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TR 512

Tvaifie Ergineering Mangqenent

Intre luctien

Traste an d
QI Gie Briefly euþlain th natue of vorious
transþortation þroblem in InQtas citie uuhat are the
rbon area?
Voyiou Yeosond tor these preblem n an
ransÞortatien roblem can be
Ans’ Followig nature of
HeterOgeneity ot trattic chara cterise b motorised an
non - notorised vehileb
n) Poor bublic transport facelity
) High Yate ot Yoad accidento cspeciay amon
and motorise yehicles .
iv) High Þercentage os vehicle owneshap due to
inadeyuate msd tYond Þort facilities
v) High degree ot noite and aÝ folltiom
Vi) Non - euisten ce ot troaffuc managenent and entorcemert neasws
vi) Thodeyuate vow to accomodote opeial taclitics for bud ed
and non- motorize tratfic

Various Yeasons for thiÝ þroblenb in an uban areat Qre

. Rapid growth n motorizatien, Yesullb in severe tratfc Corgeston
Transbort inf asucture ot urboan eitieb has not Arown ab þer eran
Linitationo ot a locotion ot ond for roaols and cculations
the urban ayeab
Define Traffic Engineering'. what ove the ohject an
cope of traftie engineering? Eplon brief y
Sol" -> Traftic engneesing leals wth the ën þroveen of trastic
þertormance of Yoa netdork and term ina la thot Can 6e
achiere d by ystenate tratfic studies
Yatt engineeri is thot þhabe o enginceriy hich Oeola
wlth flarnnig ond geometrie debign ot 6ereeta, hihwag,
abutti9 landd, and wth trate operation

The babic oajet ot

free and rapid lo0 stateU
traftic, weh t numker ot raffec
accidentd Factua tudies of tratfec operatind broviale the
foundatin for aleveloping ethodo ior einfvovemeril in 8enera
and tor bolring sfectic problend

Vavious bcepe ot tratfe engheery

i) Tratfie chayacteristics
i) Tratte stulies and analyb &
i) Tratfc operatien- Controe and reqdoton
i) Planning and onalyoca
v) Geometrie debtgn
vi) Administrotisn anl anogement
what are the varisus functins t o rassic
Ergineer ?
lraffe engneers bertorn Variod tunctÝns duch ao:
) Traffe Plannin Aralyzing and forecostu tiattic Fattens
to blan for eftcent tranaportotisn dyten&
i) Tratfce Design:Designg voaduoqy,int
Desighiy voady , intersectien an other
irattie related ntastructure to cptònize taffie jlow and
in) Trastc &gnal Tenigg'>þtinizig tra sfic aignd tiningsto
minimize Congeten and inþrove traffe effieen
i) Saiety Analyois is Conduting dafet atdead menlo an
inplerentig meobures to reduce oace ilanta and entance oad
v) Pablic Trantportation Inferation : -> Tntegrating bublie
tronspertatien 8emd with real ntwork to reae a t eAmlest
and esticient overall tranofortadiem ayoten.
vi) Parking Manggenent :Designig arnd manatig tarking
factlitès to spimize
oþtinize sage
sage and reluce corgestion.
Traftic Characteriotic i
r Roa Uer '6 Characteristieo

Q4. whot do you understan b Roa Uber'

characteristics ? Hou Qoe thio attects in Trattic
operatien ?
’ The human element involvel in al actisn
ib ot the roa l
Uberther ab pedestran, C ciat, cort driver or motorid .
These Yoad user characteristets ot hunan
a6iity to operate notor vehitle safely oror tobeang asfect theer
ervce ad
VaYiou factord whih aftect
Yoadder chavo <teristicó
1> Phyoical þhybcal characteristics o the rood usero seu
eke vision, hearg, strength an Aeneral Yea
ctien to trattie
situationd play th an inportant role
Viòion - G Tt incdeo acuy of viien
glore recoveretc (6/6): pherpheral vglen
inportant for þelestrans and
help dweró a ab to QvoLl oceiclen
Make man eouverd fScult.
þarticulary for heovy
can atfect theknouledge,skill, intelligence eferiene and aiteraç
foad user ch ara ctersticd. Knouledge of
character ittico, tratfic beh aviour , Yiring pacte, rules vehcle
ot road
and pchelat of Toa serd wll Be uite udetl for dote
trattic operatao no

