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English 6
Summative Test #1

Test I: Identify what is referred to by each statement below. Choose from the word listed in the box.
Write your answers in the space provided.

Bandwagon Name-Calling Testimonial ___________1

. One of Glittering Generalities Plain Folks the more
effective propaganda
devices nowadays.
They want to see how a particular product or service brought value to a regular human being like
___________ 2. This uses fancy words or phrases that used to evoke a positive feelings rather
than to convey information.
___________ 3. This uses celebrities, authority figures or experts in the field to convince the
consumer that their product is worth it.
___________ 4. Connects a person, product or idea to something negative against others.
Insulting or demeaning labels are directed at an individual or group.
___________ 5. They ask people to join the crowd and take action because everyone is doing it.

Test II: Identify the type of propaganda devices shown in each picture and choose the word of the
correct answer.

6. 8.

Testimonial Name-calling Glittering generalities Bandwagon

7. 9.

Bandwagon Technical Jargon Appeal to fear Powerful words


Powerful words Name calling

Test III. Analyse the following statements and identify the technique used in each advertisement. Write the letter of
the correct answer in your notebook.
11. The drink everybody knows.
A. Name Calling B. Bandwagon C. Testimonial
12. Make the right choice, baked or fried?
A. Appeal to Fear B. Powerful Words C. Name Calling
13. If my favourite actress used this brand, It must be good. I must try it too!
A. Bandwagon B. Testimonial C. Plain Folks
14. The best coffee for the best you.
A. Testimonial B. Glittering Generality C. Powerful Words
15. Politicians have their picture taken visiting coffee shops, riding on tractors and doing other things that are usually
done by ordinary people.
A. Plain Folks B. Bandwagon C. Testimonial

Test IV: Read the statements below and tell whether if it is BIAS by choosing A and NOT BIAS by choosing B.

______ 16. My mother always thinks that I am the cutest baby in the world.

______ 17. According to study eating chocolates help us boost our serotonin or happy pill.

______ 18. Our church choir consist of male members, the choir director thinks that males are better singer than


______ 19. Dogs are aggressive animals.

______ 20. According to research persons with blood type O is more prone on having dengue.

Test V: Identify what is referred to by each statement below. Choose from the word listed in the box.
Write your answers in the space provided.

News Report Speech Recount

Historical Document Procedural/Instructional Test

______ 21. It is an original document that contains important historical information about a person, place or event

and can serve as primary sources.

______ 22. It instructs audience on how to complete a specific task.

______ 23. It is found in newspapers and news channels and their primary purpose is to inform readers of what is

happening in the world around them.

______ 24. It is an oral presentation that comes from a written text.

______ 25. It is a type of story. It tells what happened in the past recounting a series of events one after the other in

which they occurred.

Test VI: Identify what whether the type of information can be found in ALMANAC OR


______ 26. Most expensive phone

______ 27. Insects

______ 28. Miss Universe

______ 29. Project Green Environment

______ 30. Types of Mixture

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