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What do you think about the issues raised in the article? Do you agree with what was said?

Can you think of any other ways the news has changed over the years? (200 words)
The way we get news has come a long way. In the past, news was slower and required big equipment.
Today, our smartphones do it all. We used to wait for news on TV, but now we expect updates on our
phones instantly. People like you and me can share news, which is cool, but we have to be careful
about believing everything we see. Social media makes news spread fast, but we still trust reliable
sources. And we care more about what's happening around the world now. The change from then to
now shows how we've improved and adapted

Give a brief summary of the video and include your opinion about the content. (150 words)
● Explores the influence of media on people's thoughts and actions.
● Social aspect to media consumption.
● Why are people drawn to certain media messages?
● Emphasize the negative impact media can have on society.
● Propose to create a blog about games and the media.

Personally I have assumed that this type of digital “temptation” is a reality for society and that it will
soon be considered just another way of approaching a specific/certain audience with a specific goal
of attraction towards a product or ideology. Linking back to the topic about news and its development,
the ways of producing content and publishing it has also evolved and we are taking into account the
consequences of our own decisions and actions as a society in this aspect too.

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