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Iman Junior Edu Center 2023

Name : ______________________________
Age : ______________________________
Center : ______________________________
Development : Social and Emotional

No INFANT : 2 Months – 6 Months 3M 5M

1 See clearly within 13 inches from her face
2 Be comforted by a familiar adult
3 Respond positively to touch
4 Quiet when picked up
5 Listen to voices
6 Smile and show pleasure in response to social stimulation
7 Give warm smiles and laughs
8 Recognize faces
9 Cry when upset and seek comfort
10 Show excitement by waving arms and legs
11 Notice a difference between two people based on the way they look, sound, or
12 Smile at herself in the mirror
13 Enjoy looking at other babies
14 Pay attention to her own name
15 Laugh aloud
16 Take 4-7 ounces (120-280ml) of fluid per feed, 4-6 feedings per day
17 Be able to do about 20 sucks before stopping to breathe
18 Sucking, swallowing, and breathing are well-coordinated
19 Start to pat the bottle or breast with her hands during feeding
20 Start to eat small amounts of pureed foods such as infant cereal or pureed
fruit from a spoon


Iman Junior Edu Center 2023

Name : ______________________________
Age : ______________________________
Center : ______________________________
Development : Social and Emotional

No INFANT : 7 Months – 12 Months 3M 5M

1 Take 9-10 ounces (270-300ml) of food and/or liquid per feed
2 Start to pat the bottle or breast with her hands during feeding
3 Start to eat small amounts of thin, pureed foods such as infant cereal or pureed fruit
from a spoon
4 Start to suck on or bite on a baby cookie
5 Use some up and down chewing movement
6 Start to eat thicker pureed foods at 7 months
7 Eat ground or junior baby foods, or mashed table foods by 8 months
8 Try to drink from a cup held for him, but may lose a lot of liquid, may take large
mouthfuls of liquid and cough/choke
9 Move his tongue up and down, and to the side when chewing food
10 Mouth and munch on the spoon, toys, and baby biscuits
11 Hold his own bottle
12 Take longer sequences of sucks with cup drinking, but may still have trouble
coordinating drinking and breathing
13 Move her jaw and tongue a lot when chewing and moving food around in her mouth
14 Start to feed himself finger foods
15 Start to hold a spoon during meals, but may not feed herself with it yet
16 Bite and chew foods by himself
17 Move her jaw and tongue a lot when chewing and moving food around in her mouth
18 Start to feed himself finger foods
19 Start to hold a spoon during meals, but may not feed herself with it yet
20 Bite and chew foods by himself


Iman Junior Edu Center 2023

Name : ______________________________
Age : ______________________________
Center : ______________________________
Development : Social and Emotional

No TODDLERS : 13 Months – 24 Months 3M 5M

1 Recognize herself in the mirror or photograph and smile or make faces at herself
2 Begin to say ‘no’ to bedtime and other requests
3 Imitate adults’ actions and words (e.g. chores)
4 Understand words and commands, and respond to them
5 Hug and kiss parents, familiar people, and pets
6 Bring things to “show” other people
7 Begin to be helpful around the house
8 Begin to feel jealousy when she is not the center of attention
9 Show frustration easily
10 May play next to another child, but will not really share until 3 or 4 years of age
11 Be able to play alone for a few minutes
12 React to changes in daily routines
13 Share a piece of food
14 Develop a range of emotions (may have tantrums, show aggression by biting, etc)
15 Start to assert independence by preferring to try do things “by myself”, without help
16 Eat ground, mashed, or chopped table foods (including soft pieces of meat) by 15
17 Use her tongue well to move food from side to side in the mouth
18 Lose a bit of food or saliva out of the mouth while chewing
19 Bite foods well
20 Eat coarsely chopped table foods, including meats and raw vegetables by 18 months


Iman Junior Edu Center 2023

Name : ______________________________
Age : ______________________________
Center : ______________________________
Development : Social and Emotional

No PLAYGROUP : 2 Years – 3 Years 3M 5M

1 Be assertive about what he wants, and say no to adult requests
2 Start to show awareness of her own feelings and others’ feelings
3 Have rapid mood shifts
4 Show more fear in certain situations (e.g the dark)
5 Become shy, and may start to whine
6 Possibly become aggressive and frustrated easily
7 Not like change
8 Want independence, but still need security of parents
9 Need an ordered, predictable routine (ie: when saying good-bye to parents)
10 Watch other children in play, and join them briefly
11 Defend his possessions
12 Begin to play “house”
13 Begin to separate more easily from parents
14 Begin to show empathy to other children (respond to their feelings)
15 Eat the same foods as the rest of the family
16 Feed himself well with a spoon and fork
17 Have definite food likes and dislikes
18 Refuse certain foods
19 Pour liquids into his cup from a small container
20 Wipe his own mouth and hands with a napkin or cloth


Iman Junior Edu Center 2023

Name : ______________________________
Age : ______________________________
Center : ______________________________
Development : Social and Emotional

No KINDER : 4 Years 3M 5M
1 Share toys, taking turns with the help
2 Initiate or join in play with other children and makeup games
3 Follow simple rules in games, but will always want to win
4 Begin dramatic play, acting out whole scenes such as traveling or pretending to be
5 Might be bossy and defiant
6 Show more independence
7 Experience a broad range of emotions (ie: jealousy, excitement, fear, happiness,
8 Become less egocentric
9 Be more even-tempered and cooperative with parents
10 May show attachment to one friend
11 Show some awareness of moral reasoning, such as “fairness”, and good or bad
12 Develop friendships
13 Express more awareness of other people’s feelings
14 Enjoy imaginative play with other children, such as dress-up or house
15 Get better at sharing and taking turns with other children
16 Enjoy playing games, but might change the rules as he goes
17 Stick with a difficult task for a longer period (controlling frustration or anger better)
18 Show an understanding of right and wrong
19 Listen while others are speaking
20 Play games with simple rules


Iman Junior Edu Center 2023

Name : ______________________________
Age : ______________________________
Center : ______________________________
Development : Social and Emotional

No KINDER : 5 Years – 6 Years 3M 5M

1 Measure his performance against others
2 Feel more comfortable spending time at other places without you, such as a relative’s
or friends’ house
3 Continue to develop her social skills by playing with other children in a variety of
4 Be able to communicate with others without your help
5 Possibly want to be around you more at age 5 than at age 4. By age 8, he will probably
prefer being around his peers.
6 Start to feel sensitive about how other children feel about him
7 Show some awareness of moral reasoning, such as “fairness”, and good or bad
8 Develop friendships
9 Express more awareness of other people’s feelings
10 Enjoy imaginative play with other children, such as dress up or house
11 Get better at sharing and taking turns with other children
12 Enjoy playing games, but might change the rules as he goes
13 Stick with a difficult task for longer period (controlling frustration or anger better)
14 Show an understanding of right and wrong
15 Listen while others are speaking
16 Play games with simple rules
17 Enjoy playing games, but might change the rules as he goes
18 Stick with a difficult task for longer period (controlling frustration or anger better)
19 Show an understanding of right and wrong
20 Listen while others are speaking


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