3> Pagcholagical The enetional factorá dch a attentve etd,

fear anger, upertition . npotience, general attitude towara tratti
and reqationa . Dangerous actisng Rre due to wren attude
towardo the tratte .
4 The tenperarg bhyoical characteristào of the road uoerd
their etHien are fatigue, alcohol or drugo and illhe
Al thCe reduce aleytneo an!
nreade -the reateon tame an 0
Enunerate the driver'b characteristi cô Hou wdould study
tor a high aeed Yoad and slain n detail inortan ce
ot vbien Characteystitd reguted or a drivef

Same Choracteritès

* VLdion Vbien incle the acuty ot vibcn, þerphl

Nibin an eye meremest i gare vision. §lore rees
and depth juement The driver have to etten shet
their ed whì the beribhorl fiel to obtain cleaY
yidien The depth judgenent is inportat for a drver
en udgin dstanee en speel at vehieles ond gther
objecta ahead- he etfeás of glare, adgtabily to hangs
o aht ieLe,arknes to Gght and brgtt lithf to
darkne, shoul also be tuclieb .

6 Euþlain PIEV Theog

so A irne comauming boychlogical Proce is invelrei
the froLed ot aþblyig brakes in an Qttuatien
That iecesh ià
ia calel as PIEV e. Penepiion,
Tntellection Emolion and Volitio
Terceptien ime i the tine requé efor ten trandmiuon
of the denstiond Yeceive thíegh e e ears and body o
the bian and he sbinal chord 6y the nervous
Ater Perceptren, Intellection occws ;that o the tormation
04 new theyghto ane ideOd. It is the tine repuired sor
underatanding the dtustien
o staAe i Enotien, based on thestuatons
Af ter thee to var
time o a driver io likey
ike fear or anger Enoti involred after that
upon the problemy
Consderably debending
The tinal de cit ion ent by the braun to he musele ano he
aetual act o+ a decioion to þro uce
throgh Voution
action iò done


Q: 7, what are the different vehicular characeristico shich afject
the Tra}tic cþeration? Briet ERÞlain
Sol"> . bome ot the inportont veticulas characterstcs
)vehicle Dimenbisn: Wideh, lerygth and heght are ehe dinenaiens
of ehicls that sgnisiconty control he desn ot hyhwy. The wides
6+ vehicle aftect the Width ot the tratfe laneb, bhouldars an
Parking tacilities The length ot vehicla attect the etra wo46
o+ pavement at horizntel Cunres, the minimum turnng radiw,
bate overtakig dstance capacty os the Yoal and Pa King
a+tectd the clearan ce to be
tociities Height o4 the vehit le
Proveled uner slucture duch at oVer- brcdyes wdey- bridyes,
electric anel other deYvice linet
1 Weigkt ot oaded yehe les : The makinun uweght ot loade ehule
a3fect the mest
lebgn 6 Þave
Onl the load on the sheelo andoules
thickned and gradients The nan9 þernisbible gro& Ueyhto ond
arle eghto hore been standorized by

) Power of vehicle vehicle and

- 7he tower ot the heaviest
inttina Value c+
their loaded weghts overn the permisbi6le an d
gradient on Yoo
teet lesian e
i) Speed ot vehcle:-> The vehicle tþeed at Cuve
e; 6) &uperelevation, leng th of ansttion
o) Sght duotone houlders on
width ot cach traftc lone/avement and seraght
and on horizental curres, ete

v) choracteyistics : - The deceleration and Grakny character

- isticb o vehíeles depend on he desgn and ybe ot brakùg dy ote
ond to ettlencg he dotety ot vehite, oteratin, stoping listur
consecutire vehicleo
and ehe spocing belween the two
traf fic 3treom are affectec b ehe esfecenc o the brokina
braking testt ,a vehicle travelin at a tbþee of
skidl marko
stotted bg abpying brakeo tulty and the
were 62m
n length Determine the
ayeage skil Yesibtonce os the favement Surface
Sþeed oj vehic le, V- Ho knfbh =
L1 Ll m
Hrakiy distance, l = 6.2n
Sked Resibtance, Le =?
NOw. A

(LI, 11) n/?

