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Week 6 Internship

A class paper Submitted For

Dr. Ross


Sydney Jones

Rome, Georgia

September, 2023
Hours this week: 31

Hours accrued: 143

This week was pretty boring, there was not a lot going on that I was able to help with. As

the weeks go on I am definitely learning that this type of job can be very hot and cold. When it is

busy, it is very busy. However, when it is not busy, it is super boring. There is a lot of just

proactive planning for future events. Once we got past the start of the fall sports seasons and

everyone got the hang of things, it all became a lot less hectic. I’ve still enjoyed getting to do

write ups and did two for volleyball this week.

I hope to keep doing the write ups in the future and maybe start to learn more aspects of

game days, such as getting to run the online live stats computer. I’m also very interested in

learning more about field operations during games. I love getting to film the games, but I think it

would be cool to be closer to all of the action sometimes. I’m looking forward to another great


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