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Teacher’s Name: Daima Hussain

Daily Lesson Plan

Day/Date 28-08-23 Subject English Class 7 TCSENO

Duration 70 minutes Week 2 Lesson 1 Term 1

Topic: Oxford International Lower Secondary English: Unit 1 (Crossing River) – Autobiography: A frightening
Experience. Pages 24 – 26

Learning objectives Learning outcomes (what would learning look like by

the end of the lesson)
By the End of the lesson learners will be able to: By the end of the lesson students must:
 Preview key sections of the text (e.g.,  Previewed key sections of the text
heading(s), first sentences of paragraphs),  Analyse the headings and subheadings of a
and chapter review questions in academic text
texts.  Predict the underlying themes through

Learning Activities:
Starter: Introduce the objectives of the day. 10 Min
Preview the text (by surveying the title, illustrations, and unusual text structures) to make predictions about its
Students will write predictions about:
1. What the text is about?
2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. What can we learn from it?
4. What other subject can we link it to?
5. Analyse the first sentences of paragraphs. Do you notice any common subject vocabulary or keywords
that help establish the main ideas of the text?
6. Are there any subtopics or subthemes that consistently appear within the headings or first sentences of
paragraphs? How do these subtopics contribute to the overall understanding of the text? (HOTs only)
Cross-Curricular Links: Writing Process
Generating Questions: 5 Min
Encourage students to generate questions about the topic based on their initial impressions and the
information they have gathered from headings, visuals, and prior knowledge. This helps to create a purpose for
reading and activates their curiosity.

Teacher’s Exposition: 10 Min

Explain to students how to attempt a comprehension
passage and what the purpose of one is.

Important Strategy to Solve Comprehension Passages

 Read the passage as fast as possible.
 Get involved with the paragraph to understand it.
 Underline important lines or parts of the passage to
answer the questions. It will also help to understand
the main idea of the passage or the tone or mood of
the author.
Teacher’s Name: Daima Hussain

 Try to translate a complex line in an easy one in your own words and your own language. This will help
you in analyzing the main idea of the paragraph and in seeking the cause and effects of the passage.
 Underline or mark the keywords. These will help you to discover the logical connections in the passage
and help in understanding it better.
 Try to understand some certain unfamiliar words by reading the line thoroughly. The theme of the line
will make you understand the meaning of the words.
 Determine the main idea, tone or mood, inferential reasoning, and other details from the paragraph.
 Do not assume anything based on your personal belief.
 Look back at the paragraph when in doubt.
 Read the questions and all the alternative provided and choose the most appropriate one.

Types of questions
These passages contain different types of questions that require a different approach. Let us look at the steps to
deal with these various questions.
1. WHY Questions
In these questions, you should give reasons, explanations, and evidence for the answer. Look out for the cause
words, effect words, and purpose words in the passage that will help you to arrive at the answer.
i. Cause words are the cause or reason for events or actions. These include because, due to, as, since,
resulting from, for that reason, etc.
ii. Effect words are those words that are a result of an event or an action. These include consequently, as a
result, therefore, so, etc.
iii. Purpose words are those words that indicate reasons for an event or an action. These include so that, so
as to, in order to, for, in order to, etc.
2. Inference Questions
The inference questions are not straightforward questions. You need to make or draw a conclusion of these
based on the information given in the passage. You need to read the entire passage and understand the hidden
meanings and clues to the answer to draw the inference. You must understand specific keywords and phrases
for the conclusions.
3. Rephrasing Questions
As the name says, you need to explain a word or phrase in your own words without altering the passage’s
meaning. You may even require substituting a word or phrase for solving these questions. So, make sure you
understand the word or phrase as per the context.
4. Vocabulary
When you go through the passage, you might come across unfamiliar words. You need to guess the meaning of
the new word. You can do it by reading the passage and understanding its whole meaning. You can also look for
the clues within the passage to solve these questions.