A vehile moveng ot 60
khth sfee was tepel
abblynA the brake ond the ski' akt meadued
was 1l.He.
It the average skidd
Yesistonce ot the favenent is kDon
to be O.73. Deternine the brake efficien
Vehicle 0s the test
Sol' Spee o+ Vehcle, v 60 knph =16-67 m6
Grakeng distance, L = 114 m

Braking effucieny, n = 2

n y?ioo (l6-67)_ion

1.)What are the various studies generally carried out in Traffic Engineering? Briefly explain their

Traffic studies' are carried out to analyse the characteristics of traffic on a highway network in all its
dimensions. Scientific analysis of the information obtained from the various traffic-related studies will be
very useful in the design of geometric elements; it will also help in the design of features related to
traffic regulation and control for ensuring safe and efficient traffic operation. The following are
considered in this section:

(a) Statistical concepts in traffic analysis

In traffic analysis, statistical concepts play a crucial role in understanding and managing traffic patterns

(b) Speed studies

Analyze vehicle speeds to assess compliance with speed limits and identify areas prone to accidents.
Helps enhance road safety.

(c) Journey time and delay studies

These studies are carried out to analyse congestion and traffic trends. "Before and after" studies are
conducted for assessing the impact of improvements in the geometric design, traffic assignment to road
links, and cost-benefit aspect of new links

(d) Origin and destination studies

Origin of a trip is defined as the place where the trip begins and destination is where the trips ends. It is
necessary to know the exact origin and destination of every trip, the number of such trips, the zones in
which more trips are concentrated, land-use of these zones, times of the day relating to the trips and
purpose of the trips.

(e) Traffic volume studies

Traffic volume studies involve assessing the number of vehicles passing through a specific location over a
given period. These studies help analyze traffic patterns, plan infrastructure improvements, and optimize
transportation systems. Methods include manual counts, video surveillance, and advanced technologies
like radar or sensors.

(f) Traffic flow characteristics

The theory of traffic flow may be defined as the study of the movement of vehicles over a highway or a
road network. The study involves a comprehensive knowledge of vehicular traffic, which enables a traffic
engineer to evolve improved techniques for the regulation, control and management of traffic. This is a
multi-disciplinary subject involving the application of probability and statistics, psychology and
operations research, which is a relatively new area of knowledge

(g) Traffic forecasting

Traffic forecasting studies involve analyzing historical traffic patterns, demographic data, and other
factors to predict future traffic conditions. These studies help urban planners, transportation engineers,
and policymakers make informed decisions about infrastructure development, traffic management, and
public transit. The methods can include data analysis, simulation models, and predictive algorithms to
anticipate traffic trends and plan for efficient transportation systems.

(h) Parking studies

Parking studies assess the demand for parking spaces in specific areas, helping planners optimize parking
infrastructure. They involve analyzing factors like population density, land use, and business activities to
determine parking needs. Techniques include surveys, observations, and data analysis to understand
peak parking times and space utilization. The goal is to design parking solutions that meet demand,
reduce congestion, and enhance urban mobility.

(i) Accident studies

Accident studies focus on analyzing and understanding the causes and patterns of traffic accidents. They
involve examining factors such as road design, weather conditions, driver behavior, and vehicle
characteristics to identify trends and potential safety improvements. Data sources may include police
reports, hospital records, and eyewitness accounts. The insights gained from accident studies are crucial
for developing strategies to enhance road safety, implement preventive measures, and reduce the
frequency and severity of accidents in specific locations or overall traffic systems.


