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For the honorable judges and respectful audiences, assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

First of all, i would like to thank the almighty God, it's because his grace that allows us to gather here

Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning/afternoon, I'm Andika Supriyadi Nur Maulana from state
vocational highschool 1 Cirebon, standing here before of you today to inspire you all about how to
maintain your mental health. so, do you know what's mental health means??

Basically, mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects how we
think, feel and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make a healthy

Mental health is as Important as psychical health, do you know that mostly teenagers in this era have
crisis on their mental health, caused by bullying, parent’s divorce and others. these things can make
them depressed and committed to suicide.

According to World Health Organization, suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among teenagers.
Everyone could be have mental disorder, 1 in every 8 peoples, or 970 million peoples over the world
were living with anxiety and depressive.

Honestly i have ever been in this situation, i ever had depression and anxiety caused by bullying.

And fortunately I've been recover from that situation.

And if you were in the same situation as this, try to do these 5 things:

1.Always express your feelings and problem, you could cry as much as you want or you may write down
what you are feeling to express your sadness.

2. Share your problem to others, especially to someone you trust, it can be your family, your friends, and
everyone that you comfortable with.

3. Take care of your physical health, don't ever harm yourself, even though you’re in the worst situation,
don’t ever think to hurt yourself.

4. Ask for help of mental health expert if you think that you need it, you may go to therapist,
psychologist, psychiatric.

5. Make a socialize and creating social connection that contribute your positive personal development, it
can be club or community that related to your hobbies or passions.
In my last minute on this speech, i would like to tell you something, don't be afraid that everyone will
judge you, don't ever let your spirit down, don't ever commit to suicide.

We are going to end on this speech thank you very much for your attention, it's very an honor to me to
speak in here, and remember this, stop blaming yourself, stop hate yourself, and start to love yourself,
forgive yourself and appreciate yourself, you deserve the world, you deserve to be happy, I'm Andika
Supriyadi Nur Maulana, wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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