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Week 12 Internship

A class paper Submitted For

Dr. Ross


Sydney Jones

Rome, Georgia

November, 2023
Hours this week: 38

Hours accrued: 350

This week I did mostly work in the office, helping Mr. Hendrix do a lot of “chores”

around WKC. Pajer and I had to roll up all of the carpet that was in front of the concession stand

in the gym which was actually really hard for just two people to tackle. I also helped organize a

storage closet, helping sort through everything and throw away what was garbage. I also spent a

lot of time with my coach in her office planning a community service project for women’s

lacrosse to do this year for the school that I am SUPER excited for, which we will hopefully be

able to put into motion as soon as this week.

It also seems I have officially taken on more of a manager role for the men’s lacrosse

team, which I am happy to help and get to add that experience to my resume. I arranged a media

day for them and am excited to see how it turns out. I also decided to go through and work on

updating teams’ records, so I created a spreadsheet and have started to go through and update the

top 10 in each category of the record book. The week ended with the last football home game,

where I filmed the game and helped with game setup/takedown. Week 11 I completed 14 hours,

but got hit in practice and suffered from a second concussion within a month, so that is how my

total is at 350. I am going to just have to hit 50 hours for the next 3 weeks to reach 500.

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