Various studies in traffic engineering play a crucial role in designing efficient transportation systems.
Traffic impact assessments help anticipate and manage the impact of new developments on traffic flow,
while traffic flow studies aid in optimizing signal timings and lane configurations for smoother traffic.
Safety studies focus on reducing accidents through measures like signage and road design. Parking
studies are vital for ensuring adequate parking facilities, and travel demand analysis assists in planning
for future transportation needs. Overall, these studies contribute to creating safer, more accessible, and
efficient transportation networks

2.) Explain the term “Traffic Volume”. What are the uses/application of carrying out traffic volume

Traffic Volume is the number of vehicles crossing a section of road per unit time at any selected period.

The commonly used units are vehicles per day and vehicles per hour.

The various methods available are

1) Manual methods.
2) Combination of manual and mechanical methods.
3) Automatic devices.
4) Moving observer method.
5) Photographic methods

Uses/applications of traffic volume studies include:

1. **Transportation Planning:** Helps in assessing current traffic conditions and predicting future
transportation needs.
2. **Infrastructure Design:** Aids in designing roads, intersections, and other transportation
facilities to accommodate current and projected traffic volumes efficiently
3. **Traffic Signal Timing:** Optimizes the timing of traffic signals to improve traffic flow and
reduce congestion.
4. **Safety Analysis:** Identifies high-traffic areas and assists in implementing safety measures to
reduce accidents.
5. **Environmental Impact Assessment:** Assesses the environmental effects of increased traffic,
aiding in the development of sustainable transportation solutions.
6. **Public Policy Development:** Provides data for policymakers to make informed decisions
regarding transportation policies and regulations.
7. **Economic Analysis:** Helps estimate the economic impact of traffic on a region, including fuel
consumption, travel time, and associated costs.
8. **Urban Development:** Influences decisions related to land use and urban development by
understanding the impact of traffic on different areas.

In essence, traffic volume studies play a crucial role in managing and improving transportation systems
to meet the needs of communities efficiently.

3.)Differentiate between the terms ‘AADT’ and ‘ADT’, which parameter is considered better and why?
(b) What is the use/application of Hourly flow count, what do you understand by short term count.

AADT is generally considered more comprehensive and reliable for planning purposes because it
accounts for seasonal variations, holidays, and other factors that can impact traffic flow. It offers a more
robust picture of overall traffic patterns, making it a better parameter for assessing long-term
transportation needs.

(b. )Hourly flow count is a traffic measurement that assesses the number of vehicles passing a specific
point in an hour. It provides detailed insights into traffic patterns and helps transportation planners
understand peak hours, congestion periods, and overall traffic distribution throughout the day.

Short-term count refers to traffic data collected over a relatively brief period, often a few hours to a few
days. This data is valuable for short-term planning, such as managing temporary events, construction
projects, or addressing immediate traffic concerns. Short-term counts may include hourly flow counts
and other methods to gather data quickly and efficiently for specific, short-duration needs.

4) What are the different methods of carrying out traffic volume studies, which method is generally
perfered for mixed traffic conditions prevailing in India and why? What are the disadvantages of using
automatic devices for Traffic counts?

Traffic volume studies can be conducted using various methods, including manual and automatic
approaches. Manual methods involve human observation, while automatic methods use technology. In
India, where mixed traffic conditions are common, a combination of methods is often employed.

1. **Manual Methods:**

- **Traffic Counters:** Personnel manually count vehicles at a specific location.

- **Tally Sheets:** Observers use tally sheets to record vehicle types passing a point.

- **Video Surveys:** Recordings are manually analyzed to determine traffic volume.

2. **Automatic Methods:**

- **Automatic Traffic Recorders (ATRs):** Devices placed on roadsides automatically count passing

- **Inductive Loop Sensors:** Buried in the road, these sensors detect vehicles passing over them.

- **Radar and Lidar Systems:** Use radio waves or laser beams to detect and count vehicles.

For mixed traffic conditions in India, a combination of manual and automatic methods is often preferred.
Manual methods provide detailed information about vehicle types, while automatic methods efficiently
capture overall traffic volume.

**Disadvantages of Using Automatic Devices for Traffic Counts:**

1. **Cost:** Automatic devices can be expensive to install and maintain.

