she sobs)
Tenth scene:
(Someone knocks the door, Cora opens it, Osmar is bringing some food)
Osmar: Hello girls, you hungry, I got some food. I want to see you mom. Where is she?
Cora: She is in her bedroom, she has been in bed for a few days now
Yuri: She is not getting better, her cough is getting worse and worst
Osmar: I will take care of her, you don't have to worry about it now. Do you like soup?
Yuri and Cora: Yes!!
Osmar: Alright, I will cook some for you after I go to see you mom.

(Osmar enter Amelia´s room)

Osmar: Hey, I brought some food for the girls, don´t worry, how are you?
Amelia (Coughing): I´m not good. I don't think I´m going to make it Osmar.
Osmar: Don´t say that, we will find a way.
Amelia (strongly): No, no I feel it, you need to help me. You need to take care of the girls, I
´m begging you, they can't be alone. You need to call Pedro.
Osmar (sobbing): But he left you!
Amelia: I know, but he is their father, he needs to do something, Cora and Yuri need him
more than ever. Promise that you will tell him, pleas
Osmar: I promise.
Amelia: Please call the girls, I need to talk to them too.
Osmar: Sure

Osmar: Cora, Yuri, your mom is calling you.

(Yuri and Cora walk towards the room)
Amelia: I´m so sorry, for not being able to take care of you this days, being sick is awful, any
way, I wanted to tell you that I love you and I will love you forever, I want you to be good,
with everyone, be kind and do everything I thought you to do, you are the best gift that I
have ever gotten. Thank you for being such great daughters.
Cora: Thank you mom. We love you too.
Yuri: Yes, we love you so so much.
Amelia: Now go, Osmar is cookíng something for you, then you can go play outside.
(The girls kiss their mom´s cheek and then go outside.)

Eleventh scene

(It's night time outside, the kids are asleep and Omar it's on a chair near Amelias bed, a few
seconds of him looking at her asleep, then it´s the next morning, Omar just woke up, and is
trying to wake Amelia up, but she wont, she is dead, and Omar cries on the bed)

12 scene

(Cora and Yuri are looking at Amelia's stone, Omar joins them and leaves a couple of flower
there, the seem sad)

13 scene:
(Omar is walking towards a house, he knocks on the door, Pedro opens it)
Pedro: Omar, hello, haven't seen you in a while
Osmar (Roughly): Yes, hello
Pedro: So, what are you doing here? I don't have any money to lend you but-
Osmar: I don't want any money! I came here to tell you that Amelia died. She passed away a
few days ago.
Pedro: Oh, I thought she was getting better, I can't believe it.
Osmar: Well you have to, she was very sad after you left.
Pedro: I had to leave, I was not happy, now I am, I hope she understood that.
Osmar: Well the main reason I came to see you is because your daughters are alone now,
Amelia is gone, and I wish I could take care of them, but I have to work, so now it's time for
you to be their father.
Pedro: Wait, what?. I told you, I have a new life and a new wife.
Osmar: I don't care about your new wife, you are their father, and if you don't come back,
they will be alone in that house, making a good decision for the first time in your life.
(Osmar leaves and Pedro watches him walk away)

14 scene
(The camera focuses on the inside of Pedro's house, he is standing in front of the door)
Vanessa (Touches his shoulder): Who was that?
Pedro: It was and old friend (he seems nervous)
Vanessa: What did he say?
Pedro: Ammm, I just, I can tell you later (Walking towards the dining room)
Vanessa: Tell me now! What are you hiding? }
Pedro (he sits down at the table): Give me a second please, It's something a bit shocking.
Vanessa: Why are you taking so long? Just tell me, I am not going to wait all day.
Pedro: Okay well, remember I had an ex-wife right?
Vanessa: Yes, what about her?
Pedro: She died, but that's not the point
Vanessa: Then what is it?
Pedro: I didn't tell you but, I have two daughters that now don't have a mother or a father.
Vanessa: Wait, you waited until now to tell me?
Pedro: I´m sorry, but I thought I wouldn't have to take care of them again.
Vanessa (Relaxed): Well you are their father after all, what are you going to do?
Pedro (Shocked by Vanessa’s reaction): I think I have to go back.
Vanessa: I´ll go with you.
Pedro (hugs her): Thank you for being so understanding.
Vanessa (Rolling her eyes): Don´t be, I know what you must be going through.

