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TEST A. Directions: Analyze and identify the propaganda technique used in each situation
below. Select your answer from the word bank and write it on a separate sheet of paper. 5

Name calling bandwagon soft soap
Card stacking plain folks

1. . A political candidate is labelling his opponent a “corrupt leader”.

2. . A common family is shown in an advertisement happily or excitedly

having noodles for their dinner.
3. . A seller of a handbag says to the customer, “You’ll look elegant with
this bag on you!”
4. . A make-up brand says that its products will make you look young
and beautiful but it doesn’t tell you the possible side effects of the chemicals in
products due to your skin.
5. . Maria has doubts about buying products online, but since most of her
friends are doing it, she dismisses her doubts and went ahead to buy some
products online.

TEST B. Directions: Analyze the definition and identify what propaganda technique it is referring to. Write
only the letter of your choice.

1. When a famous person or a celebrity endorses a certain view, they testify to the idea or the product.
a. bandwagon b. card stacking c. testimonial d. plain folks

2. This technique works in a way to establish that the speaker is regular and ordinary and has the same views
and opinions as the people he is appealing to.
a. name calling b. bandwagon c. testimonial d. plain folks

3. The technique used is such that it causes an audience to create a negative opinion about someone because
of the bad opinions they hear of them.
a. name calling b. loaded words c. card stacking d. soft soap

4. Most companies use this technique in advertising by highlighting the positives of a product while
downplaying any possible negatives or side-effects.
a. loaded words b. card stacking c. soft soap d. bandwagon

5. Influencing people by telling them how everyone is using the same product or is true to the same ideology.
a. soft soap b. loaded words c. bandwagon d. name calling

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