2. **Accuracy Issues:** Weather conditions, calibration problems, or technical malfunctions may affect

3. **Limited Data Detail:** Automatic devices may not provide as much detail about vehicle types and
other specifics as manual methods.

4. **Dependency on Power:** Automatic devices require a stable power supply, which may be a
challenge in some locations.

Balancing the advantages and disadvantages, a combined approach leveraging both manual and
automatic methods is often considered ideal for a comprehensive understanding of traffic conditions.

5) Indicate how the traffic volume data are presented and the results used in Traffic Engineering

Traffic volume data are presented and used in various ways in traffic engineering to make informed
decisions. Here are common methods of presenting data and their applications:

1. **Traffic Volume Tables and Charts:**

- Data is often tabulated and presented in charts to show hourly, daily, or monthly traffic volumes.

- Helps in visualizing patterns, identifying peak hours, and understanding variations.

2. **Traffic Flow Diagrams:**

- Diagrams illustrate the flow of traffic at specific locations or intersections.

- Useful for analyzing congestion, identifying potential bottlenecks, and optimizing signal timings.

3. **Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Values:**

- ADT represents the average traffic over a 24-hour period.

- Essential for planning road capacity, prioritizing maintenance, and designing infrastructure.

4. **Peak Hourly Volumes:**

- Identifies the busiest hours during the day.

- Helps in designing traffic control measures, such as traffic signals, to manage peak flows.

5. **Origin-Destination Studies:**

- Examines the movement of traffic between different zones or origins and destinations. -
Supports urban planning by understanding travel patterns and optimizing transportation networks.

6. **Traffic Forecasting Models:**

- Utilizes historical volume data to predict future traffic patterns.

- Aids in long-term planning and designing infrastructure to accommodate future demands.

7. **Corridor Studies:**

- Analyzes traffic along a specific corridor to identify improvements and optimize traffic flow.

- Guides decisions on lane configurations, signal timings, and other interventions.

8. **Decision Support Systems:**

- Advanced software tools use traffic volume data to simulate and analyze the impact of different traffic

- Assists in making data-driven decisions for optimal traffic management.

Traffic volume data are crucial for traffic engineering as they form the basis for designing roadways,
optimizing signal timings, managing congestion, and planning for future transportation needs. The
presented data help engineers and planners implement effective solutions to enhance traffic flow and
Unit -I TRatc
SPo peed sudies
Sla) wrdat do you
mean by spst sped1i4eramti ate.
Yunning spead and botus

The spo+ Jpaod 4ia te. instemt a vehide

from plas to plae to au along tte luetuates
oGA on yaaibus Youte, dopomding
Running spesd ia te ODNaga
ave 4peod maintainod
by a pailan stretch od
4 ad
ob leuned by dividing ttediatemee. toveyed oY tte
length ojt tte atrch by he vunning time 0y t
time dunng tich tte vEhicle ia altaly mohon
time may be cbteu ned by ubaathing tte
Atopp dolays tom te totad trawi oy jouniy times
Tvewel speed HHectie
spoed. o4 trand and ia tteàned by dividig H
route langth by tte torfal awel ie.ineluding He
Atotped dolays time.
|b] hot do yu mean. wnderstand by
ttow will nd buimeam peed. and Time mear
ou the yehicles pausing a
given point
Space moan speed i
SpaLe meam peed tte awenage speed of vekicles ina
Cor4ein YDad lemgth at y time Thi is oktained tom
he tbserved tavol time b veicdy
the Oad: pace meanpeed A laleulated. as tro

Time -mem Yap reremts the poed dis tibutions ot

paed oadoouy n it id te
vehicles at a point on te
instaneous speed o obsevad vehieeA
OWeNDg speed i Cal

tom te velationn:
dooey ttorn time-mearn

al speed londitio
londiti rs on Yunal ighways.
speed ndav typi
+he vanous dbject and appliation of
Q2> what
Apot speod Atudies

