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Argumentative Essay - Elements Identification

Name: _______________________________________
Amy Sabillon 8th Grade A B C D Nov. 30th, 2023

The Essential Role of Brick-and-Mortar Schools in a Post-Pandemic Society

Instructions: Identify each argumentative essay elements. Highlight the claim, reason, evidence and counterclaim
using 4 different colors.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of traditional brick-and-mortar (traditional) schools has
been questioned as remote learning gained prominence. Many believe that online education is the future,
rendering physical schools obsolete. However, it is crucial to assert that traditional schools are very much
needed. Traditional schools are necessary and they must exist in order to fully develop a person’s social,
emotional and academic skills. We all know there are many countries where access to internet and
technological devices are not available for everyone, therefore, education cannot strive.

Traditional schools have a very important role in fostering social development. Students learn essential
interpersonal skills through face-to-face interactions with peers and teachers. These skills, including
communication, teamwork, and conflict resolution, are crucial for success in the real world. Studies
consistently show that students who attend physical schools develop better social skills than their exclusively
online counterparts. Face-to-face interactions in classrooms and on playgrounds play a pivotal role in the
emotional intelligence and social adaptability of students.

Some argue that online learning is more flexible and allows students to tailor their education to individual
needs. While this is true to some extent, it neglects the importance of face-to-face interactions and the
comprehensive development that physical schools offer.

Brick and mortar schools provide hands-on learning experiences that are challenging to replicate in an online
environment. Laboratories, art studios, physical education classes, and collaborative projects all contribute to
a well-rounded education that goes beyond textbooks and screens. Research indicates that students attending
brick-and-mortar schools generally perform better academically. The structured environment, immediate
feedback from teachers, and peer collaboration contribute to a more effective learning experience.

In conclusion, tradicional or brick-and-mortar schools remain an integral part of our post-pandemic society.
They play a crucial role in fostering social development, providing hands-on learning experiences, and
offering access to a wide array of resources. While online learning has its merits, it cannot fully replace the
multifaceted benefits that physical schools provide. As we navigate the future of education, it is imperative to
recognize and uphold the enduring value of traditional brick-and-mortar schools in shaping well-rounded,
socially adept individuals.

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