15 scene:
(Vanessa and Pedro arrive with some suitcases they are walking towards the girls house)
Cora (Running to hug Pedro): Dad! you are back
Yuri (Running just behind Cora): We missed you so much.
Pedro: Hey!! I missed you too, let me get my things inside.
Cora: (Pointing at Vanessa) Who is she?
Pedro: Um, she is Vanessa, she will be like you new mother
Vanessa (trying to be kind) Hey girls
Yuri: But we don´t want a new mother.
Pedro: Let´s get inside please

(They walks inside the house)

Pedro (Leaving his stuff on the floor) Girls, I need you to understand that she is my wife, so
that means she is your mom now, you have to accept that.
Vanessa: I´m very sorry for your mom, I´m gonna try my best to be just like her.
Cora: Thanks, I think.
Pedro: Now we want to put all of our stuff in place, you can go outside if you want.
Yuri: Alright, byeee.
(Osmar goes to the house)
Osmar: It looks like you made the right decision, don't ruin it this time.(he leaves)

16 scene:
(A few days have passed, Cora and Yuri are playing with some old cards, they are laughing
and screaming, suddenly Vanessa appears)
Vanessa: Why are you being so loud!! I´m trying to sleep in that awful bed, and you keep
screaming, shut up!
Cora: Sorry we thought we were being quiet.
Vanessa: Well you are not, and clean this mess before your father comes back from work,
(Vanessa sits reading the newspaper while Cora and Yuri start cleaning, they move some
things around, until Vanessa notices Pedro coming to the house)

Pedro (entering the house): Hello girls, how are you, wow, the house looks very clean.
(Yuri and Cora smile because they thought Vanessa was going to say that they did it)
Vanessa (Grabbing the broom): Well thanks, I spend all morning cleaning, I´m exhausted
Pedro: You should definitely take a nap, you did a lot of work today, what about you? What
have you done today?
Yuri: Um, we played with our dolls for a while.
Cora: Yes, it was fun.
Pedro: That means you did nothing, you need to learn from Vanessa, she was cleaning all
day, and she was very productive, tomorrow you need to do something, now go.
(Cora and Yuri go outside)

17 scene:
(Vanessa kept making the girls do the chores of the house)
(Cora was sitting on the entrance of the house.
Vanessa (Handing her a bucket with clothes) Hey you, go outside and wash my clothes,
don't ruin them. Where is your sister? I need her to wash the dishes.
Cora: I don´t know, I think she is outside.
Vanessa: Then call her, hurry.

18 scene:
(Cora was looking for Yuri, she was sitting near the river)
Cora: He the witch is looking for you, she wants you to wash the dishes.
Yuri: I hate her, I thought she was going to be nice.
Cora: Me too, I don't know what dad sees in her.
Yuri: We will find out later, I have to go. Wish me luck
Cora: Very, very, very good luck.
(Yuri enters the house and Cora stays washing Vanessa´s clothes in the river, Osmar
reaches out, with his clothes)
Osmar: ¡Hey Cora!, I haven't seen you in a while, I heard your dad is back, how is
Cora: Not so great, his new wife is very annoying.
Osmar: I don´t know her yet, but you are probably right.
Cora: Sometimes I miss mom so much, I wish she could be right here.
Osmar: I know, you just need to try to be understanding with her.
Cora: I´ll try, Yuri is much more kind to her, she doesn´t understand that she is making
things on purpose.
Osmar: Yuri is a kind soul, she just thinks everyone can be good.
Cora: That´s one of her qualities, I´m going to finish this, thank you for coming.
Osmar: Thank you! I hope you can smooth things out with the new wife.

18 scene
(Once Cora washed the clothes she started hanging them in the rope. Vanessas comes
Vanessa: It looks like you're already finished. You should wash my clothes more often.
Cora: My mom taught me how to do it. I was very young when I started to do chores to help
her because dad left.
(Vanessa was looking at the clothes while Cora was talking and realized that one of her
shirts had a hole)
Vanessa: Then she taught you very badly! Look at this, you made a hole in my favorite
Cora: I´m sorry I was being very careful, I don't know how-
Vanessa (Grabs Cora by the hair): Shut up, you are going to pay for this.
(Vanessa throws Cora in the ground and enters the house)

19 scene:
(Cora and Yuri were talking outside the house)
Cora: I can't do this anymore, I am exhausted
Yuri: Me too, she is exactly like a witch, I don't know what to do.
Cora: I think we need to tell dad.
Yuri: I´m not sure Cora, what if we make it worse?
Cora: No, dad will believe in us, he came back for us, he actually cares about us.
Yuri: Maybe we should wait a few days, she might change?
Cora: Well a few days it's okay, but then we are telling dad.
Yuri: Right

20 scene:
Cora and Yuri kept doing chores for Vanessa.