[a)planning trate vegulation and. lontot moaswres

imit etl:.
varbuy gamee
(>) degin
Ho Ddi

e) to decide the
Qeidet tudies ad prenen tve meoun
ld) in

) Study of afie apacity

to Aind speed renda tTh Yerpeet to last Soveral
la) toVakieles
un der Apeeified Aet of Conditions.
43 Hoo iA Spot speed tudes caed ut? 3itty

laied but may

)Divg0t obleVation o4 tetime takem by a vehicle
to cVeN
DadaN peed meteN methsd
3) Electoni motre method

4 Phstogaphie methsd.
TEe dyeet oberation methd lan ba
bere method .
toi) long
Divet moaement 4time

tontaet tubes.
(i) pveewe laled top oath
obervatiorn metLod can ha
|i) iveet o pawement ane
method In hi method, maring
placed a e s e oad. objervar
as vehice pames
Iined. in t a method minimum too cborve Nequived to
stanaing point

| ) EnoScopei-ov Mimov
Enesope Loiats kgusing Lontaining a mimoY

observN tands one. end Section and gnthe

te ehiele to
talan by s
Pieme lontaet tube ov atp,eiter pneumati e oÝ eleatie
n 5e wed to awSid eoY d o to pavalay and due to
aly tating and stopping the stopoateh.
Y4(4) DYaw a tytaL Cumlative pead cuve and mank,
tha aignifiant pavemtile spod

In Aglaoa geomatnc degin

Cwnmlate poad datibuha
cheaeed at q8h peveemtie

Ves Ves
Apeed pemuntge
28st pewentile speed!
3) Itt pevcentile pood! wovig

E4tots ase mada to agagat

to avsid
attt moving siha
loo longestion:
dstibuto model | Diagvam -
spead at wtid lageat t o vehices ame
Thia speod is led mgdol, apeod.
Apaad kmph
Range tregueng Cum

220-1- 23
231 -26
26- 29 8
29-1 - 32 . pees
321 - 35
35-1 -38 89
381 - 41 L

98th percendio Shee d.

1 r 1

771- 80 1 1. loo

i) 98thy design sþeed = 425 Kn/hr

i) 857. Yegulation Sfeed = 33-5 + (83-75)
89 -75)
= 364 km hv
157. 4bee
i) Loser speed having=2/ + 5-)
(23-|) (245-25)
22-36 kmph
5t 38 (30.s~2a.el
(507. eed) =
Me dian opeed = 29:39
bre+fered þeed (23j -
v) Moat
Yattie tudieslspeod t delay dtudis
ie vaios uen ut speod 4 delay tudies.
Delay is atme lbat stiLe rat in a longetod kondaiton.
The dalay may be xed dalay operatioral delay
I Fxed. dolauy- tte dolay iA lawed by tatle tonts
devie EN- Tvatti signas , top sign, vaile.
2 spexational delay: botseem lomponant f
t+s deay ia tawed buy indenfenam
attie as turning vehieu, paning 4 wnpakig
Coming ati,pedoxtiam ete.
Stoppod time delay: dtending dtil| decatovetioy
Tvewel +ime dolay , Caued by Aceolovatio n

mothod to casy
2jla) EYplaindolaybriaf4 4lhating
ana tu dy in
Caw meths |Dandp chawes woh methodl
sohi Floating
orelop in Englan.
Ôver a given owne awel at
The test vehicles is dnve
appoy te. aNeNaga
Yate tying to foat
mad to ada 9 ate, mearwe
AL LoQt 12 nps oould b directiom
speed Qmd dolay fo any one
Car Yecords tHe timo
4loating dwrationto
Various tono points t ta. l0cation and

obiewer in te
ar coun oPpuing afte nd eLoYa
vehdes betakiny by
tLe no. ot obee YecoVast m e atte Lontrot
points 4 nte
4 delay that occuy.
the otte
te loation and ongt
toPwatehes ,Sitableield
tdeets or voice
and delay
vEice veLovaing cquipment
to vecord hme
" AYg aoumey time () is one. civeetion,
t tw - ny

" Meann oumoy apeed v) ia aen y V=


Na +ny tSag flo vehicles (olummin).

