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Monday- There was another train derailment and this time it was in michigan.

My supervisor

wanted me to find all information available about the current status of Georgia’s railroad

infrastructure and how likely an event like this could occur in Milledgeville. Of course I’m not a

statistician so an exact probability couldn’t be determined but I spent the day compiling as much

knowledge as I could about how well Georgia’s freight rail infrastructure is doing.

Tuesday- I finished compiling the infrastructure data and handed it in to my supervisor and

spent the rest of the day doing some routine office work like getting some things filed away and

sorting through boxes of old reports and getting rid of unimportant ones and keeping the

important ones.

Wednesday- My supervisor told me today and the rest of the week will consist of educational

things that he wants me to do in order to better understand the industry of emergency

management. The first thing he wanted me to do was to research how a water treatment plant

for a small town operates and what systems are in place to keep it up and running in the event

of things like a severe power outage.

Thursday- Today the learning is about power plants and energy substations. I looked up how a

variety of power plants work like those that use coal, natural gas, nuclear and hydroelectric. We

had covered this material a bit in a class that I had taken but a more in-depth analysis was very

interesting and it goes to show how much engineering and work goes into maintaining a proper

electrical grid.

Friday-Another piece of infrastructure that I was tasked with understanding was the city's

drainage system. Some large metropolitan areas like Atlanta have a tough time with heavy rains

here because there is not an adequate amount of drainage available for all of the water in the

system to get backed up and cause flooding. I tried to find everything I could on milledgeville‘s

underground storm drain system and my supervisor wanted me to draft a small report on

whether or not I thought it would be enough if severe water downfall were to happen.
I was informed by whoever reviews these journals that I made a mistake with my hour

calculation last week and I have adjusted accordingly. I apologize for that, I was tired when I

finished my journal and messed up. However I do have something I would like to call to your

attention. Throughout these weeks I have gotten poor scores on my journals on account of

“typos“. I have thoroughly proofread all of my journals and cannot find these typos that keep

costing me my grade. If in the future you find these, could you please be specific with what is

wrong so that I don’t make the same mistake? Thank you.

Date TIme in Time Out Hours worked

2/20/23 9:00 3:00 6 hrs

2/21/23 9:00 3:00 6 hrs

2/22/23 9:00 4:00 7 hrs

2/23/23 9:00 4:00 7 hrs

2/24/23 9:00 3:00 6hrs

Weekly total 32

Grand total 224

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