21 scene
(Yuri is desperately looking for Cora, she was angry)
Yuri: Cora, where are you?, there you are.
Cora: You look very angry, what happened?
Yuri: I´m tired of this, she made me clean and she hit me again
Cora: Wait, again?
Yuri: Yes, It's time to tell dad.
Cora: Are you sure?
Yuri: Absolutely

22 scene
(Cora and Yuri waited outside the house for their dad, once he arrived then run, before he
entered the house)
Cora and Yuri: ¡Dad!
Pedro: Hello
Cora: Dad, there is something we need to tell you.
Pedro: Can it be tomorrow? I´m very tired
Yuri: It´s very important dad.
Pedro (touching his forehead): What is it?
Cora: It's about Vanessa. She is treating us very badly
Yuri: Yes! She makes us do all of the chores around the house, and if we don´t do it or if we
do something wrong, she hits us and pulls our hair.
Cora: It has been like this since she arrived
Pedro: That 's all?
Yuri: Umm yes
Pedro: Oh, well it is not my fault or my problem, you are probably giving her a bad time.
(Pedro started walking towards the house)
Yuri: Are you not going to do something?
Pedro: I already told you, It's on you.
(Pedro enters the house, Cora and Yuri stay outside)
Yuri: I knew this was going to happen.
Cora: I think he doesn´t believe us, that's all.
Yuri: I don´t know, he is going to be on her side either way.
Cora: I have an idea.
Yuri: Go on.
Cora: What if we made her hit us, in front of dad.
Yuri: Well that is a great plan, when can we do it?
Cora: We just need to wait, until dad and the witch are in the house, and we need to do
something that will make her really angry
Yuri: We have a plan, let's go.
(Cora and Yuri enter the house)

23 scene:
(A few days later, all the family was in the living room, Cora was cleaning the floor and Yuri
was using a broom, she was near a jar, that had a lot of pretty designs, and she threw it on
Vanessa: What are you doing!!!
Pedro: Yuri, are you stupid?
Vanessa: This was the jar that my mom gave me, you are such an idiot, do you even have a
(Vanessa grabs Yuri by her hair and pulls it)
Cora: Dad! Do something.
Pedro: Shut up or it's going to be worse for you!
Vanessa: You are going to pay for this.
(Vanessa pulls Yuri to the room and sounds of Vanessa hitting the girl, Pedro is reading his
newspaper and Cora it's crying)
Pedro: Don´t you dare to go and try to help her or you will get that and even worse.

24 scene:
(Cora and Yuri ar sitting in the living room, Vanessa and Pedro are looking at them)
Pedro: I can´t believe that you tried to lie to me, Vanessa told me all the truth, she said that
you were the ones treating her badly when she arrived. What were you expecting from her?
That she would let a few little girls treat her badly?
Cora: But dad.
Pedro: Shut up, I ́m sick of both of you, you do something wrong all the time, your mother
died, because she was tired of you. I should have never come back here, I give you food
and a house to sleep, and that's how you pay me? Screaming at Vanessa, and being
incredibly spoiled girls? You are unbelievable, I can´t believe I even came back,
Yuri: Why are you being so mean? You are supposed to be our father.
Vanessa: I think you stopped having a family a long time ago.
Cora: Are you going to let her do this to us?
Pedro: Vanessa is the love of my life, I think that's all you need to hear.
Yuri: I hate you! Let's go Cora.
(Yuri grabbed Cora´s hand, and dragged her out her house, they run until they reached the
river, they sat there)

25 Scene
Cora: I think we're alone now.
Yuri: I can't stay here. We can't stay here
Cora: What do we do?
Yuri: We need to run away.
(Vanessa, screaming from the house, where are these awful girls?)
(Cora and Yuri hide from Vanessa, while she is looking for them outside the house, They
decide to grab some food and run to the forest)
Vanessa: Ugh, where are they, when they come back, they are going to be punished!

Yuri Let's go to the forest, alone, just us

Cora: Mom loved the forest, we will be close to her, at least for a moment.
Yuri: It's now or never
(They disappear in the woods)

26 scene
(Later that day Vanessa and Omar are in the house, Osmar knocks the door)
Pedro: What are you doing here? I have no money, and Amelia died a long time ago.
Osmar: I´m looking for your daughters, I heard someone screaming the other day.
Pedro: Well they are not here. Actually I don't know where they are.
Osmar: How can you be so calm and careless?
Pedro: I´m sure they will come back, or I don´t know, I never wanted them anyway.
Osmar: If they die, I will kill you both.
(Osmar runs to the forest)

27 scene
Cora: I´m tired. Can we stop?
Yuri: Sure let's sit right here, the tree looks nice.
(A lot of birds go by)
Cora: I miss mom, I want to be with her.
Yuri: I know.
Cora: It is my only wish.
(Cora and Yuri hear a bird and they become to Ayaymamas)

The end

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