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"Hello, may I speak with Ajay or Ajay’s parent?

My name is SIVA, and I'm calling from FACE PREP Skill Development Company

Do you recall the WhatsApp message we sent earlier regarding your child's selection for the

You also expressed interest in learning more about this session. Have you heard of FACE PREP?
FACE PREP is India's largest skill development company with its headquarters in Coimbatore.

Purpose of the Call

"I'm calling to explain the purpose of the career counselling session and to gather information about
your child's educational performance.

Potential Identi cation

"Could you please provide me with your child's school group and the name of their school?

Who primarily guides your child's education

When inquiring about who guides the child's education, if the respondent mentions their profession
as "Business" or "Private Job," kindly ask for further details about their business or private job
without hesitation

Rapport Building

"Could you please share some information about your child's education?

"How have your child's marks been in their recent studies?

If the respondent mentions their child is struggling in studies, you can ask, "Have you taken any
speci c actions to support your child's educational improvement?

"What are your future plans regarding your child's education? Are they considering college, a
particular degree, or do they have any career goals in mind?

Need Generation

"Recently, I've spoken to several parents and students. Parents have expressed concerns about their
children doing well in education but not knowing what scores they need for college or degree

Many students in your child's age group struggle to nd updated career guidance, often relying on
outdated methods.

This is where FACE PREP comes in. We partner with 1500 colleges across India, including PSG,
KCT, Krishna, Krishnamma, VIT, SRM University, and more, for placement training. We also
collaborate with over 400 corporate companies like LinkedIn, ThoughtWorks, Tech Mahindra,
CTC, Infosys, Amazon, and others.








Additionally, FACE PREP plays a signi cant role in the 'NAAN MUDHALVAN SCHEME'
initiated by the Government of Tamil Nadu, where we provide training to students.

Based on this expertise FACE PREP is now offering career counselling sessions for 12th-grade
students to guide them in choosing the right degree, college, and job prospects, as well as helping
them perform well in their board exams to meet cutoff requirements.

Session Importance

"Our CAREER COUNSELLING SESSION is crucial. It comprises two main components:

rst, an interaction with your child and a personality assessment test to provide feedback on their
academic performance,

second, personalised guidance on what they need for their college, degree, and skills development.

This session lasts approximately 45 minutes, with the rst 10-20 minutes dedicated to the student,
the next 20 minutes for counselling, and the nal 5 minutes for addressing any questions or doubts.

We will also discuss courses, job opportunities in the next decade, and various scholarship and loan
opportunities available. There is even a special session for parents regarding scholarships and

Talk About the Counsellor

"This session will be conducted by an experienced senior counsellor who has advised over 11,000
parents and students, signi cantly improving their career prospects. They will guide you in
selecting a college with better placement opportunities.

Intent to Purchase

"FACE PREP, a skill development company, is exclusively placed in a select few colleges where the
only available program is placement degree programs. The reason for this exclusivity is that most
other colleges typically commence their placement training in the third year, whereas FACE PREP-
af liated colleges provide placement training right from the rst year.
At the end of the session, if you nd the placement degree program offered by FACE PREP-
af liated colleges suitable for your child's career aspirations, you will have the opportunity to apply
for a scholarship through the counsellor. If you are interested, you can complete the application
process on the spot.

Slot Fixing

"Provide a xed time and slot without asking when the customer will be available,
taking into consideration the customer's profession.
Focus on available slots, and if they request a timing change, brie y place the call on hold for 5
seconds to check for alternative slot options. Inform them that you are rescheduling another child's
session to accommodate their request
” It will create a demand for the session








Booking Form to Be Filled

"To con rm the session, I will now ll out a form with the following details

- Student nam

- Parent nam

- School and syllabu

- Parent’s profession (if applicable, please specify the nature of your business or job

- A valid WhatsApp numbe

- Alternate contact number (if the number I called is registered as the student's number

- Any additional comments or needs identi ed during our conversation.

- I hope this revised version helps you communicate your message more clearly and professionally


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