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Week 9 Internship

A class paper Submitted For

Dr. Ross


Sydney Jones

Rome, Georgia

October, 2023
Hours this week: 40

Hours accrued: 241

This week I was still in recovery from my concussion, so I had to get creative with my

hours. I helped the women’s and men’s lacrosse teams create some social media content, which

was a lot of fun. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to create cool designs and use my artistic side. I

also helped my coach in preparation for game day, since my team competed in our first play day

of the fall on saturday. Since I was limited in how much I could do on the screen, I did a lot more

office work than I had before. I sort of just sat on standby and was available for anyone who

maybe needed a helping hand.

Since I know I'm even more setback in hours, I plan to really lock in and go out of my

way to ask every coach if I could come out and help film a practice or maybe create content for

them as well in hopes of building more connections and getting to learn about what college

athletics is like from the points of view of different sports. The more I work in the office the

more I am leaning towards the idea of maybe being an AD at a school, and I feel this tactic will

give me a great chance to not only tack on extra hours outside of the regular office day, but also

learn from different coaches.

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