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- Organophosphates are the most widely used insecticides today.

- considered the main option for a lot of people in many countries to manage different
- Actually, organophosphate is more than 70 years now
- Many still use with certain purposes in gardens fields and greenhouses as crop
protection agents, or even at houses as public health agents.
- kill insects by disrupting their brains and nervous systems.
- Can exposure to organophosphates make people sick?
- Yes. Symptoms of sudden poisoning by organophosphates start during or after
exposure, depending on how the poison is contacted.
- Symptoms start fastest after organophosphates are breathed, by eating or drinking
contaminated food or water or
- Lets say for example u buy an apple from the market then u consume it right away
without washing it, and u never know how much or what chemical they put into it, in
just a small bite there’s a possibility na ma poison ka
- getting them on your skin
- So as u have noticed when farmers are spraying pesticides their wearing a full suite or
protection, like covered lahat ng katawan nila, for them not be exposed to pesticides
because when their exposed to pesticides it may results irritation to eye nose and
- This also includes dizziness headaches nausea or even vomiting

Chlorinated hydrocarbons

- Organochlorines or the insecticides

- Example of this is aldrin that are widely used as pesticides for crops like corn, cotton, and
citrus fruit,
- But some chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides such as ddt, and chlordane are not found
in farms nowadays as they are banned due to their prolong persistence, high toxicity to
animals and humans.

- poisonous substance used to kill insects, nematodes, and other animals or plants
- nematodes are roundworms na naga dapo sa animals or plants they occur as parasites
- this are toxic to animals, plants and microorganisms when they are applied.
- - and this pesdicides when u applied it to the soil, it will form a gas, and this gas will
control the pests that live in the soil
Inorganic pesticides

- These elements are considered a broad-spectrum poison because they are highly
poisonous and indestructible, which means they stay in the environment forever.
- Now what are inorganic pesticides used for?
- Inorganic Pesticides that contain sulfur can be used as a fungicide and insecticide and
disrupts the normal body functions of any insect that touches or eats it.
- These elements are considered a broad-spectrum poison because they are highly
poisonous and indestructible.
- One of the example of inorganic pesticides include copper sulfate
- Copper sulfate is an organic compound that combines sulfur with copper. It can kill
bacteria, algae, roots, plants, snails, and fungi
- And how this copper sulfate kills the bacteria
- Well Copper ions damage cell membranes and destroy the DNA or RNA of these
Natural organic pesticides

- Organic pesticides are usually considered as those pesticides that come from natural
- For example, nicotine, extracted from tobacco.
- Pyrethrum extracted form a type of flower.
- And examples of insecticide is
- Neem, neem oil is made of many components, its usually came from a neem tree. This
insecticide reduces insect feeding and acts as a repellent. It also interferes with insect
hormone systems, making it harder for insects to grow and lay eggs.
- Pyrethrum is a highly effective natural insecticide. It is used in all manner of insect pests.
- It can be sprayed on or near fruits, vegetables or even in any ornamental plants.
Microbial agents and biological controls

- Microbes act as biocontrol agents in three ways, either they cause diseases in the pests
or compete with them or kill them.
- Different organisms such as beetles, wasps, mites and fungi can be used as biocontrol
agents to stop introduced weeds and insects from damaging natural habitats, taonga
species, and farms in an environmentally friendly way
- Biological control is the use of living organisms to suppress pest populations, making
them less damaging than they would
- Bacillus turindiyaynsis (bt)
- naturally occurring bacteria that is commonly found in soil and food.
- is known as the most successful microbial insecticide against different orders of insect
pests in agriculture and medicine
- It is used to kill beetles , the larvae of mosquitoes, black flies, and moths.
- So inshort the bt will serve as the protection, they will eat up any insects that might
harm that specific plant.
Overall the Benefits of pesticides help
- Improve crop yields
- Save trees from disease and insect damage
- Maintain lawns
- Help control infestations of invasive plants
And that’s the end of my report thankyou for listening

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