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Green foods are abundant in nutrients associated with heart health including, vitamin
K, magnesium, potassium, dietary nitrates, and folates. A meta-analysis found that
consuming green vegetables every day could reduce CVD risk by 15.8%

What are the advantages of green food?

Green foods are abundant in nutrients associated with heart health including, vitamin K,
magnesium, potassium, dietary nitrates, and folates. A meta-analysis found that consuming
green vegetables every day could reduce CVD risk by 15.8%.8 Feb 2022.

● What are the disadvantages of eating green meals?

At the very least, you end up suffering the unpleasant side effects of digestive distress, gas,
bloating, and severe constipation. Too much fiber can also lead to nutrient deficiencies.
While your stomach is struggling with all those vegetables, it won't be able to absorb
nutrients from the other foods you're eating.

Why should we consume green meals?

Green foods are abundant in nutrients associated with heart health including, vitamin K,
magnesium, potassium, dietary nitrates, and folates.Thus, we should consume green food.

The EUMIND Or Europe meets India project gave me an opportunity to step out of the daily
routine and come to a world view of different categories. In this pandemic time when all of us
were sitting at home hoping for this time to go, EUMIND gave us an opportunity to learn new
things and useful things. Apart from just being able to teach us, EUMIND also taught us
information related to the environment and the nature. I got an opportunity to become a
leader of our group. This was a great opportunity for which I thank my teachers. This made
me get a bigger aspect of the project. Our topic for this project was The Green Meal which
according to me is the most important topic in now a days time. The Green Meal is the most
important thing each person is apt to follow for the better future. This topic was taken up as
an initiative by most of the young people as well. My thoughts towards the EUMIND is that I
am grateful and I thank everyone for giving us an excellent opportunity to work and be a part
of this. It was a wonderful journey and I will always wish for another experience like this!
Kudos to our team for making this project a memorable one!

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