Pre-Reading: SIP Strategy Vocabulary focus 10 Min

Students will be instructed to:
1. Identify the meaning of key vocabulary from wordpool:
2. Identify new plotlines being introduced the story
3. They will try to guess the meaning of five of the words above:
Use context to do the guess and compare activity
Word Guess Meaning

While reading: 15 Min

Teacher’s Name: Daima Hussain

Students will read through the text in pairs. They will work on a K –W –L Chart as they read: There are three
steps in the K-W-L process:
1. What I Know: Before students read the text, ask them as a group to identify what they already know about
the topic. Students write this list in the “K” column of their K-W-L forms.
2. What I Want to Know: Ask students to write questions about what they want to learn from reading the text in
the “W” column of their K-W-L forms. For example, students may wonder if some of the “facts” offered in the
“K” column are true.
3. What I Learned: As they read the text, students should look for answers to the questions listed in the “W”
column and write their answers in the “L” column along with anything else they learn.

Writing Activities 15 Min

 Comprehension based on the text (look closely page # 100): Students will pick three questions to solve
 HOTs: HOTs will also attempt one of the following.
o 1. In what ways can you relate the concept of "steering oar" from the text to a situation in your
life where you had to navigate through challenges or make important decisions?
o 2. Reflecting on the text, have you ever found yourself in "upstream" circumstances where you
had to go against the current or overcome obstacles to achieve your goals? Describe that
experience and how it relates to the themes in the text.
o 3. Can you recall a time when you were metaphorically in "chest-high water," facing a difficult
situation that required strength and resilience? How did you handle it, and what lessons can you
draw from that experience when considering the challenges faced by the characters in the text?
o 4. Think about a situation in your life where you had to act as a "steering oar," guiding or
influencing the direction of a group or project. How did you navigate through various perspectives
and obstacles to achieve a successful outcome?

Plenary: Students note the homework diary. 5 Min

Assessment Opportunities:
AFL: Student Responses, questions during and at the end of the lesson, Writing, Peer-checking

AAL: Editing

Homework: incomplete classwork cannot be assigned as homework:

Watch video and take notes:

Lesson Evaluation: reflect on what went well and what needs to be improved in the next lesson vis-à-vis
students’ progress:

TCS SIQA Handbook/Lesson plan format/AY 2023-24

Teacher’s Name: Daima Hussain

Daily Lesson Plan

Day/Date 29-08-23 Subject English Class 7 TCSENO

Duration 35 minutes Week 2 Lesson 2 Term 1

Topic: Nouns

Learning objectives Learning outcomes (what would learning look like by

the end of the lesson)
By the End of the lesson learners will be able to: By the end of the lesson students must:
 Use post modifiers to go after a noun.  Used different types of pronouns in writing
 Sort nouns by gender, common and neuter  Identified relative pronouns (LOTs)
types.  Used relative pronouns to join relative clauses

Learning Activities:
Starter: Think-Pair-Share 5 Min
Give students a paragraph and ask them to identify the different types of nouns being used in the paragraph.
Give students a few minutes to individually reflect on and write down their responses. Then, have them pair up
with a classmate to discuss their thoughts and share their prior knowledge.
Reference: Oxford International Lower Secondary English: Unit 1 (Crossing River) – A News Article: What is taller
than the Eifel Tower? Page 14

Cross-Curricular Links: Informative Writing, Geography

Teacher Exposition: Write explanation of Types of Nouns, Post-modifiers, and Noun Genders on board, and
have students take notes. 5 Min
Teacher’s Name: Daima Hussain

Writing Activities: 15 Min

In mixed ability pairs, students will be asked to complete two tasks together, with HOTs responsible for one, and
LOTs for another
1. Oxford International Lower Secondary English: Unit 2 (Crossing River) – Non-Fiction: Be a news
reporter Pages 22: Sort nouns by gender available in the text into their respective categories.
2. Students will solve the following W.S: (LOTs three sentences, HOTs five)
a. The book, filled with suspense and mystery, captivated readers until the final page.
b. The athlete, renowned for her speed and agility, won numerous championships throughout her
c. The city, with its bustling streets and towering skyscrapers, offered endless opportunities for
exploration and adventure.
d. The painting, created by a talented local artist, depicted a breath-taking landscape of rolling hills
and vibrant wildflowers.
e. The scientist, known for his ground-breaking research and innovative discoveries, received
prestigious awards in the field of neuroscience.
f. The concert, featuring world-class musicians and a symphony orchestra, left the audience in awe
of the extraordinary talent on stage.
g. The restaurant, famous for its exquisite cuisine and impeccable service, attracted food
enthusiasts from around the world. (HOTs)
Teacher’s Name: Daima Hussain

Cross-Curricular Links: Descriptive Writing

Plenary: Pairs will check each other’s work with 2 stars and 1 wish. 5 Min
Assessment Opportunities:
AFL: Student Responses, questions during and at the end of the lesson, Writing, Peer-checking

Homework: incomplete classwork cannot be assigned as homework:

Read chapter 2 of Treasure Island and write a summary in points.

