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Tovar 1

Evelyn Tovar

Professor Julie Baker

ENGL 1301-181

24 September 2023

Reflective Essay #1

Through my analysis, I learned about the various benefits research provides a student

with. For instance, via research, one can forge relationships with compatible students and faculty

that can grant them networking with other professionals in the field. Additionally, research

allows for the improvement of critical thinking and analytical skills, which would aid in a course

such as English. However, the advantages of research might not be applicable to classes such as

mathematics because they seldom require techniques utilized in research.

Essentially, examining a community can help improve one's writing by refining one's

evaluation of the questions that should be asked based on the genre and field being analyzed.

Considering the group you're researching can help you determine your writing's audience,

context, and goal. Furthermore, with any future writing tasks, I will ensure that I am approaching

the project with the necessary critical thinking. This essay taught me that my writing talents

generally lay in my ability to present appropriate details that support my analysis and argument.

Contrastingly, I consider that failing to provide a suitable opening is a flaw in my writing. For

example, while writing, I seldom had trouble formulating specifics to back up my point;

nevertheless, I spent hours endeavoring to construct an introduction that I eventually did not

favor. Unfortunately, I did not receive any feedback on my essay because I did not submit a

properly formatted link with my copy. Through researching the Honors Program, my desire to

join the organization has further increased. Aside from researching, writing this essay has
Tovar 2

permitted me to realize that I am a stressful and picky writer. Even while writing the initial draft,

I tend to overthink and scrutinize everything I write.

A community is an assemblage of individuals known as participants who collaborate

toward a common purpose. They can effectively communicate their aim to their audience by the

genre they employ. In terms of my skills and shortcomings, I struggled the most with writing an

introduction that adequately captured my ideas and set the tone for the essay. As aforementioned,

I believe that supplying details and support was the least strenuous element of writing. Overall, I

was able to develop into a more precise writer through this essay since I had to not only generate

concepts that corresponded with my thesis but additionally had to present thorough facts and

examples that supplied my writing with a firm foundation.

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