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Week 2 Internship

A class paper Submitted For

Dr. Ross


Sydney Jones

Rome, Georgia

September, 2023
Hours this week: 17

Hours accrued: 17

This week I got to start my internship. Since it was the first game week for several sports,

it was pretty hectic in the athletic department. I helped out where I could, which for the first two

days mostly involved redirecting football players who were coming to get their amateur status

approved. The volume of players who needed to be verified posed a lot of issues for the

compliance director because on Wednesday morning, the NCAA website went down. I got to see

first hand how problems like this get resolved. Ava, our compliance director, also had to do some

damage control because several players were ruled ineligible for the first game due to their

untimeliness. I also helped Kylie design football tickets for this season and brain storm

fundraising ideas.

I also worked the soccer games on Thursday night, which I surprisingly had a lot of fun

doing. I was just working as a ball girl, but I really enjoyed seeing the interactions between the

table and officials, as well as just getting an understanding of what all goes into preparing for a

gameday. I helped with field setup and takedown, which is a lot more hands on than I ever gave

any credit for. As a player, I never really considered all that goes into my own sport’s game days,

but this was really eye opening. I'm prepared to work a more intense week this week, as we have

several home sporting events.

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