Lesson Evaluation: reflect on what went well and what needs to be improved in the next lesson vis-à-vis
students’ progress:

TCS SIQA Handbook/Lesson plan format/AY 2023-24

Daily Lesson Plan

Day/Date 30-08-23 Subject English Class 7 TCSENO

Duration 70 minutes Week 2 Lesson 3 Term 1

Topic: Treasure Island Chapter 2

Learning objectives Learning outcomes (what would learning look like by

the end of the lesson)
By the End of the lesson learners will be able to: By the end of the lesson students must:
 Check understanding of a text by making  Ask questions about a text to clarify their
predictions and asking questions based on understanding.
the literary genre, author, and prior  Make predictions about a text based on the
knowledge as well as context clues. literary genre, author, and prior knowledge.
 Use context clues to determine the meaning
of unknown words. (HOTs)

Learning Activities:
Starter: Historical Context:
Provide some background information about the historical context of pirates and sea adventures during
the time period the novel was written. This will help students better understand the story and its
Historical context:
Show students the above video and discuss the life of pirates and the general information with them. Cross-
Curricular Links: History
Teacher’s Name: Daima Hussain

Further Resource:

Pre-Reading: Students will be instructed to:

1. Identify the meaning of key vocabulary: Feeble, heartily, seize, hulk, swoon, mortal, repent, clamber,
flighty, tattered, deformed, wrench, cowed, iron fist, mortal
2. Identify new characters being introduced the story
3. Identify any other storyline being introduced in the novel
Students will be instructed to:
They will try to guess the meaning of five of the words above
Use context to do the guess and compare activity
Word Guess Meaning

Play audio: Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson – Part 1, Chapter 2 audio will be played:

While Reading: Students will take careful notes while reading: They will note each plot point mentioned and
make a tree diagram as they go, noting main, side and sub plots.

After reading:
They will discuss and answer such questions as:
Teacher’s Name: Daima Hussain

1. What do they think is the main plot of this novel?

2. Are there any new plot points that emerge in this chapter?
3. What potential directions will the plot take?
4. Cross-Curricular Link: Compare the characters of Doctor Livesey and Black Dog using STEAL Acronym.
Value addition: For the value of tolerance, discuss the character of Dr. Livesey in regards to his relationship with
the Captain.

Production: Write the following questions on board and assign students to pick one to answer each.
Differentiation: Guide working toward students to pick easier questions, while working beyond and at students
tackle the difficult ones,
1. What does the phrase ‘sank daily’ mean in the context in which it has been used by the narrator?
2. Why did the appearance of Black Dog initially puzzle the narrator?
3. Black Dog had arrived at the Admiral Benbow with a purpose. What was it?
4. During the conversation between Black Dog and the Captain, Black Dog appears to be uneasy. Identify
and note down one evidence from the text to support this statement.
5. Who was wounded in the short strife between Black Dog and the Captain?
6. What happened to Black Dog?
7. Why did the Captain collapse on his return to the inn?
8. Why was Dr. Livesey unwilling to save the Captain’s life?
9. List the four tattoos that were visible on the Captain’s arm.
10. What does Dr. Livesey assume Black Dog to mean when he hears the Captain ask ‘Where’s Black Dog

Plenary: Students will check each other’s work with 2 stars 1 wish. 5 Min
Assessment Opportunities:
AFL: Student Responses, questions during and at the end of the lesson, Writing, Peer-checking

AAL: Editing

Homework: incomplete classwork cannot be assigned as homework:


Lesson Evaluation: reflect on what went well and what needs to be improved in the next lesson vis-à-vis
students’ progress:

TCS SIQA Handbook/Lesson plan format/AY 2023-24

Teacher’s Name: Daima Hussain

Daily Lesson Plan

Day/Date 31-08-23 Subject English Class 7 TCSENO

Duration 70 minutes Week 2 Lesson 4 Term 1

Topic: Comparative Descriptive Writing

Learning objectives Learning outcomes (what would learning look like by

the end of the lesson)
By the End of the lesson learners will be able to: By the end of the lesson students must:
 Write a simple descriptive composition  Wrote a simple descriptive composition
including writing descriptions to compare and  Wrote descriptions to compare and contrast
contrast.  Used sensory details to create vivid image

Learning Activities:
Starter: Review the concept of the Writing process from the last class. 10 Min
Curricular Links: The Writing Process, Adjectives

Selecting a topic and Outline – Discussion: 20 Min

Reading, discussing, and understanding the checklist provided for descriptive writing in the student’s
resources. Teacher will write the following checklist on the board.