tatto in one diyection of stam

na 4 veicles louned One din ofsteam

ny AvgNo 4 vehicles cveNfaking the test vekicles
ta Avgouney imemin), slon tesd vekiele Yunnig

to Avg- Aoummey time lmin J, tem test vehicle. is

Vunning wsit e dotream
Tyatfic (Bpeecd e Dlog)
(opbouitu tnut k) overta ken
2-6) North Troved tie na
over tuking
265 85 1
27 3

2612 84 283 1

233 L12
3 149

6 1

Avg -

a) Nothbounel hourhy teow 84

Nat 4t5t (-1-83)
2612t 2 H 2
ta t t

6) Southbound hourly flouw,

1115 + (o-s) 2226

c)Average travel tine (Noreh)

2612 (-1 83)

d) Averoge travel ine

2.4O min

n fne ffe copacity basie copscity pnactial cpoy

Thaftie Copacity- t is no. of vehick1 thot con Se po

he peaiod may be houns,

ary ohen a pen the roistel,Seords, da
houn .

Basie Tiaffic copacit +ic the maimym possble no

Uehlee that cor be parfe thoya
ponticuan seotion f nod duning
S iK spare headway in rn
Uis Angic spoed in
Prschead Tnfie Copacity
eAlc that can be þale thnov
perniod duniny iny
the preuent cordiHor 3iver

equal to gosic Tffie

capacy youi
centen to cen ter

Deig spred- fokm/hr. Note

Ry Hne =2ee:
L o c k yj

+L then d o h c

=(o2R eor)t calotahon


Explaín niefy the evel of sen viee eonecpt

Hos the
desincapacíty of a Nod is deeted fon panhela
lee of fen vice.
HiS qualiahve ma uCcd to nelate the quality of motor

anayzo nozdayard isten drahon by nateo njzig

honie faw and orsin qualy evd of toaftie bored on
penfonmance mea Sug ike vehick, Spedy r ty oorgq Hon cte
The desirn copay of nod is dided by Be
The capac) floo on the rooyirum Pos ttouo on a
de neae at bigken a well at owen sferd.
Cofoty flow i neonhed sten all the vehiky flow af o
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Ans. Traffic regulations and laws cover the following four phases:
(a) Driver controls
(b) Vehicle control
(c) Traffic flow regulations
(d) General controls

(a) Regula ons and controls on drivers -

The controls on drivers include eligibility for driving motor vehicles, issue of driving licenses and other
regulations on the drivers during the act of driving. As per the Motor Vehicle Act, the minimum age for getting
a driving license to drive a non-geared two-wheeler is 16 years and the minimum age for driving a geared two-
wheeler or a four-wheeler is 18 years. Driving a motor vehicle without a valid driving license is an offence.
Before the issue of driving license for a specified category of vehicle, one has to undergo specified tests. The
driver is expected to demonstrate his ability to drive the vehicle safely and he should be conversant with the
motor vehicle rules and regulations.
There are regulations prohibiting driving under the influence of alcohol or drunken driving', dangerous driving
including exceeding the specified speed limits, etc., which may render a driver to pay specified penalty or to
suspend the driving license for a specified period or to permanently disqualify from driving a vehicle in the
The Motor Vehicle Act has laid down different punishments for different types of offences.
The Regional Transport Officer has the powers to endorse upon the driving license the particulars of the traffic
violations and when the number and severity of the violations exceed the permissible limit, the license can be
suspended or even cancelled.

(b) Regulations and controls on vehicles -

Various regulations and controls on vehicles have been specified. They include vehicle registration,
requirements of equipment and accessories of motor vehicles, maximum permissible dimensions and weight,
vehicle fitness, inspections, etc.
The registration is essential for any new motor vehicle. The information about the details of the vehicle such
as the type, make, capacity of engine, manufacturer's serial number, details of the owner, license plate number,
etc. are registered in the transport department and police records.
There are different specifications for public transport vehicles, hired vehicles and private vehicles for
displaying the registration number. For example – Private vehicles have to display the registration numbers of
specified size, letters and numerals written in black colour on plate with white back-ground. The specified
colour of the registration plate is yellow for public transport vehicles including hired vehicles.
The regulation covers the length, width, height and overhang of
articles transported in the vehicles and trailers, type and condition of tyres, maximum un-laden and laden
weights of commercial vehicles, seating arrangements and number of seats in public service vehicles,
emission, noise, use of horn, speed governors to control over-speeding, safety glasses, etc.
The regulations also control the movement of commercial vehicles with respect to the route to be
followed. At least a third-party insurance policy is mandatory for all vehicles.

