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book review

Book: The boy in the striped pyjamas by John Boyne

This book has one of the most emotional stories I’ve ever read! It’s set in World War II, the
main characters are Bruno and Shmuel, two innocent boys with completely different life
experiences, one is the son of a nazi officer, and the other one came from a jewish family
who come together just to have fun and just be boys despite their backgrounds. Although the
story it’s from a child’s perspective it makes you want to know how they keep their forbidden
friendship, however it has the saddest ending. It turns out that Bruno’s father runs a
concentration camp.
One day, Bruno decides to go with Shmuel inside the concentration camp where his father
worked to see what it was like. Sadly, on that day, everyone in the camp was taken to a
chamber where they were burned alive, Bruno and Shmuel holding hands until the end. The
father realized how wrong he was after that tragedy that cost his child life. I was heartbroken
and shocked when I finished reading it. Even after I couldn’t stop crying with that end I highly
recommend everyone to read this book, it has everything and the story keeps you interested.
The book makes you see the innocence in which a child lives, who doesn’t understand
differences or the evil work that his father does.

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