Descriptive Writing Checklist

# Items Ye No
1 Paragraphing
2 Five Senses
3 Figurative
4 Adjectives
5 Synonyms
6 Hook
7 Topic Sentences
8 Transitions
9 Details
10 Ending with a
Checked by: __________________________
Teacher’s Name: Daima Hussain

Students will note the above checklist on their notebook. They will be paired in mixed ability pairs.
Cross-Curricular Links: Paragraph Writing, Science – Five senses of humans.

Bring Flash cards of Descriptive vocabulary or provide word banks through brainstorming.
WAGOLL: Ask students to read the passage on page # 51, as an example of good descriptive writing. 10 Min
Brainstorming/outline: This part will be done using methods leaned in Paragraph writing lesson in pairs,
students will also make a list of five interesting adjectives from a list provided from Treasure Island (refer to
vocabulary tree or CCL in their copies).
Writing Activities: 35 Min
Writing Activities: Writing Activities: Write a descriptive composition of approximately 180 to 200 words.
Following points may be used for reference:
Imagine a dangerous situation in which you might find yourself.
Use the following pointers to include in your descriptive writing:
• lost in a strange or dangerous place
• describe the dangerous person or a dangerous animal you came across
• describe a mysterious object that you found on your way
The teacher may assign the written work using any writing strategy such as individual work or pair work.
Production: The students will each now write an essay of 200 words. They will refer back to the notes on
Paragraph writing to help them compose better. (CCL: Paragraph Writing)
Review: Students will check each other’s work in pairs using the checklist and 2 stars 1 wish method.
Plenary: Students will self-edit and then switch copies and check each other’s work. 5 Min
Assessment Opportunities:
AFL: Student Responses, questions during and at the end of the lesson, Writing, Peer-checking

AAL: Editing

Homework: incomplete classwork cannot be assigned as homework:


Lesson Evaluation: reflect on what went well and what needs to be improved in the next lesson vis-à-vis
students’ progress:

TCS SIQA Handbook/Lesson plan format/AY 2023-24

Teacher’s Name: Daima Hussain
Teacher’s Name: Daima Hussain

Daily Lesson Plan

Day/Date 1-09-23 Subject English Class 7 TCSENO

Duration 35 minutes Week 2 Lesson 5 Term 1

Topic: Active Listening

Learning objectives Learning outcomes (what would learning look like by

the end of the lesson)
By the End of the lesson learners will be able to: By the end of the lesson students must:
 Demonstrate ‘attentive listening’ skills  Demonstrated ‘attentive listening’ skills
towards others and be sensitive to the rules toward others
and discourse.  Utilised appropriate nonverbal cues

Learning Activities:
Starter: Discuss the meaning of active listening and provide the following rules to the students:
1. The audio will be played only once.
2. You must answer the questions as you go.
3. Listen extremely carefully, and answer.
4. Follow the instructions to the letter.
5. Check your answers once you’re done 5 Min
CCL: IELTs examinations, Vocabulary
The IELTS Style Test Sheet: 25 Min
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson – Part 1, Chapter 4 audio will be played:

Plenary: Students will answer the sheet and then

review the answers together. They will peer check
using 2 stars one wish method. 5 Min
Assessment Opportunities:
AFL: Student Responses, questions during and at
the end of the lesson, Writing, Peer-checking

Homework: incomplete classwork cannot be

assigned as homework:
Read Treasure Island Chapter 3 and 4 and makes

Lesson Evaluation: reflect on what went well and

what needs to be improved in the next lesson vis-à-
vis students’ progress:
Teacher’s Name: Daima Hussain


TCS SIQA Handbook/Lesson plan format/AY 2023-24

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