(c) Regulations and controls on traffic flow -

Regulations of traffic flow have been laid down in every country. For example - In India the specified flow
regulations for normal travel along a roadway are 'keep-to-the-left "overtaking from the right', etc. Other flow
regulations on identified roads/road stretches and junctions include direction of flow, restrictions on turning,
overtaking, etc. In addition, there are controls on vehicle operation in traffic stream such as speed limit, one way
movement, prohibition of entry or specified turning movements or parking, etc. using appropriate regulatory
(d) General regulations and controls -

Some other general regulations and provisions are made. They include reporting of accidents, recording and
disposing traffic violation cases, etc.
The traffic signs have been divided into three categories with the objective regulating, warning and
guiding the users of motor vehicles, as per the Motor Vehicles Act of India - 1988 (also vide original
Motor Vehicle Act of 1939) -
(1) Regulatory signs
(2) Warning signs
(3) Informatory signs
The regulatory signs in general are circular in shape with two exceptions, one octagonal in shape and
another inverted triangle. The warning signs are triangular in shape. The informatory signs are rectangular
in shape.

Three sizes of regulatory and warning signs have been specified, namely (i) small size (ii) normal size and
(iii) large size. The small size signs are of 600 mm size, normal signs are 900 mm and large signs are of
the 1200 mm size. The size refers to the diameter of the circular signs or height of octagonal sign or the
side of triangular sign. The specified font sizes of lettering on small, normal and large signs are 100, 150
and 225 mm respectively.

The signs should be placed such that they could be seen and recognized easily and in time by the road
users travelling at the design speed. The signs should be mounted on sign posts painted alternately with
250 mm black and white bands. The size, shape, colour code and the symbols used and the location of the
signs should be as specified by the IRC under each category. The reverse side of all the sign plates should
be painted grey.

Road or Pavement or Traffic markings are made of lines, patterns, words, symbols or reflectors on the
pavement, kerb, sides of islands or on the fixed objects within or near the roadway. Traffic markings are
intended to regulate, control, warn or guide the traffic/road users. The markings are made using specified
type of paints in contrast with colour and brightness of the pavement or other back ground or by road

Road marking materials – ‘Thermo-plastic paint applied hot' (fulfilling Clause 803 of MORTH
Specification) should be preferred wherever feasible, as they have better visibility and longer service life
when compared with light reflecting road marking paints. Night visibility under normal head light of
vehicles are improved by embedding glass beads in the pavement marking material. Pre-fabricated sheet
material may also be used for road marking.
Even the 'light reflecting road marking paints' conforming to BIS specification (IS:164-1981, re-affirmed
in 1986) and fulfilling wear resistance of over four hours under accelerated laboratory test, have poor
visibility and short service life.
Other materials used are pre-fabricated plastic tape, reflectorised stripping powder and road studs made of
solid white heads or reflex lens.

Various types of road markings are classified as given below:-

(a) Carriageway markings - longitudinal markings such as centre line, traffic lanes, border or edge lines,
bus lane, etc. and 'no parking zones', 'warning lines', etc.
(b) Markings at intersections - stop lines, pedestrian crossings, direction arrows, give way, marking on
approaches to intersections, speed change lanes, box marking, etc.
(c) Marking at hazardous locations - obstruction approaches, carriageway width transition, road-rail level
crossings, check barriers, etc.
(d) Markings for parking - parking space limits, parking restrictions, bus stops, etc.
(e) Word messages - stop, slow, bus, keep clear, right turn only, exit only, etc.

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