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Monday- Today is the beginning of flood awareness week.

It is a week designed to ensure that

people become more aware and prepared for flooding events. This is especially important for

people who live by the lake as many properties in that area are located in federally designated

flood zones. Last week I made some content for the Baldwin County social media accounts and

I was tasked with monitoring how much engagement we were seeing with the posts.

Tuesday- There was the second and final hazardous materials meeting at the government

building today. They further discussed the items that were requiring updates and how to more

efficiently enact the plan that has been set. Unfortunately through the past months there have

been some personnel changes and that has led to a serious backlog in the system due to the

fact that the new people have to be trained and filled in on all of the details. This is actually

pretty interesting because I hadn’t considered the endurance that a personal change could carry

with it. Hopefully everything works out.

Wednesday- Today was a fairly average day at the office. There wasn’t much new for me to do

so I worked on getting some things filed away and worked on a few more designs for the

challenge coins that I started last week. My site supervisor wanted a wide variety to choose

from so I put on my graphic designer hat and gave it my all. That was the majority of my day.

Thursday- besides the usual bout of routine office work that I was asked to do, I was given the

task of looking at the reports that have come in from businesses all over the city that are

considered vital. It was my job to give a total estimate of the amount of water that all of these

facilities would need to operate for seven days. This was a job that I actually enjoyed a bit. The

information that I collected and put together felt like it would be practical and useful in the event

of an emergency. I enjoy work more when I know that the information that I have collected will

be applied and useful. I think that’s what always bugged me a little bit about research papers.

Friday- I wish I could say it was the last day of the week before a break but the structure of this

course does not make the allowance for spring break that other courses do. Part of me

understands that you don’t get spring break off when you have a career but it’s also kind of a
shame that the last one I have in my school career will be spent in an office. I did the math and

if I didn’t work next week I would have to work 40 hours a week for the next four weeks and that

would put me right at the end. I just don’t know if that is a safe policy. I've discussed a bit with

my supervisor and we discussed the idea of me working for half of the week so that the make-

up time wouldn’t be too bad and I think that’s what I might be doing but I will write the report on

that next week.

My work today consisted of putting together an extended list of shelter facilities for pets in the

event of an emergency. There are a number of kennels around Milledgeville but they all have

semi stringent requirements about the temperament, size and food provisions for the dog. I’m

not entirely sure how practical the application of this information will be, but that’s OK

Date TIme in Time Out Hours worked

3/6/23 9:00 4:00 7 hrs

3/7/23 9:00 4:00 7 hrs

3/8/23 9:00 4:00 7 hrs

3/9/23 9:00 3:00 6 hrs

3/10/23 9:00 3:00 6hrs

Weekly total 33

Grand total 289

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