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Name : M. Muzacky Khoiri

Students’ ID Number : 230901026


Education is very important for us to have. The first reason, It is Because with
Education, we wil becometriggers us to be more productive. The second reason, Education can
also give to us skills and things needed to be successful in life. Besides thatIn addition,
Education can enable us to differentiate between which one is right and which one is wrong.
That’s why Education is very important for life, because it can change our personality to be
better completely.


1. Start with one topic sentence, then followed by three supporting sentences, and last by one
concluding sentence, all these sentences has Unity because the supporting sentences
explaining reasons why the Education is very important at topic sentence, and then closed by
one concluding sentence which embhasizes again that Education is very important as main
topic sentence..
2. These supporting sentences are Order by importance.
3. This paragraph has Coherence because every sentences are connected with each other and the
point of view is same as ours.
4. Last one is Completeness because other sentences are supporting the main topic sentence.


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